My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 161

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Cassie turned her head to look at the woman who speaks behind her.

"Am sorry, ma'am? How did you know my name?"

"Ah, Marivella's marks."

"My birthmark?" she asked the lady puzzly.

"The same as hers…"

Cassie looks at herself in the glass wall in that building. She turned around to check her back where her birthmark is visible from her dress.

"The comet will land to the ground, and a butterfly will find his way…"

Cassie tilted her head confused by the woman's riddles. What's the connection between her comet-like birthmark and the butterfly? She doesn't understand.

"One day, the butterfly finds you. . . He'll find you no matter what and you'll find him in many places. . ."

"When the comet and the butterfly born on this lifetime, let then Marivella and Carlisle, continue their unfinished love story. . ."

"Cassandra? Where are you?"

Cassie runs towards Landon. She turned her head to look at the Lady but she wasn't there anymore. Does this room have a secret door? There is no other exit way but this hallway where she meets her dad.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Landon asked his daughter.

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"I meet someone earlier, looks like she left now."

Landon looks around but the waiting lounge is empty. He also wonders if that place has an invisible door.

"Glad you found her," Hannah feels relieved seeing her daughter. "Don't just go wander around, New York is a very crowded city."

"I'm sorry, mama. I saw a butterfly and I followed it. I didn't notice I was brought here." Cassie explains.

"Alright. Looks like, we better get you a phone for you to call us or we could call you if you lost again."

"Okay, mama. Thank you…" she smiled at her parents.

"Honey, what's the matter?" Landon asked Cassie when he noticed something was bothering his daughter.

"Papa, the woman said, a comet will land and a butterfly will find me. What is that suppose to mean? And do you know someone who has a butterfly birthmark?"

"Butterfly birthmark?" Hannah was intrigued by what her daughter is sharing. "Why?"

"The lady said when that happens, then let Carlisle and Marivella will continue their love story on this lifetime. . . Who is Carlisle? And Marivella? Is it truly me as what the lady said?" Cassie stares at her parents who were very surprised.

Landon and Hannah look at each other. They were only the one who went to see the possession Hannah receives from her ancestors. Landon felt Hannah's hand squeezing his hand too tight.

They both know Quinn has a butterfly birthmark on his back. Then, there's no doubt why he looks exactly like Carlisle. And Hannah, she just heard the name from her grandmother and thinks, it is a beautiful name for her daughter.

"Mama, why are you crying?"

Hannah shook her head. "I'll go and find Robert, I want to talk to him again. Honey, don't leave your father's side, okay? I'll be right back."

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Cassie watched her mother's back while gesturing of wiping her tears. She was very confused.

"Honey, come. . . let us sit here while waiting for your mama."

She follows her father and sits beside him.

"Do you like living in Paris?"

Cassie's eyes grow wider. "Paris? Isn't Quinn was in Paris, Papa?" Excitement showed all over her face. She waited for her father to nod. Landon smiled at her.

"Yes. When we arrived at Mainland City and meet your uncle, you will go to Paris with him and staying with him for a while."

"How about you and Mama?"

"We'll visit you often. There are many things I have to take care of first. Do you understand?"

"Yes, papa! Can I message Quinn? I will tell him am going to Paris!"

"Alright, but it's night in Paris now."

"Hmm… just one message!"

She heard her father chuckles, then give his phone and she excitedly typing her message to Quinn.

"Quinn, am going to Paris and I will live with my uncle there!"

Cassie was startled seeing a connecting call showing on the phone screen. She showed it to her father.

"Oh, Quinn is making a video call."

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"Huh?" Her face suddenly got flushed and she stayed staring at her father.

"Alright, I'll go buy us a drink. You go talk to Quinn."

Her father strokes her long hair before he stood up and left her alone. She nervously swipes the answer button and Quinn appeared on the screen. He looks like he was just woken up and he has no upper shirt!

Cassie's cheeks got blushes and she just froze in front of the phone screen.

"Cassandra? Is this true?"

Quinn asked her. He looks so handsome and she got shy to speak now.

"Are you alright? Is something wrong?"

He asked then she saw how he looks very surprised.

"Tell me, are you in New York? The buildings behind you!"

"Am…" she turns her head and look behind her. "Yes. We're in New York right now. Mama received a call from someone that she has to come here, so we flew the other day."

"I see. Then is your coming to France has a date already?"

"No. Not yet. I will just know after we went back to the Mainland City. Where in Paris do you live, Quinn?" She asked excitedly.

"Ah. . . am actually staying in Italy right now, with my aunt. But I do often go to Paris for business meetings. I'll see you there."

"Yes, Quinn! Soon! Then, how I will know?"

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"Right, if you already arrive in Paris, send me a message where I could contact you then let's meet at the Warsaw Fountain in Trocadéro Garden."

"Where is that?" She asked excitedly.

"Just in front of the Eiffel Tower, down the Chaillot Palace. Let's meet there and watch when the Eiffel Tower lighted."

"Is that a promised?" Happiness showed on her face. She witnesses how Quinn laughs sexily. It made her heart skip a beat.

"Yes. I promise to meet you there. . ."

She able to talk with Quinn a little longer but she knew Quinn has to sleep as getting past midnight in Italy.

Cassie notices her parents walk towards her and so she runs to meet them halfway and throw her arms around them.

"Thank you, Mama, and Papa!"

"Quinn promised to meet me in Paris! We will meet near the Eiffel Tower, he said. Mama, Papa, I will tell Quinn that I already know why he has to leave and took so long and why he never comes back to Hiryuu Island."

"Would Quinn allows me to take care of him? I would tell him I already forgive him for keeping it a secret from me. Right, mama? Papa?"


She feels the warm fingers tracing something on her back. She was woken up by it and now she began recalling what happened last night. . . now it made her face flushes.

She also did try to recall her dream just now. She was very happy to see her parents visiting her dreams. But she wonders what was that all about… she actually has no idea and can't remember all the details of her dream.

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•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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