My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 181

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Quinn let go of his hold on Kenneth's sleeves. He knelt on the ground and catches his breath. He felt a real pain witnessing how Dae-Hyun thrusts the sword on his heart, no, it was Irvine who he killed from those memories.

However, it truly feels like he was there when that happens. There is no blood but the pain is great and was like twitching inside. He looks up at Kenneth and he notices something that terrifies him.

They were on top of the roof on this ten-floor hospital building and could have a view of the entire city. Lights are dazzling from the distance of every street in this city.

Quinn sees the sky vividly which on Kenneth's behind is a Blood Moon.

The blood moon!

"Don't tell me this is your plan all along, Kenneth?" He contemplates his sharp gazes at him like a dagger. "Are you planning to kill me and Cassandra tonight?"

Quinn is now throwing dark gazes at Kenneth who the guy just grinning at him.

Kenneth turned around and watch the Blood Moon.

"It is always been beautiful," he smirked. Moreover, Kenneth just wanted to annoy him but to his surprise, Quinn shoves him off on the side of the rooftop.

Kenneth peering down on the ground from that height. On the other hand, Quinn is seriously pushing him harder like for real, he truly wanted to drop him down from there.

However, Kenneth only chuckles. "Do you want to kill me instead? Huh, Carlisle? Go ahead. Why don't you push me with all of your strength?" Kenneth mocking him.

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"I wanted to kill you right here, right now! But I am not a killer like you who could stand to kill his very own wife! And yet? You have a face to show up on this life? You're a piece of shit!"

Kenneth could feel how Quinn is shivering while tightening his hold on his nape. Is he really serious to throw him off from this building? He smirked.

"I know you just bearing the pain, Carlisle."

Quinn tried to push him harder but he knew, he can't do it. Kenneth keeps laughing that irritates him.

"What is this all about, huh, Kenneth? To make everything start all over again? Don't f*cking kidding me, that when you feel like, you will kill us both all over and over again!"

"Quinn! What are you doing?" Cassandra yells after appearing suddenly on the rooftop. She's looking at him with total awe and shock.

"Quinn, what's going on? Why are you pushing brother Ken off from this building?" She asked and confused.

Quinn quickly felt troubled that Cassandra came here and worst she saw him doing this act.

"It's not what you think, Cassandra, this guy wants us dead!"

"What? How? Why? Brother Ken cannot do that!" she refuses to believe.

"He is not the person you think, Cassandra!"

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"Let him go, Quinn! Why are you hurting him?"

"He's the one who harms you," Quinn remembers to calm down. "He is the one who intentionally crashed your car that put you in a coma for a week, Cassandra."

"No! That's not true! That's a lie! Tell me, brother Ken, that it is not true, right?"

"No. I can't do that to you, Marivella. He's accusation is wrong. He wants to trick you once again."

"Am not trying to trick her! It was you who tricks her on her second life! You let her believe of false things and makes sure, you can imprison her, manipulates her beliefs, and steal the freedom she should have, and the life she deserves!"

"Quinn, please, don't hurt brother Ken," she begs.

Cassandra got panic seeing how Kenneth pushing strongly by Quinn.

Quinn loses strength upon hearing this from Cassandra. She doesn't believe him!

"Cassandra, you don't believe me?" He sadly asked.

"Because I don't understand why you wanted to hurt him?"

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Pain shown on his eyes. He wishes for her to saw the truth. He let go of Kenneth and shoves him away. Quinn reaches his chest as the pain is getting severe. Still, like a fresh wound is throbbing. Is the blood moon has things to do with this?

Is the blood moon what causes his heart this painful?
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He was on his thoughts when Cassandra later notices that Blaire just laying down on the cold floor.

"Sister Blaire!" and she runs towards her who still unconscious until now. "What happens to her?" Cassie looks up at Quinn and shifts her gaze at Kenneth.

"What's going on here? Can somebody explain?"

"I will help you," a woman speak behind her.

"Who are--" Cassie paused from asking when she recognized the woman. She looks like Blaire!

However, she could see that this woman is older and like she meets her somewhere.

"Tell me, we meet before does it?"

"Of course, Marivella."

Again, she called her that name when she never knew her when they meet six years ago.

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Six years ago when her mama Hannah received that letter and they flew to New York. While she was waiting for her parents, she saw a purple butterfly rested on a pink lily at the Receptions floral display.

She follows that butterfly when it flew away then she meets a beautiful woman. She then told her about Marivella and Carlisle's fate to be together. She told her, that whoever a man who looks like Carlisle and has a birthmark butterfly on his back, is Carlisle's reincarnation.

That's right, six years ago, she began believing that Quinn and she are destined to each other.

It has been six years ago that she decided to be Quinn's bride. And that's why she right away agrees on her parents when they wanted her to live with her uncle Martin in France.

She's been wanting to be Quinn's wife to fulfill the love story of Carlisle and Marivella who ended up in a tragedy in the past.

Tears running down her cheeks, Cassie meets Quinn's eyes. Why did everything turn complicated?

On her innocent mind, all she thinks is to be with Quinn. . . now, still, things are confusing.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on here?"

"I'll help you," Isabella said and hold her.

Like the lightning, everything is flashing back the memories she felt, that belongs to her in the past. . .

* * *

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