My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 231

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Everyone suddenly stops when they recognized the person coming out of the black sportscar that now parked in the parking space in front of the Senior High building main door.

After getting back to their senses and remember their phones, they snap a shot of Quinn while walks around the car to open the passenger seats, Cassie then stepping out from the car.

"Thank you," Cassie smiled happily. She still can't believe that he was here on the island and now he is driving her to school. She really felt like a real girlfriend doing boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.

"I'm going to talk to the Principal and check the development of the construction."

"Oh, Auntie Dina. She must be here already, her car was parked over there," Cassie looked at the car.

"Good, I'll just go and see her in her office."

Cassie nodded, "I'm going in now, almost the bell for the first subject."

"I'll pick you up by lunch," Quinn told her. With his news, Cassie's eyes sheen with happiness.

"Okay!" She places a kiss on Quinn's left cheek then run toward the Senior High main door. She turns around to wave at Quinn. She was looking at him when suddenly she was filled with puzzlement.

What is happening? Are her eyes just playing at her? She is seeing a glimpse of episodes; Quinn was wearing a casual t-shirt and pants under a bright sun leaning on his car. Is she dreaming this episode before? Or it is like a vision from her dream last night? She is a bit confused, why does it feel like this is already happening before?

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Quinn on the other hand, he is experiencing the same as Cassie. He saw an episode he doesn't know if he dreams before or just a flash of his imagination? What is happening to him lately? Although sometimes he is seeing different clothing or style as Cassandra, however, that same bright smile is timeless. Like an old version or the modern one, could be possible? A four different woman shared one body? No, it's more like, a different woman in a different time and having the same soul?

Quinn has woken up by the ring of his phone. He reaches his pocket and checks the caller, it was Lily who's calling. He glances at Cassandra who is now talking to Joanna. "Mom?"

"Miss Young!" Joanna jumps on her. "Tsk, tsk, so this is the facial expression of a person who is madly in love?"

"Like you were not either," Cassie put out a tongue to Joanna who she just rolled her eyes remembering her unrequited love to Rudolf.

Joanna's face scowl while staring at Rudolf who now walking toward his boss. "If he will still not courted me after my 18th birthday, I will be the one to court him!"


"Can you ask the boss, to help me? I mean, I want a date with him!"

Cassie was stunned and began contemplating while staring at Joanna. She was never been like this to any guy. In fact, their classmates and friends are afraid of courting her because of her bad mouth and harsh attitude. However, Joanna is a good person and a reliable being. Her attitude is not the entirety of her character, she possesses unique personalities. Cassie smiled and hugs Joanna.

"Alright, we will make this a special day!"

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"Yay! Your the best! If you want to elope with the boss, just tell me and I will cover you up!"

"You're crazy! Best friends supposed to advise and encourage good things, not spoiling the bad way!"

They both giggled then the bell rings. They run the stairs hand in hand while laughing.

During their first subject, Joanna pokes Cassie's forehead and whispered, "Tell me, there is something happens between you and the boss? Your face is flushing red, Miss Young and you are smiling crazily."

Cassie feels how hot her cheeks yes. And that is because of a silly move Quinn did earlier on their way to school.

Quinn requesting for them to take the shortcut route all because he has naughty plans. He pullover on the roadside just to give her a long kiss.

Cassie bit her lower lip upon recalling it. She glances at Joanna who was eyeing at her doubtfully like she hid something from her. She grins and blushes yes.


Quinn wanders his eyes to this entire school ground. He really feels like, everything is familiar to him. He finishes his meeting with Mrs. Dina Chang and his team; the engineers and architects he assigned to do all the projects to this school improvement.

He was waiting for the morning class to end for him to have lunch with Cassandra. Quinn looks up at this old tree, the shades are covered a wide area of the parking lot and its branches swaying and few leaves are falling.

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Everything was like a dream, these memories sometimes flashing inside his head, why he is having them now? They weren't there before. Is it normally happens to a human? Life hidden a lot of mysteries no one uncovers yet it all. Quinn having a lot of thoughts when the bell rang.

Students are dashing to come out from their classrooms towards the main door. Blended in the crowd, Quinn staring at the girl he felt like he had known her for a very, very long time already. This familiarity that made his heart jump and fills with warmth, it chokes him just to imagine watching her walking down the aisle towards him wearing a white dress. Is he seeing a future, or just completely his imagination?

His heart feels so much longing, it was like he had been dreaming of that to happen for a very long time already and yet, there's no fulfillment until now.

"Hi, Miss beautiful," Quinn hold Cassie's hand when she gets near.

Cassie giggled and throws her body toward him, "Hello, Master. . . Ah, this is better!"

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"Are you cold?"

"Uh-huh. . ." she nodded over Quinn's chest. He wrapped his arms around her and she feels warmer. She looks up and stared at Quinn's blue eyes. His gentle gaze and warm embraces no doubt; this is a home that belongs to her, Quinn, and their future children.

"What were you thinking? Hmm?" Quinn notices how Cassandra staring at him lovingly. She just shook her head but playful smile tearing her sweet lips. Ah, he wanted to kiss her, but not here. He doesn't want to make her uncomfortable plus, her father would be like an angry volcano if he does bold actions in public. He hasn't stopped himself from letting out his sexy laughs.

"What you were thinking also?" she asked back.

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Quinn pokes her nose. "You."

He saw her blushing. How tempted but he shook his head. "I heard, there is a nearby restaurant here, let's have our lunch there," he suggested.

"Okay. Seagull Resort has very delicious seafood! You should try them!"

"Am looking forward to it."


Quinn parked his car and walk around the other side to open the passenger seat door. He helps Cassie stepping out from the car then she rewards him a quick kiss on his cheek. Quinn smiled watching Cassandra walks ahead at him. He followed her and put his arm around her waist.

The Resort manager greeted them and lead the way toward their table. Quinn pulled a chair and Cassie sit comfortably; he really is sweet and gentleman. She meets Quinn's eyes and she saw how Quinn look at her lovingly. She smiled and she saw how his expression got confused a bit then he smiled back at her.

They ordered a lot of seafood and salads, including some fresh fruit shake. Quinn was still astounded of his feelings that this is not the first time he stepped inside on this resort. He felt like, he and Cassandra been here before. But when?

Why does this island is too familiar to him?

* * *

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