My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 210

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Finally, she's done cleaning the house. Joanna stretches her body from doing hard work. Truly she's the headstrong and bad mouth, but she can do jobs well and can rely on.

She was satisfied with her own works. The house now clean and everything is in order. But remembering her mischievous brothers she already looks forward on scolding them if they left trash when home.

Joanna got an idea of writing rules to follow. So then, she wrote them on a wide sheet of papers.

Rules to Follow if you like living in this house:

1. Make sure to use the house slippers.

2. Don't leave your things anywhere.

3. Wash your own plates and utensils.

4. No trash I should see.

5. Don't leave your dirty clothes in the bathroom.

6. No shouting.

7. No fighting.

8. Help on cooking.

9. Assigned on washing plates.

10. Watering the plants and sweeping the garden goes to the brothers.

Rudolf dropped his mouth reading the rules. So, he should follow these rules upon staying here?

"Ah, am sorry Mr. Lau. It must be my daughter. You know, she meant this for her brothers. Ignore it. Come in!" Mayor Ruben Chang laughs nervously.

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Joanna! What now? Ruben cries on his head. This is embarrassing to their guest.

Impressive, the house where so clean and everything was arranged well. If this is the kind of house, then it's fine having those rules. Rudolf thoughts.

"Please, sit Mr. Lau," Ruben offers the sofa. Well, he could still praise her daughter. She changes the clothing on the sofas. They were now clean and presentable. Something she can be proud of.

"I'll look for my daughter, I think she was in her bedroom. Oh, then I'll show you your bedroom."

Rudolf followed Mayor Chang. He took a right hallway and stops in a certain door on the left side.

"This will be your bedroom, Mr. Lau," Ruben entered the bedroom and opens the balcony sliding door. "Here, you can go down the garden."

Hmm. . . it was actually pleasant. He can have a view of the ocean from here. Perfect for a guest room.

"Well, my daughter's bedroom was at the other door on the right side. If you needed anything, you can knock on her and ask her. I'll go fetch her first to meet you."

Ruben was about to get out when his phone rings. "Ah, excuse me, Mr. Lau, I have to answer this-- it was the Senator Lu."

Mayor Chang went outside to the garden instead. Rudolf checks his phone. It has bad reception. Now he knows why the guest room was placed in here. Looks like, this part of the house has the better signal.

Rudolf's brows twitching from the loud music from the Mayor's daughter's bedroom. Mayor Chang already told him that his daughter was often home because she will only play on her computer and mobile games.

He pictures a certain image of her. Could be a nerdy teenager with huge eyeglasses?

But she did the cleaning well, so maybe a little different image?

Rudolf decided to knock her. He went to the next door when he noticed it was a little open, enough to peep from outside.

The girl was dancing while staring at her computer screen, like following the steps. His mouth drop when he recognized her.

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"Ahem!" Mayor Chang clears his throat upon caught his guest peeping on his daughter.

"Is that your daughter?" He asked angrily. He won't explain to the mayor that he was not peeping on his daughter.

Mayor Chang entered the room. "Joanna? Can you come out--"

Mayor Chang wanted to pass out. "Good gracious! What are you wearing!"

"What? Am wearing swimming attire? What's bad about it?" She was wearing a two-piece because she plans to hit

the shore later. In fact, she put on short pants, so what's wrong with it? She thought. However,
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"Why are--" Joanna was shocked upon recognizing the tall man standing outside her bedroom.

"Why he was here?" Suddenly, blood runs out of her face.

"Of course, he is our guest. He will stay here during his visits to the island." Mayor Chang answered. "Are you going to the beach again? Look at you, you're getting darker!"

"What's wrong with it?" She said rudely.

Rudolf left brow rose upward. She's really an insolent girl! His mine noted.

"Ahem! Mayor Chang, regarding the suspect of damaging my car--" Rudolf paused and stared at Joanna who does funny action from preventing him from telling her father about her crime.

"Are you saying, Mr. Lau?" Mayor Chang waiting for him to continue.

"Ah, never mind. I forget what I have to say. . ." Rudolf flashes sharp gazes at Joanna then smiled at the Mayor.

"Well then, Joanna, can you make our guest his lunch? I have to pick up your mother and brothers."

"Mr. Lau, I'll leave you for a while. I will come back sooner."

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"It is fine, Mayor Chang, we visited enough places today, so I'll have to do my report now to my boss."

"Then, I'll let you do your job!"

"Thank you, Mayor Chang."

"Papa! Let me drop in the White Grove!"

"What? I asked you to make him lunch," Ruben whispered to her daughter.

"But, papa--"

"I'll go now to come back quickly."

Joanna helplessly watches her father now leaving the house.

"Ahem!" Rudolf clears his throat.

"Make your own lunch!" She yells then attempt to close her bedroom door.

"Wait a minute," Rudolf block the door with his foot.

"Seems like, you're forgetting something." He glared at her.

"What?" she snaps at him.

"As I remember, you have a big debt to pay."

"So what? I said I will pay you 5 years from now." She blurted out.

"Then, I will just ask your father about it."

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Joanna bites her lips. "Okay fine!"

She steps out of her bedroom and marches toward the kitchen.

"Wait a minute--"


"Looks like you also forgot something,"

"And what is that?" Joanna asked angrily.

"Rule number 6-- no shouting." Rudolf smirk.

Joanna dropped open her mouth. She can't believe this guy will use her own rules against her.

"Argh!" She yelled then paused from marching.

"Then Rule number 8!" She yells and pointing at him then resume walking towards the kitchen.

Not long after she feels that the guy now follows her in the kitchen. She was surprised when he throws something at her. She even more surprised when she realized it was a long sleeve shirt.

She was dumbfounded. And why he acted a gentleman now?

Joanna saw her reflection on the glass window. Her face flushes red realizing she still wearing skimpy pants and her bikini bra! She's been walking around with this guy only wearing this piece of clothing!

Well, so this guy has a romantic side after all?

* * *

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