My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 180

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"What is the meaning of this?"

Angrily, Dae-Hyun asked the two people inside the room. Upon hearing his loud voice, the soldiers he assigned to guard his wife quickly joining him inside.

They all shocked to see the foreign man who General Chen strongly ordered them all to never allows this man to go near his wife.

"General Dae-Hyun!"

"How this man passes your security, Captain Choi!"

"General Chen, we never saw this man earlier when the young madam entered the Library!"

Dae-Hyun throws sharp gazes at the man he hated most. Is this why his wife wanted to talk to him? Is she going to leave him and run away with this man?

Dae-Hyun took out his blade and ready to kill someone tonight, however, the Captain of the guards stop him.

"General, please, consider thinking the things that running inside your mind. You knew, that we can't touch him no matter how he trespasses your property!"

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"I don't care! Even he is the King of France, I will still going to kill him!" Dae-Hyun shrugged the soldier's hand but Hwa-Young runs toward him to stop him as well.

"Dae-Hyun, please, it's not what you think," she begs to calm down her husband.

"It's not what I think? And what do you want me to think of what I saw?" he shouted at her.

"Tell me? Is this what you wanted to tell me? Huh!" Dae-Hyun grabs her upper arm and tightens his grasp on it.

"No. I have no knowledge that he was here! I just wanted to lock the chest box our grandfathers left us."

"Liar! And you really still looking at it? Those portraits!?"

Dae-Hyun's eyes wander inside the room and search for that chest box where all the information about France from the past are kept by Raymond.

Dae-Hyun throws Hwa-Young on the corner and walks towards the large box. "I want this chest to burn!"

"No! You can't do that! This is the belongings of our great-great-grandparents, Dae-Hyun!"

"I don't care!"

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"What? Do you know how our grandfathers treasured them?"

"Treasured? You treasured it because of that man who looks like Marivella's lover? Is that what you mean?" Dae-Hyun grabs her on the arm.

"Dae-Hyun, what's wrong with you? That's hurt," she begs.

"General Dae-Hyun, you were hurting her," Irvine speaks after he cannot bear watching Hwa-Young was hurting by her husband.

"Shut up! Don't you dare to come closer!"

"Then don't hurt her!" Irvine shouting back.

"And who are you? You don't have any rights on interrupting us! You break the law of this land on touching others wife! The penalty is death! I don't care if you are a great-grandson of the King! You committed a crime!"

"Now, guards, take this man and tied him up in the storage room! And burn this library!"

"Dae-Hyun! You can't do that! How could you do that to our family's treasured property?"

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"I don't care! I want this Library house to burn down along with everything here!"

The soldiers step back. They look at each other and talk by their gazes. Can they do that? This library house has been here since Chen's ancestors.

"Dae-Hyun! What's craziness is this?" Madam Jee asked him with a troubled expression on her face. The servants informed her about the commotion.

"What's going on here? Stop this Dae-Hyun!"

"Don't try to meddle, mother."

"Burning down this house? Are you out of your mind? All the important information about your ancestors are kept in here! For you to pass down to your children and their children down to their great-grandchildren!"

"So what? I don't care!"

"Enough, Dae-Hyun!" Minister Chen finally arrives in the area. "No one will burn this Library House! What's wrong with you? And untie that man!"

"Nobody will stop me for what I will going to do!" he shouted at his parents.

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They were shocked for his action. Since he was coming back to life that day, he seems to change a lot. They knew that Dae-Hyun has changed. Their son is gentle and polite that even he will be scolded often, he will still smile and do things right the next time. But he is not their son anymore.

"How could you do that to your parents!" Madam Jee began sobbing.

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"When I said to burn this house, then burn this house."

"Why you hated so much about the fact that this guy looks like your great-grandma Marivella's lover? And your wife also look exactly like her then you will assume that they will have a relationship?"

Dae-Hyun stayed his silence. Why he hated this guy? Yes. He hated this guy because he is truly the reincarnation of Carlisle and Hwa-Young is Marivella.

Their souls are bind together and wherever they go and whenever they will be born again, always they belong to each other. And he will do everything to interrupt their fate to be together.

Whatever happens, he will never ever allow them to be together.

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