My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 169

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"I missed you too, Marivella," Kenneth hugs her back and sit on her bed.

"Are you feeling okay, now?"

"Yes, brother Ken, am getting better. Wow! Thank you for the flowers, you really know of my favorite!" Cassie smiled warmly and really looks very happy for what she receives.

"Of course, I know they were the colors you love most. . . Besides, I thought you already dead." Kenneth showed a sad face.

"Brother Ken looks like, I've forgotten about you as well. I'm sorry, because of it, I haven't visited you again in Korea."

"Don't worry, everyone thought you already died. And we do really happy after we heard the news about you."

"Missy, do you know him?" Daichi who can't wait to ask.

"Oh, that's right! Everyone, please meet, brother Ken. . . Kenneth Chen Park. His mom and Mama Hanna are cousins. Our great grandfathers are twins!"

"Brother Ken, meet everyone, they are my friends and family." Cassie introduces everyone.

"Hi. . ." Kenneth greeted and look at each of them.

They all give him an untrusted gaze but they shouldn't let Cassie see them that way, so they pretended to be friendly and that everything is fine.

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"How was Aunt Sally and Uncle Nathan?"

"They are doing good, don't worry. They were so sad when they heard the news but things happen, they weren't able to come."

"Ah, right. By the way, brother Ken, Madison will arrive tomorrow morning. I want you to meet her!"


"Yes! You will go to be surprised for real! She is from Marivella Chen's ancestry, so she is our cousin as well!" she told Ken excitedly not noticing the indifferent of Ken's expression.

"I see. Am anxious to meet her," he just said then he combs Cassie's hair.

Quinn was been giving Ken that sharp gazes ever since he stepped inside this room. But he had to hide his anger in front of Cassie, although he is itchy and wanted to punch the guy on the face.

But what made him so intrigue and wonder are the lilies that Ken gave to Cassie. He remembers these flowers. He also saw this same flowers on Cassandra's 12 birthday. He also saw these flowers on Cassandra's second birthday and her first birthday.

And if he wasn't mistaken, he saw these flowers the next day after Cassandra was born that stormy night. He now remembers perfectly, these lilies were already in the flower vase the next morning!

What does this mean? Could be possible that Kenneth was here all this time? Is ever since Cassandra was born, is he has been watching her? No, is he watching them all this time?

These are what Quinn's thinking inside his head. He wanted to know the truth. He will go to find out soon if what is Kenneth's real intention.

Even though how he wanted to drag Kenneth out of this room and stay away from Cassandra, Quinn control himself not to do such things in front of Cassie, especially to her relatives.

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But the way Ken giving him that kind of gazes, Ken wanted to show to him, that he can do whatever he wanted to.

Feel so much frustration, Quinn leaves the room and he vents his restlessness outside by walking back in forth in the hallway while he is thinking random stuff. He is not convinced that everything is just a coincidence.

Kenneth knows a lot of things. . . Things that will make him confused if he will let himself to believe what Kenneth will tell him.

"Quinn, what's the matter?" Rudolf asked him. He is dizzying watching him walking back and forth in that hallway after following him outside.

"Is this all about him?"

He sighed and leaned on the wall. He closes his eyes and massages his forehead.

"Yes. Am start becoming crazy if what's really going on here? I want to still believe that we are living in a normal world. Is this real?" Quinn let out a nervous laugh. "I start seeing a dream instead."

"He--" Quinn paused and did not finish what he wanted more to say.

Kenneth gets out from Cassie's room. Instantly, their eyes meet and him throwing dark gazes while Ken responded with scorned smiles.

"I'll come back tomorrow to visit Marivella again," he announced.

"Much better if you won't come back anymore," Quinn told him coldly.

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Kenneth laughs but then, his gaze at Quinn becomes different. He looks at him mockingly and said, "Whatever you gonna do to distance her from me, but we have something that you can't take away from us. Marivella will always find her way to come to me."

"What are you talking about?" Quinn meets Ken's gaze.

"I know what's running inside your head right now. But I will warn you already, no matter what, you won't going to win. So, as Marivella's beloved cousin, I advise you to know your place. You are just her lover, you don't own her."

"You who don't own her! It doesn't mean because you are blood-related, you can do whatever! I will find the truth, that you intentionally hit her car!"

Kenneth grins. "So what?"

Quinn's eyes grew wider. "What did you say?

"I won't repeat what I already said," full of sarcasm, Ken keeps angered him.

"Tell me, did you really try to kill her?"

"I won't allow anyone to have her."

"What?" Quinn is feeling more distress. What does this guy is talking about?

Instead of answering him, Kenneth began stepping away from him and left.

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"Wait!" Quinn follows him when he bumped into Lorna and Jason when he takes a turn on the west hallway.

"Boss? What's the matter?" Lorna asked him.

"Ah, there's someone I tried to catch up."

"Is that the man?" Jason pointed at the guy who now stepping inside the elevator.

Slowly, the door is closing but Kenneth still wearing that scornful smile on his face that Quinn wanted to tear apart.

"Who's he? Do you know him, boss?"

"I think, I already saw him before," Jason said and thinking hard to remember something.

"Really? Where and when?" Lorna asked her boyfriend and fiancé.

"But we still in High School at that time, so it is impossible that he is the same person. He didn't get age if ever then?" he shared.

Quinn somewhat has this bizarre feeling in Jason's info.

"What do you mean about you already saw him?" He asked curiously.

"My father and he meet sometime before if he is the same person. But impossible that he didn't age. "

Julius Kang!? What was his connection with him? What's really going on here?

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