My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 149

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During the days that Shun went for his business meetings, Cassie hangs out at Miss Loura's school and helps the preparation of her wedding soon.

"Oh, my goodness!" Bella burst out the moment she saw Cassie personally. She already heard about Shun's girlfriend and fiancee, and seeing her now is she was like staring at a doll.

No wonder the boss is doting her too much. She looked like a Princess! Bella thought to herself, she has the urge to dress up Cassie like a Barbie doll.

"I wonder if the President would agree to me if I make you as my very special model on my new collection!"

"I think, not a good idea," Loura disagree.

"Eh? Why? She is too pretty! My goodness!" Bella still can't take off her eyes from Cassie.

"Because she is now preggie and the President won't like to tire his girlfriend."

"Oh my God! Is that true? Wow! Congrats Miss Cassie!" Bella happily congratulated her and even become more excited after hearing the news.

"Then, how about a model of my preggie collection dress? That's perfect even more!" Bella has no plan to give up. "I'll go and talk to the president! I think he would agree!" Bella had a brilliant idea now running inside her head.

"If you able to convince him, then maybe."

"He'll definitely agree! Am sure of it!"

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Loura laughs and whispered to Cassie. "That's the real Bella, would never give up even how impossible it is, she won't stop… just one thing," Loura paused.

"Wait, I think I know what you mean!" Bella yells.

Cassie just listens to them amusingly. Looks like, they were very good friends. "Miss Bella, I think someone you would love to meet instead."

"Is that true, Miss Cassie?"

"Yes, I will introduce to you, my cousin who is older than me. And please, just calls me Cassie. I wouldn't be comfortable to be called by you," she told the famous designer. She actually felt shy to be called with a formal address.

"Aw, you are so pretty and cute!" Bella embraces Cassie, she is truly fond of her thinking she is like a doll.

This is the scene that Shun saw when he picks up Cassie to have a checkup today. She didn't bear the fasting until morning and she has to eat a little, now she is prepared for her checkup.

"President Crow, good afternoon," Bella greeted Shun.

He nodded as a response to Bella and the other people in that room.

"Hi Shun," Loura greeted. "I think, Bella had something to talk with you."

Bella's face turned pale when Loura suddenly told Shun about something they talk earlier.

"What is it?" Shun's forehead showing few dark lines.

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"Loura?" Bella glances at her and gives an embarrassed look. Laura gesture and said 'go ahead'.

Bella gathered the courage she needs. "President Crow, I just wanted to get your opinion if you agreed to be the model of my new collection. I mean, you and Cassie when she has the visible bump soon."

Shun glance at Cassie before he gives Bella an answer. "Let us talk about it first," he said.

"Thank you, President Crow!"

* * *

Cassie just finished taking all her test and they just waiting for the results. She never gets this excited to eat after long hours of fasting, that is why she can't stop putting food in her mouth.

"Hey, slow down, might it choke you," Shun reminds her. However, he was amused by watching her eating a lot like this. Of course, she is not alone consuming that food but someone inside her. He smiled.

"Here, have some water," Shun is really spoiling her a lot. It is what made her fall in love with him deeply.

Shun and Cassie went back to her doctor to find out the result of her tests.

"I'll say this straight, Cassie, you need to stop taking the medicine now as it is not good for your pregnancy. I'll research if there is suitable medicine for a pregnant patient like your case. So, hold on if you experience the symptoms, okay?"

Cassie glance at Shun who now showing a worried facial expression. She squeezed Shun's hand. She knows, she will be okay as long Shun is always by her side. She has nothing to worry about.

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"Anyways, Doctor Williams wanted to study your case Cassie, so we may have a big chance that Doctor Williams could have created medicine for you."

Cassie looks at Shun happily. Then, this is good news! Cassie smiled and thanked her doctor. After more advice, they left the hospital and decided to visit the Church of Notre Dame. Hand in hand Shun and Cassie walk down the aisle and admire the beauty of this old and famous church.


End of July, the day Larry and Loura will exchange their vows. As the weather forecast says it will going to rain in the evening, Loura decided to move their wedding reception on this hotel instead of a garden as the original plans.

Bella sent Cassie a beautiful white dress that made Shun compliments now and then of how beautiful she is wearing this dress. Shun take her hand and kiss the back of her palm.

"I love you, Cassandra Young."

Shun was tempted to kiss her lips but he would just mess up her lipstick even though it is matte and last longer.

"Let's go?" Shun offers his arm and Cassie hooks her hand around Shun's. Together, they ride the lift going down to the parking lot. The wedding ceremony is held at the Church and they will come back to the hotel for the wedding reception after.

The wedding ceremony is beautiful like Daichi and Riley's beach wedding that Cassie had witnessed. It is wonderful when seeing two people exchanging vows of their love to each other when the two are really in love.

Attended by famous people, the wedding was respected and they finish the ceremony quietly. There are media and paparazzi spotted around but they just peacefully took a picture in the distance.

This is nice, Cassie thought. Because back in Mainland City, the reporters are crazy just to get near to get interviews and pictures.

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After the wedding ceremony ended, everyone now went back to the hotel. Dancing and singing are to be heard inside the Hall. Shun brought Cassie to the dance floor twice already and enjoying every moment they have tonight.

Levi brought Madison at the wedding and Bella never left her alone. She is convincing Madison to walk for her fashion show next month with a theme of Paris Summer Collection.

Shun went outside to answer an important call he received, it was Chairman Crow. It took a while already that Shun left to answer a call. Cassie decided to follow him outside when she heard two voices talking in the lounge of this floor.

Levi was horrified the moment he saw her eavesdropping at what they were discussing.

"Cassie? How long have you been there?" Levi was like seeing a ghost.

Shun quickly stood up from the sofa and face her. "Cassandra…"

Cassie doesn't know what to feel right now. All she felt was like her body was numbing and her strength suddenly draining out. She can't decide whether to cry or shout until she had enough.

"Let me explained, please…" the way her reaction, Shun is guessing that she heard a lot.

"Cassandra…" Shun attempted to hold her but Cassie smacks his hand.

"Don't touch me…" she said coldly.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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