My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 162

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Warsaw Fountain, Tocadéro Garden

It is still summer night, but the sky is crying tonight. It was like, the Heaven is mourning along with him. It's been a month now but he could not still pull himself together.

Quinn halted from walking and looks up to the sky. He let the rain pouring down on him.

"Hey, you!"

A group of men now surrounded him on this middle garden of Trocadéro, near the Warsaw Fountain.

"Are you blind? Not even apologizing? Hey, f**king a***ole! Now playing deaf?"

A man strongly smacks his back. Quinn forced to take two steps forward. He sighed then laughs.

"What the. . ."

The men who surrounded him got pissed from his attitude.

"You've got some balls laughing at us after you bumped into my girlfriend and not even apologizing?"

"Looks like this man wants some beating," the leader let his knuckles make the sound and prepared his punches to throw. He go-around to face Quinn and make an attack pose.

"I'll grant your wis--! Ugh…"

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Before the guy lands his punch to Quinn's face, someone kicks him on the body. He landed on the ground holding his abdomen. The guy's company startled and stunned for a moment. After realizing what happens, they began to throw punches at the guy who kicks their boss.

However, he is not alone but another five guys now surrounding them as well. . . and the two groups exchanging punches, kicking, and doing some Martial Arts exercises. Quinn just standing in the middle and keeps waiting for the punch to land on his face.

He waited for a very strong one that would knock him in one go. But why does he could still felt no force hits him? He opens his eyes and saw the group he bumped into just a while ago were now lying on the ground and groaning in pain. But, the French Police also standing around them.

He was a bit confused but he decided to raise his hand as well, even if he doesn't do anything. A policeman grabs him and gestured to step inside the patrol car…

Meanwhile, at the Police Station. . .

"Damn it, Quinn! My first time in Paris and am staying overnight in prison!" Kier complains, kicking the cold bars. The police Chief on this station glared at him from his desk. Kier left the cold bars and sit next to Quinn.

Kier tilted his head to glare at Quinn who still grinning. "Have you realize? Am going to lose my spot at Harvard! If the school learned this, my scholarship would be forfeited, Quinn!"

Quinn just laughed. "And who told you to come and bought my fight?"

"Your fight? You a**, you just f****ing standing there and waiting to beat up. That's your fight?"

Rudolf murmurs who sit on his left side. Quinn look at other men who he never imagined would come to the rescue. No. They were here to mourn with him, right?

"And I am really dragged into this," Larry complains next. "What my students would say after they will hear that their teacher got into some trouble?"

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"You all should stay calm down. Now I was also involved in this mess! Wait, looks like someone I forget. . ." Derek tried to think then he suddenly remembers. "Chief! Please let me have my phone! I need to call my girlfriend! I planned to propose tonight! Argh! I totally forget our dinner!" Derek kneeled hugging the cold bars. "Chief!"

Everyone looks up to the woman who arrived at the station. She wore a black stiletto and a fitted short dress.

"Ah, Officer Bennett, ma'am," a policeman greeted her.

"Karen. . ."

"Sweetheart! Don't think I ditch our dinner! I am all ready to meet you! I just pick up something before I proceed to our meeting place. In fact, I am planning to--"

Derek reaches out his pocket and took out the ring he prepared for his proposal. He opens it and shows to Karen. She was very surprised staring at the beautiful ring and tears began falling down her eyes.

"Is this really true?" Karen asked him, wanted to make sure this is not just a drama like Derek directed this proposal thing and everyone acting that they were imprisoned.

"I love you. Please, spend your whole life with me." His proposal.

"Yes! Every breath I have!" Karen answered.

Suddenly, the prison becomes a romantic place with this proposal. All the people who were there cheered and clapped their hands. Karen Bennett as a Police Patroller Officer, she was familiar by everyone.

Derek put the ring on Karen's finger and they kissed between the prison bars. Loura just newly arrived witnessing this, she quickly takes out her phone to record this special moment. Also, Blaire is behind her with Meisha who just arrived from the US.

"Hoi, Meisha! You should arrive earlier to join us here!" Daichi shouted and laughs. It was Blaire who snapped it out at him.

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"What are you talking about brother Daichi! Meisha has to compete for the Touring Cup and you wanted him to get a police record?"

"Eh! Am just joking! Quinn, your sister is too scary!" He acted foolishly as usual when his eyes spotted someone. His mouth dropped in the floor staring at the woman.

She strides closer and looked at a certain person. "Quinn, the Chairman, and the Lady are waiting outside. Prepared yourself."

"Hi! I am Daichi!" He extends his hand behind this prison bars. However, the woman just glances at his hand. "Oh, wait!" He pulls back his hand and wipes it on his shirt before he stretches it back toward the beautiful woman. . . but she just ignores him and left to talk to the Chief Police. "Eh?"

"Quinn! Who's she?" Daichi asked him eagerly. Quinn just grins and shook his head.

"Asked her yourself," he replied and sat up from the cold floor of this Police Station in Paris. Somehow, he felt happy over his broken heart.

Who would have thought? That tonight, he experienced to be in prison. . . well, he has been imprisoned for years but this time, he is not alone but with his friends.

He just received the news that the Young family had died. He can't believe it and can't accept it. He drowns himself with alcohol and after he got drunk, he decided to walk around the Eiffel Tower where he and Cassandra made a promise to meet up.

He began imagining things once Cassandra moves in France. If she will going to live here in Paris, it will be easy for him to see her often, and together, they will wander the city during their free time. And there are times he will bring her in Italy and possible in the neighboring country like the Netherlands, and go sailing around the beaches.

And then, all his dreams suddenly shattered into pieces. So he decided to get wasted tonight and want to die right now. . . but, he has these nosy friends sticking their nose on his business.

They knew how he mourns and so, they all decided to fly here in Paris for him, and make sure he still in right mind.


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Sweat dripping from their forehead. The man standing in front of them is like a giant man. Not in height but his presence intimidates them all, except for Daichi who's just staring dreamily at the woman who helps them out from the prison.

"Hmm… what do you really want to happen to your life, Quinn?" Chairman Crow asked him.

"I'm very sorry, uncle Nicholas." He keeps his head down. He heard the chairman sighed.

"Alright. . . I already cleaned up your mess." Nicholas looks at every face in that room.

"Now, all of you. . . I want you all to work with me." He added.

Each of them dropped their mouth and look at each other.

"Riley, bring them all to the Camp."

The chairman ordered the beautiful woman who just stood silently beside him.

Daichi's eyes sparks after hearing the woman's name. Riley, now he knew her name! Quinn who observing Daichi, he just amusingly shook his head when Daichi is like talking to himself.


He opens his eyes and adjusting to the soft lights produced by the wall lamp above their bed. He stared at Cassandra's beautiful back and her comet-like birthmark. He gently traces it and very careful not to wake her up. He put around his arm to her waist and move closer to lock her in his arms. He buried his head on her nape.

Still too early to get up, besides, it's weekend. . . no need to work extra days. He'll take this as a private holiday just for him.

* * *

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