My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 167

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Waste no time, Quinn and the others quickly went to Mainland Hospital to find out Cassie's condition. Kier who left behind to explain to their investors about what happened and they understand and they've decided to postpone the meeting instead.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Doctor Ben and Doctor Yonah help together to treat Cassie and the OB-Gyne doctor tried to save the baby inside her.

Quinn almost flies the hospital and commanded Meisha to drive faster then runs the emergency room. He felt helpless, if only he could enter inside, he wanted to go in to be by Cassie's side.

Quinn walks back and forth when Derek arrives to help save Cassie from danger.

"Relax, let me handle this. . ." Derek hurried to go inside and waited no more for him to reply.

This is like a repeated situation for Derek. The difference is, he wasn't there to help Karen to be saved and treated by his very own knowledge that instance.

Quinn tried to be patient and stay calm. He sits on one of the benches and rested his head on his palm and everyone could hear the girls sobbing.

"Quinn, I've already talked to the bodyguards at the back convoy. They notice the car fast approaching from the crossing road, they thought it will stop from the red light but the car just maintains the speed until it crashed at Cassie's car," Daichi reported.

"I've already run the research about the driver," Rudolf speaks next. "Only very little information I got, something not right. He is a tourist from South Korea and his name is Kenneth Park."

"Matt and David are now investigating the accident, we will know later." Kier patted Quinn's back. He quickly takes back his hand because Quinn's muscles are tense. He must just try to hold his emotions.

"The driver also in bad conditions, and Mr. Jing," Kier added.

Later on after two hours, Ben and Derek came out of the ER.

"She's saved, Quinn," Ben announced.

"But we still have to observe her condition. Some blood clots left on her head but we can treat it without undergoing surgery." Derek stated.

"The baby?" Riley who's braver among the girls to asked Derek as everyone is worried if what was the baby's condition.

"Doctor Yonah is doing a complete check-up right now about the child inside of Cassie. She runs a heartbeat test if the baby is still alive and if safe inside her."

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"Let's pray that both of them are saved," Derek answered.

"Quinn. . . am sorry. It's my fault, it was me who permitted them to leave."

Everyone held their breaths. They knew how Quinn been reminding them often not to just let Cassie go outside without his knowledge or without him.

Quinn heave a frustrating sighed. He just calming himself right now, but he wanted to shout and cry.

"Do you all know why I don't allow her to just wander around?" He asked.

"I won't blame everyone or a certain person, but I want you all to remember this. . . I prohibited her to travel alone or without me so that when having time as this happens, she won't be alone and if she dies, we'll die together!"

Quinn's loud voice echoing in that floor. They all close their eyes and girls continued crying. Quinn won't show it, but they could feel his pain.

Blaire runs to her brother and hugs him. "Brother. . ."

Quinn just stayed his hand clasping together. "Blaire, what am going to do if I lost them one more time?" He asked after a long silence.

"They will live. I know they will! I won't stop praying, brother. . ."

Blaire chooses to stay strong for Quinn. He'd been through so much all these years and yet, he still has to face this another tragedy of their lives.

* * *

They waited for another hour until Doctor Yonah came out from the Emergency Room and announces that the baby is safe.

Quinn can't hold anymore and he cries. He prayed and give thanks that his most beloved is alive and their child. He wanted to see Cassie right now, he can't wait to see her.

And after she was transferred to the ICU for better observation, finally, they could see Cassie from the glass window.

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Quinn's hurt is suffering from watching her from this distance. This glass wall that separates them, is like another world for him.

"Quinn, someone wanted to talk to you," Kier informed him.

He turned his head to look at Kier and pass behind him. His expression now fills both curiosities and confusement.

"President Crow, Senator Jerry Choi."

Quinn stares when Senator Choi stretches his hand towards him. What did this South Korean official doing on this country? He can't avoid wondering.

Senator Jerry Choi takes back his hand when he did not accept his friendly handshake.

"Ahem. On behalf of my escort, I want to give an apology and ask your forgiveness." Senator Jerry began.

"Am very sorry that my bodyguard almost took your girlfriend's life, I learned she was pregnant too." Senator Choi glance at Cassie. "The accident was meant for me."

