My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 230

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It's been a couple of days had passed since the Young family came home on the island. Cassie was also stormed with questions at the same time she was congratulated not only by her classmates, and schoolmates, but also by the school teachers and the school Principal after hearing from the news that she is now engaged to a wealthy man.

Everyone is much curious about Quinn, especially with those sweet photos of them on social media. She was actually surprised that there are photos like that came out on the public, on the other hand, the world would know that she is Quinn's girlfriend and they don't need to hide anymore from anyone, especially from her family.

"Miss Young, can I talk to you?" Her class advisor asked her to stay after school.

"Yes, Mr. Lee?"

"Since Christmas is a week away, the Senior High teachers were thinking to let the Seniors do something. I want to assign you to lead on the upcoming Christmas Party. As Seniors, I want you to think of any exciting ideas for Christmas. What do you think?"

"I think it's a good idea, sir!"

"Then, I will let you handle in forming a group of your classmates to help you organize the Christmas Party. Notify the Class B to help out, okay? Good luck, Miss Young!" Mr. Lee gestured a thumbs up and smiled like a winner.

Is this something do because she has a rich boyfriend? She chooses to smile and feel excited. But what ideas would be good? How they should make this year's Christmas Party unforgettable? She needs to start thinking about this!

Evening, sharing a dinner with her parents, her father still wearing a long face.

"Honey, can't you move on now? Just accept that your daughter is already engaged. Besides, it's just an engagement, why are you making such a big deal and keep sulking? Your daughter will always be your daughter even if she will get married."

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"That's the point there! She is my daughter! And I don't want her to get married this young!"

"They wouldn't, of course. Quinn promises that he will wait for our daughter. And Quinn promises that he will respect and love our daughter."

"Of course, that is his sweet words!" Landon rolled his eyes.

"Landon Young!" Hannah raises her voice. "What is your problem? Why are you against it so much? Have you forgotten? I was 15 when you courted me and ask for marriage!"

"I was madly in love with you! That is why!"

"Then why can't you allow our daughter? She was 17 and would be 18 next year, besides, Quinn is also madly in love with our daughter! You should be the first person to understand, right?"

"Yes. Indeed I am the first person to understand. I now felt the same way your father does. I now know of why your father against us having a relationship that early! He doesn't want to give you away! And I don't want either! She will always be my baby!"

Cassie open mouth while staring at her parents. She was astounded how the way her parents argue. This is their typical actually. They don't fight about anything but only arguing if who's love is greater.

"Shut up! Your daughter was here. What she will be going to think about her parents fighting like this?"

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"She will enjoy her life and marriage is the last thing I want to hear!"

Hannah glance at her daughter gesturing never minds about her Papa's words. Truth is, Cassie just giggling while listening to her parents.

After dinner, Cassie began sending messages to her classmates informing about the Christmas Party they should organize. Joanna quickly creates a group chat and encourage to add the whole Senior students.

The GC now flooded with a lot of ideas. Most are what they like to happen that benefits them. For example, the boys wanted to put a booth of their favorite Mobile Game and have a contest; whoever wins, will receive either cash prize or Diamonds or higher types of skin for their character.

And more suggestions popping out on Cassie's screen. One of the Student Council suggesting that the Author should ask her readers of how they do their Christmas celebration at school traditionally. Please comment below! ?

Cassie was reading and listing down the ideas everyone suggesting when Quinn sent her a text asking if she was doing homework.

"Hi! No, am not that busy. Am just scanning the suggestions of everyone about our Christmas Celebration next week." Cassie stared at her phone and waiting for Quinn's reply, but he called her instead. She enthusiastically presses the answer button and happily greeted her boyfriend.


"How are you today?"

"Am fine! Getting colder out here."

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"Same here, don't forget to wear something that will keep you warm."

"Yes. But--"

"Is something wrong?"

"Nothing, your arms still the warmest."

"Ah, don't tease me like this! It's unfair!" Quinn groans over the phone and Cassie giggles.

She shared to Quinn some details and suggestions she thinks are perfect for the Christmas Party. Cassie was thinking of a Contest like a Live Show during the evening. She thinks it makes everyone participates.

Cassie woke up the next morning where the temperature drops more. She put her scarf on her neck when someone pressing the doorbell on their Villa's gate.

"Let me open it, Mama!" Cassie told her parents who now join her in the living room.

She runs the front garden and opens their huge gate and she almost passes out in gladness who was it.

"Quinn! What are you doing here?" Cassie jumps on Quinn and he hugs her tightly.

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"Delivering hugs," Quinn playfully told her.

"Yay! I love it!"

"I didn't find a huge box to fit me in, so I can not wrap myself yet."

"Aw!" Cassie more tighten her holds on Quinn's neck.

"Wait, your papa throwing knives at me," Quinn whispered to Cassie as how Landon is glaring at him. Quinn actually did not ask permission to Cassie's parents that he wanted to see her. Well, that won't be a surprise gift of himself if he announced his arrival.

"Don't mind him, he just wanted you to have a taste of how my grandpa treated him as well during the times he courted mama Hannah," she replied.

"Really? That's very intriguing." Quinn commented and they both giggles.

"You're going to be late, young lady!" Landon yells at them.

Cassie knew, that her father just wanted them to stop being this too close to each other. They parted from hugging and holding hands walking towards Cassie's parents.

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