My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 259

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Levi dried his hair before he went to his bed. He just finished a long hot shower, but he still cannot get over what he and his uncle Edward talk about earlier. The last question Edward asks him, he could not answer, yet.

He leans on the headboard to his bed; he was pondering at himself. What does his heart want? Was it more like; Who he desired?

He glances at the book on his bedside table; he picks it up and stared at it for a long moment. Maybe he has to call someone and ask about the book? Surely that person knows more than him. He dialed his phone to a certain number and waited for that guy to answer his call. Is he in the meeting right now? he thought.

Levi dialed the number again and make himself a bother to that person to keep ringing him. After three attempts, finally, his call was picked up.

"Hello, brother Quinn?" He greeted the person on the other line.

"What do you want? I have a lot of documents to review," Quinn answered lazily.

"Whoa! Why do you sound like Cassie just dumps you?" He jokes.

"What?" Quinn snaps out.

Oopsie. He's not in the mood, Levi thought. "Okay, why aren't you just riding the jest?"

"Because it's not something to joke around!" Quinn yells on the phone this time. "If Cassandra will do that, then I'll give you a very unforgettable bungee in your entire life!"

Levi pulls the phone from his ear when Quinn shouted at him. He imagines Quinn tying his feet, and throw him out from his private chopper, and flew around Mainland City. He could now feel his head spinning.

He laughs loudly then sighed. This guy was in a bad mood it seems. Should he bring up about the book? But Quinn hears how he hurl a deep sigh.

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"What was that? Looks like it was you who dumped by someone?" Quinn is the one now throwing back his joke earlier.

"Ah, it's nothing. It is unimportant." He said, doesn't know how to share it with Quinn about his issues.

"You won't bother me like this if it is just nothing. Wait, isn't late already?" Quinn could sense that there is a reason for his call. Levi rarely makes a phone call but pestering him on Instagram or messaging him with nonsense.

"What's wrong? Is it about your company?" He just guesses might something related it to it.

"Nope. Everything is going fine. Am learning a lot." He replied to Quinn.

"That's good. If there is I can help, then just say it out."

Levi chuckles. He knew that even how often he bothers him a lot, he will always be like a big brother to him. Even though he often annoyed him by his silliness, Quinn is the best.

"Thank you. Do you know that you are the best?"

"I do. I am handsome, and I have a lot of abs." Quinn answered casually.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Levi dropped his mouth open. So this guy could actually know how to joke around. "Okay, fine. Please stop, I won't ask ever again. The hair on my nape is all standing from the chill. How scary." He kidded.

"I develop some too, for your info. I've been beginning visiting the Section 14 Camp," he proudly told Quinn.

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"You should be, you were old already to just attend this time," Quinn scolded him. It dumbfounded Levi.

"Hey! I just learn about this! Can you slack me off on this one?"

"Yeah, whatever... now tell me what you wanted to say? I have a lot of work, but I will spare you my valuable time."


Levi stayed silent on the other line. Quinn put down the folder and sat up from his chair. He walks towards his floor-ceiling window and gazes out at the sun setting on the southern hemisphere. He thinks it is something serious and important.

"I'm all ears now," Quinn added to encourage Levi from opening up to him without hesitation.

"Nothing really... it's just that, these passing days, there is a book I've been reading. And it left me a huge mystery. I wonder if you already read this one?"

"What book?"

"Okay, I'll take a picture."

Levi hangs up the call then took a photo of the book and send it to Quinn.

"How did you get that book?" Quinn asked he was very surprised. His heart-throbs from the sight of the book.

"I receive it from someone. So you really know about this one? What do you think about it?"

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"About what?"

"The story."

"No. I haven't read it yet."

"Huh? Why?"

Quinn doesn't know how to explain it to Levi; that he can't hold the book, but Cassie could read it. She did finish reading it as he remembers back in Paris. Hum... now he thinks of her again; he is missing her badly.

So what is the matter that he is the only one cannot read it? It intrigues him. He needs answers.

What was really the book about? he asked himself. Why is he like electrified when he attempts to hold it?

"Brother Quinn? Are you listening?"

"Huh? Come again?" his requested Levi to repeat.

"Am asking why you haven't read it yet?"

"I can't hold the book," he told him.

Levi left speechless. Is this have a connection to the couple in the picture? he thought.

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"Funny, right? And what was that? It was like in a fantasy movie? That the bad guy cannot hold or get a certain book or crystal he desired?"

"Sounded like…"

"No, it was ridiculous. Who would believe it? That there is supernatural energy or something in this world? What year we are Levi?" Quinn was more sounded that he was the one who was talking about nonsense things to himself. Like convincing it's impossible.

"How if, I believe in those?" Levi's preposition.

"Really? Do you?" Quinn was actually surprised that Levi believes in this kind of mystery thing.

"Yes..." Levi answered.

"Okay, it looks like I've been keeping you away from your work. I'll hang up now."

"Is this really all about the book?"

Levi weighing things if this is the proper way and time to mention about the old photo he is holding; he is looking at it now. Added to that is about Madison. How if, Cassie would meet Madison one day? What will happen? But he chooses these to himself.

"Yeah, that's all. Let's just talk another time. I'm getting tired."

Quinn seems believing. "Okay. You will become busy with the upcoming NASCAR Tour and Formula Prelims."

"Yes, you are right. I need to find the best driver soon."

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