My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 209

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Joanna was on her way home when a car keeps beeping at her. She didn't move on the side as the road was free and no other vehicle running by on the other lane.

She raises her fingers and shows an f*ck sign when the car still hasn't stopped from beeping at her.

What is this driver's problem? The road is open! There's no other car passing by! She got pissed that's why she gives that pissed sign to whoever driver is in that car.

The car passes her in a rush and she did not give the care to glance at the driver's seat to check whether it is a female or a male driver. Besides, she really can't remember that the roads here were having traffic! Never it seems!

Joanna almost fell from the bike when the car suddenly stops and she bumped into it.

"Hey! You bastard! What are you doing? Do you plan on killing me!?" She shouted and jab loudly on the car's trunk.

She pedaled toward the front and she suddenly carries her bike and throws at the car, the windshield cracks.

The car driver's eyes grow wider for what she'd done and almost pass out from shock. He stepped out of his car full of rage toward her.

"What the hell you were doing!?"

Joanna was shocked. "Master!?"

The guy staring at her sharply. His small eyes vanish from glaring at her.

Joanna realizes that the car she purposely smashes is a popular sports car. She almost passed out from realization. And the windscreen was breaking!

"What have you done to my car!"

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"It's your fault! Why did you keep beeping at me!"

"Because I wanted you to stop!"

"What? Why?"

"Because I will ask you something!"

"Then you should shout at me to stop than beeping too loudly!"

"Okay, fine! That's not the rules in the city!"
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"Huh! Are we in the city? The road was empty! You can drive beside me then ask me nicely!"

Rudolf takes silence to contemplate on what she's saying.

"Whatever! Then what are you going to do with my car!? Do you know how much this is!?"

Her ears ringing from the last words he uttered, but it was true anyway. This car is really an expensive one!

She tried to calculate how much it will cost her and even if she will sell her organs, it is not enough!

"Well, would you give me a discount?" Joanna said cutely.

The guy only scowled on her.

"Then! I'll pay with an interest! But not now! It will be just a credit!"

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"Oh yeah? And when do you plan on paying me to fix my car and replace the windshield?"

"Wait? Isn't suppose to be strong and won't just break like that easily?"

"What are you pertaining to?"

"It's a fake one!" She grins.

"Do you like to live inside a prison?"

"That's harsh! Am going to pay you!"

"And do you think you wouldn't be going to prison for calling this car a fake?"

Joanna was dumbfounded. "Well, am going to pay you even how much! With hundred percent interest!"

"Really?" Rudolf crosses his arms above his chest.

"Yes! And that is-- I will marry you so that I could serve you and work hard to please you!" she joke.

Joanna stared at the guy if what he will react. The guy looks surprised, but then--

"Are you out of your mind!?"

"What? Am just offering my freedom to marry you. What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong? Is it appropriate-- for you to say that to a man? Like you will work hard to please him?"

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"What's wrong with my words? Am talking about cooking you delicious meals! Do your laundry! Massage you! Make your coffee! Nurse you when you get sick! Which not appropriate there, huh!?" She yells at him.

"Or maybe you were talking about tho-- those. . . ah, whatever! You're a pervert!"

"What? And who do you think you are? That I will accept you as my wife? Maybe if you are the last woman in this world!"

Joanna got hurt from what he said. He also realized what he said is harsh and he went overboard for saying that.

But Rudolf doesn't familiar with Joanna that she has a mood swing. She picks up a huge rock.

"What you will have to do with it?"

Joanna throws the rock on the windshield and it was now completely shattered. She then pulled her bike on top of the hood and it creates a disturbing sound that made Rudolf pass out from shock.

The bike leaves a lot of scratches on his car!

"KILLJOY!" Joanna shouted once again.

"What? You! What an insolent girl!"

Joanna ignores him and sits on her bike then began pedaling.

"If you want me to pay you, then find me after 5 years!" She yells at him. She can't imagine the anger on the guy's face. Probably, if she was a guy, he surely beating her up already.


Joanna arrives home and her younger brothers are loud again.

"Joanna, what took you so long? We're leaving now!"

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"I already said I won't go. I will just stay here at home."

"She will just go to play on her computer mama!"

"And would only be on her phone all day!"

Joanna glared at her two naughty brothers Ronnie, 12 and Ricky, 11. Kit who's 8, was just quietly playing on a tablet but he was also a silly one.

She rolled her eyes and attempt to warn them when her mother came back from the kitchen.

"Then, don't forget to clean the guest room."

"We will have a visitor?"

"Yes. Someone to work with your father. Your father wanted to accommodate the guest so he offers our home. So clean the house if you don't want to come with us."

Joanna can't believe it! And who will be interested to attend a children's party? And because she is not interested, she will be punished like this? She wanted to scream.

She looked around and her brothers obviously intended to leave their toys around! She really wanted to hang those brothers of hers for making her life this hard.

Argh. She has no choice but to pick up the tiny Legos her brothers scattered everywhere. Joanna could feel her brows twitches on anger while picking up these thousands of pieces toy.

And who's visitor they will have? They rarely have though, because mostly, they were just checking in on the resort. Anyways, it's almost December, peak season. There will be more guests on the island for their hot springs because winter will begin in many countries.

Hmm. . . she wanted a Heaven like gift as her 18th birthday!

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