My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 168

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It's been a week since Cassie was into an accident. Quinn never left her a minute but brought his work in the hospital signing and reviewing the documents that needed his attention and approval.

He also has regular meetings with his Directors for their reports and Vice President Lee often visiting him ask any development on Cassie's condition. Suddenly, everyone showing sympathy and offers a prayer for Cassie.

The media also follows this sad news and netizens sending their messages and prayers for the couple, him and Cassie. It is becoming the trending news on social media that is why James posted regular updates about Cassie's condition, even Olivia came to pay a visit and send some flowers for Cassie. She talks to Quinn and informs him that she is getting married to an actor. Quinn wishes for them to have a happy life together. Everything went well it seems it just. . .

Since Cassie's condition has stabilized and they were waiting for her to wake up, she was now transferred into a proper room.

"Brother Quinn," Blaire tapped Quinn's shoulder to wake him up.

He was leaning on the bed and falling asleep while watching Cassie another day.

"There is a very important meeting you have to attend. Here, I brought you another pair of clothes, you should take a shower now."

Quinn did not respond but only glance at Cassie.

"Don't worry, I'll watch her while you are in the shower." Blaire squeezed his left hand.

"Thank you."

Blaire hugs her brother to comfort him, "everything will be fine."

Quinn stroke Blaire's hair and planted a kiss on her forehead. His sister has always been here for him and for Cassie along with all their friends and family.

He stood up from the chair and went to the bathroom that inclusion in this hospital room. He was surprised to see the person standing next to Cassie's bed after he gets out of the bathroom. His gaze wanders the entire room to find Blaire but she is nowhere.

"What are you doing here?" He gives the guy sharp gazes and cold treatments.

The guy looks up and meets his eyes. "Hello, President Crow."

He greeted that made Quinn's gazes even darker.

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"Anyone there!?" Quinn called out of his bodyguards outside.

"Don't waste time, they won't hear you."


"Don't worry, I'll leave soon." He grins.

"Tell me, who really are you, Kenneth Park?"

"You already know who I am, Quinn Williams."

The guy gives him scornful smiles.

Quinn made a long stride and grab the guy by his sleeves. "How come you recovered past and now standing around like you got nothing any injury from the accident?" Angrily, he asked the guy.

"But what are you doing? Want revenge? You can hit me and beat me if you wish to."

Kenneth again gives him that scorn smile and he was tempted to give him a punch on the face and tear that smile on his lips.

"Tell me, does the accident is just a coincidence? Huh!" Quinn sneers at Kenneth. He's tightening his grip on his sleeve and he is now shaking in anger.

"You can believe whatever you wanted to think." Is what Kenneth answered him.

Quinn felt more irritable by this answer and poses to punch him. "Tell me!"

"So you really wanted to know?"

"Brother? What are you doing?" Blaire came back and saw the scene. "What happens?

"Don't worry, I'll leave now," Kenneth said and took Quinn's hand from his sleeve.

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"Cool your head, Carlisle," Kenneth whispered to his ears.

Before he could recover, Kenneth already steps out from the room.


"Where have you been, Blaire?" He asked angrily at her.

"I just--" Blaire was stunned by his attitude towards her.

Quinn realized what he'd done. He heaved a deep sigh and hugs Blaire then asked forgiveness.

"Tell me, what's going on? Are you trying to beat him because of what happened?" Blaire asked innocently.

Quinn studied Blaire's expression. She will never stop asking if he won't tell her what he's been thinking.

"Okay, let's talk after my meeting."

"Alright. Am all ears, you know I would understand whatever it is."

"Thank you." Quinn squeezes both Blaire's hand. He felt too much grateful to have a sister like her.

• • •

Quinn spent a couple of hours in front of his computer to attend his meetings. Blaire brought him some food after then and they eat dinner together.

"Madison called me, Levi and she will come to visit Cassie after the race."

"How about her Tour Tournament?"

"They will have a two weeks preparation. Meisha already got her permission to use the Mainland Circuit for her practices."

"That's good, thank you."

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"Now, tell me what's bothering you? There's something you didn't tell me yet."

Quinn sigh before he began. "Kenneth Park is not just an ordinary man."

"What do you mean by that, brother?" Blaire is getting confused now. What's going on here? Her thoughts.

"I've already told you all that while I am just sleeping for days, I saw the past. Now I realize, it's not just my past what I've seen but also Cassandra's next life after that."

"So, she is not just reincarnated once?"

"I guess, indeed. However, the man she's with on that life and has children together is him."

Dumbfounded, Blaire is speechless. Her mouth just stays open but words stay on her tongue.

"I don't know how coincidence is this all, I have a bad feeling because he knew my real identity and whose Reincarnation I am."

"Then? That guy? Does he was here to trouble you and Cassie?"

"I don't know. . ." Quinn paused,

He caught a glimpse of a slight movement. He walks towards Cassie and holds her left hand. Cassie responded and she opens her eyes.

"Cassandra!" Both Quinn and Blaire cry after she opens her eyes.

"My God! I'll call brother Ben and uncle Derek!"

"Cassandra, it's me. Do you recognize me?" He asked her and tears began falling from her eyes.

"Sshh. . . don't cry, you are alive, and our baby."

Cassie cried more after hearing this. He takes the oxygen mask and he wipes her tears.

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"Quinn. . ."

"Yes, it's me! I love you!" He presses his forehead into Cassie's. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Quinn. I'm sorry, I promise to meet you in Paris. I didn't come, was it?"

Did she remember everything now? Quinn asked himself.

He just shook his head. "Don't worry about it, we did meet in Paris as we promised."

Yes. We did meet in Paris and we're together in Paris all those years, although fate playing us both. . . He keeps his thoughts to himself.

Ben and Derek came and immediately they examine her if any pain she felt and experience any dizziness or nauseating.

Cassie told them how she just having a slight headache and feel weak.

Everyone has been so happy learning the good news. By the next day, they all gathered in Cassie's room to see her. She could now recall everything and even she did connect her missing memories. She cried when she remembers what happened at that time of the car crashed with her parents.

But she also remembers of her friends that treated her like a family, and how she was pampered as the youngest of them all.

She also did talk to Madison and Cara which they were on their way to see her.

And most of all, she got blushes every time she remembers her intimate relationship with Quinn. Her heart still beating funny and she can't stop feeling shy now and then when Quinn staring at her passionately.

And the life inside her, her heart filled with a warm feeling from the light movement inside her belly.

Later in the evening, they made a little celebration of her waking up when an unexpected visitor came in carrying her favorite flowers, those pink and purple calla lilies.

"Brother Ken!"

"Hello, Marivella," Kenneth greeted and step closer to Cassie's bed and give the flowers.

To everyone's surprise, especially Quinn, Cassie throw her arms around Kenneth's neck and said,

"I missed you, brother Ken!"

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