Now Quinn got intrigued and he got his whole attention. He stared at the man with sharp gazes and waited for him to continue.

"Someone targeting me to die that's why I am hiring special escorts for this trip. However, even here, they sent an assassin to kill me. Someone cut the break cord. I was lucky the Ambassador of South Korea invited me to join him on his convoy for our morning breakfast meeting with other foreign Ambassador, that left my other bodyguard in the hotel."

"And when we're done, I decided to be picked up by my escort with the car provided for me for a week. He lost control and the break is not working. He made contact telling me about it, but it's too late when he hit your girlfriend's car."

Quinn closes his eyes. Why of all people? His hand clenches and anger began rising from his heart. He tried to stay calm, but after hearing this, he can't do that anymore.

"Give me all the information and all your suspected people that possible who wanted to kill you."

"What? Why? Although I knew who they are, still, even in my position, I can't fully touch them."

"However, doesn't mean I won't work on how I could show their schemes and corruption to the government of South Korea."

"That's what am talking about. Let me handle how their schemes to be showed in public."

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"Why you will do that for me?"

"Am not doing it for you, I am doing this for me. This got involved my very own family, worst it's the woman I loved who was now the victim of their assassination plots--" Quinn coldly glances at the senator then fixes his gaze back to Cassie.

"I will make it easy for you even if it becomes hard for me to watch her lying like this in front of me."

Senator Choi feels that chill on his spine. "So what they were saying is true. You are the Black Dragon in Mafia World."

Quinn did not respond that made Senator Choi shook his head from being overwhelmed with his presence.

"Alright, I'll call someone to get all the information you needed and the list of South Korea's corrupt government officials."

"Including all your escorts information."


Quinn glanced over his shoulder, "do you think, all of them are your most trustee?"

Senator Choi stayed silent but this made him realize some things.

"If not, then give me all of their information to run a full investigation. My men already run a background check but few of them are none proper information. Why is that?"

"Ah, some of them are from SKI, like Captain Kenneth Park. He is the secret agent that helps to work for me to clean the dirt. The SKI hid most of his information indeed."

Senator Choi meets his eye. He looks at him with a question gazes.

"I am an ex-South Korean Intelligence and that give me a hole to crawl in the government. I guess, it is also the reason why they were eager to kill me. They're afraid I will use the agency against them. If I am not mistaken, SKI is like your SIS, President Crow?"

Quinn stayed silent for a moment before he answered him. "I won't be surprised, it's coming from your mouth that you are an ex-agent."

"Yeah. I'll go check my man first, he is also in a coma. Please, if anything I could help to pay for your girlfriend's accident, let me know." Senator Choi's offer.

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For the second time, he again gives his right hand and has confidence that Quinn will accept it now. Indeed, Quinn took his hand and sealed their deals on helping one another to get the Justice for Cassie's accident and Senator Choi's own purposes.

One hour after, all the information he needed was now on his hand. Quinn is flipping the folders of information of Senator Choi's bodyguards when one certain person got his attention.

This man, the man that hit Cassie's car. He recognizes him.

"Which ICU room they put this man?" He asked the people around him.

"He was placed in South Wing," Daichi who answered him.

They got confused when he suddenly sat up and make a long step towards the South hallway.

"Quinn, what's the matter?"

Kier and Daichi follow him. Rudolf and Meisha just glance at each other and continued doing the investigation and gathering information through the computer. They hacked the SK government core information and everything they could get that has a value as evidence.

"Quinn, is he possibly a suspect?" Daichi asked.

"No. I don't think so, but I don't know either."

He can't decide, because his heart is much heavier now.

"Why? Why he's here?" He murmurs to himself.

"What?" Kier got confused by him.

This cannot be! Why is this man was here on this lifetime? He continued talking to his own self until they arrived at the room where the man was placed in.

This man shouldn't be in this life. Why he is here! He is not mistaken, he is the same man!

Quinn's palm clenched tightly and he began shivering then said.

"He is Cassie's husband on her other past life. The man I saw on my dream that time I fall asleep for days after my treatment."

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