My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 160

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The night is getting older and no one from the men would yield from drinking. The wives decided to leave them and take a rest. Cassie brought Madison and Joanna to the guest room as the two girls decided to share a room even though there is still more vacant room.

Kier already reached his limit but wanted to drink more, Jean threaten him to sleep outside if he won't stop drinking now, so Matt and David help their older brother to get to the bedroom he now shared with Jean on this mansion.

Doctor Ben Ryan also got drunk and sleeping in one of the sofa beds in the open living room just next to the pool garden. James ordered Lucas to take a photo of him being drunk and post it on the Mainland University website to show how their handsome professor got drunk.

Quinn just shook his head and laughed watching his friends making fun at Ben who's now snoring. Mark Lao who is the second-youngest after Levi began feeling dizzy from trying to catch up with the older men.

"That's enough Mark," Rudolf snatched the glass from Mark's hand.

"I can drink more," he tried to drink from the bottle.

"Enough. Come on now, let's go to my room." Rudolf gets up and dragged Mark away from the table.

Jason and Lorna also came over and preparing to go home as Jason has an important meeting tomorrow.

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Karl, Meisha, Derek, Lucas, James, and Daichi continued drinking at the poolside, then Matt and David join them again. Rudolf also came back after Mark settled down to his bedroom and snoring to sleep now.

Levi also tried to compete with the adults but get drunk already as he still not used to drink any hard liquor… he is the youngest among them and being nosy like Daichi.

"Why do I have to babysit you?" Quinn complains while helping Levi to lie on the bed.

"Of course, I am your special guest, you should have to take care of me… wait, am going to--" Levi is like going to puke...

"Don't you dare to puke on the mattress!" He pulled Levi on his feet and lead him to the bathroom.

"You plan to inherit your family's company, but you are showing weaknesses like this? And you dragged me into this and even lecturing you?"

"Because you are the man!" Levi throws a weak punch to his shoulder then laughs.

"Master, here's the hangover soup."

"Okay, have some soup to sober up. Why did you left Mr. Pete and come here with Madison alone? You're such an irresponsible and now acted like a baby to let others take care of your mess."

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"Shut up, brother. Get out now and go to Cassie. Shoo..."

"Huh. You're kicking me out on my own house? You've got some nerves, brat."

"Yeah, yeah…" Levi sits on the floor and drinks the soup.

"Master, I will take care from here, you can rest now as well…"

"Alright… thank you, Mr. Son."

The butler bows and Quinn left Levi on his care. He is thinking of going back to the others but he wants to check Cassandra if she felt fine.

Cassie was now sleeping but he saw the balcony door still wide open and the air conditioning is off. He turned the cooler first and adjust the temperature before he closes the door.

Quinn pulls the comforters to cover Cassie's body when she was woken up. "What are you doing? You reek of alcohol, go away!" she pushes him. Cassie still half-sleep and kicks the comforters.

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He decided to take a quick shower then brushes his teeth and even use a mouthwash to make sure Cassie won't smell any alcohol from his mouth. He notified the others that he will now be going to sleep, but he was stormed with replies instead and teases told he doesn't need to announce. Quinn laughs then he noticed that Cassie is looking at him.

"Who were you texting this hour?"

"Ah… I told them I won't go back anymore and will just go to bed now." Quinn answered.

"Okay." Cassie then turned to her other side and give her back on him.

Does she felt jealous? Thinking he was texting someone else this hour? Quinn smirked. As Cassie doesn't like to blanket the comforter he chooses the thin fabric and slowly put the blanket on Cassie's body.

Quinn brushes Cassie's arm intentionally. When she didn't show any reaction, he continued to stroke Cassie's smooth arm upward her right shoulder, and nape. He rested for a moment and waited for her to shrugged off his hand but Cassie didn't move an inch.

Quinn continued touching Cassie's body, his hand massaging her back down to her waist, which Cassie still not made any reaction when his hand made a circular motion on her abdomen so he takes this opportunity to pull Cassie closer to his body.

Cassie bit her lower lip to avoid making any noise. She closes her eyes when Quinn grabbed her waist and feel that part of his body whose aching for attention. She found Quinn's hand stroking gently her skin downward to her legs. He inserted his hand to her nightie and touch her baby bump. She could feel his heavy breathes on her nape when his palm began to fondle her chest. Cassie presses her lips.

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Quinn grabs her shoulder to face him. He held her chin and place his mouth on her lips. She could feel his hunger ramming her insides, giving her intense kisses. Quinn did not leave her lips while his hand continues wandering every inch of her body.

Cassie gasps and moans altogether against Quinn's mouth every time his hand touches the sensitive parts of her body.

She pants for air when Quinn parted his mouth from hers and kisses down to her neck and shoulder blades. She gasped when Quinn places tiny bites on her skin.

"Quinn," she moans. She's in a daze thinking it will leave a mark tomorrow.

After he undressed her, he gives Cassie intense kisses again. . . gently, he parted her legs and careful not to press her belly while he slowly entered her body. Cassie breathes heavily and holds on Quinn's neck throughout as their bodies become one over again.

"Cassandra," he kisses her passionately. "I love you. . ."

Tears ran down her cheeks but no words came out from her mouth. Instead, she pulled Quinn's neck and place a kiss on his lips.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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