My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 260

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The next morning, Levi picks up Madison at her apartment; he demanded this as part of their set-up. She as his girlfriend, and he as her boss, which the usual she'll raise an argument in the beginning before she'll agree.

Levi said, "Rule of our Agreement, picking you up every morning, then drop you home safe by the evening."

"But I have a car! How if I want to drive once in a while?" she argued.

"If there is an emergency or you are not working with me, you can," Levi said, which made her dumbfounded. He is not letting her have a voice, she thought. But then she let it be if this could make her job effectively.

They arrived at the Montfort building, and everyone greeting extra formal today. And this raises awareness to Madison; that something is going on, she could tell how everyone acting oddly.

She began her work the moment she sat on her chair. She glances at Levi, and he now begins reviewing the documents places on his desk. He was studying the history of their family business; if how it began, and how it grows, most especially the times on its crisis to shut own. She could see how Levi is eager to know every detail of his family business, which made her impresses by his dedication.

She thought upon their first meeting; he is just a spoiled prince, and she will admit soon that she is wrong. Not yet until then; it might just at the beginning, she grins from the thought.

Madison makes herself occupied when Levi becomes engrossed in what he is reading at the moment. She doesn't want to disturb him, so she went outside to wander around the company.

She greeted the employees she meets in the hallway, especially the executives, but then they were treating her too formal. Madison wanted to ignore it, but it's the same treatment by the other departments. She then went to visit the circuit not too far from the company building. Riding a golf cart toward the place, she almost drives the cart by herself, then she remembers that she and Levi agreed already that she won't drive from now on if not important... and so she let the cart driver drove her.

Madison saw the racers were on the track right now and began their morning runs. The trainees will begin their program next week, and that made the seniors eager to show off soon to their juniors.

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"Hello," Madison waves at the crew on the circuit. Everyone looks startle seeing her approaching them.

"Hello, Miss Moore," they greeted back but then continued in what they were doing like; ignoring her. She doesn't understand these people's treatment toward her today.

Did she do something to any of them? She can't recall any; because the whole time, she was just glued to Levi wherever he has a meeting these passing two days.

Madison observes the whole run before she goes back to the office. She then felt the need for the nature call so she went to the washroom. She was about to come out of the Ladies Room when two men passed.

"You must be careful, dude!" one guy told the others.

"Yeah. I wanted to talk to her, but now? It feels scary just to get near her," the other guy responded.

"So, before the young boss fired you out, watch out."

"I might run; I don't want to lose my job."

Madison wondered who they pertained to as the young boss. Is it Levi? Did he fire someone yesterday? She cannot remember any — unless it was the applicant! How that become a treat to the employees? Madison was in deep thoughts when she was approaching the cross-wing hallway and then heard the female conversation.

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"Hey, do you know that our boss was completely a doting boyfriend?"

"Can you imagine that? I was hearing; one applicant has not accepted from the program because he was flirting to the Young Master's girlfriend!"

"The one works as his secretary?" another girl asks.


"So it's true! I thought it's just a rumor."

"No, it is true! That is why the male employees, even the executives are avoiding to wronged the boss girlfriend from now on."

"Have you seen Mary today?" another girl join the conversation.

"Yes! I saw how she looked nervous when Miss Madison passed her. She was stammering while greeting the young boss, girlfriend."

"Karma is a bitch! Now she can't act like the Queen since the boss, and his girlfriend arrives in the company."

"She has just become the Montfort Head Grid Girls because of her father."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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"I know right! But the girlfriend? She's the real Queen here!"

"Ugh, how lucky she was! I wished I'm the one who captures the boss's heart! Sadly, the attention he gave to everyone is similar."

"But when it comes to his girlfriend? How sweet!" they squeals.

Madison just shook her head after eavesdropping. She is not interested to hear from these employees gossip, however, they were talking about her. And they were wrong, Levi doesn't treat other women in a special way because of one thing she knows; there is one girl Levi was in love with, that is why he is not interested in anyone. And if ever he truly gives attention to her, it is all because she looks like her a lot.

She was about to push the door to open when she heard Levi talking on the phone, and laughing. He sounded very happy and having fun with this caller.

Who that be? She peeks inside from the small space between the door, and she only saw Levi's back as he is seating on his table.

Hiryuu Island

Cassie was passing at her dad's library when her ears caught the word Mainland City, no the exact words she heard were "am going to the Mainland City".

She ignores it, and headed to the poolside, then seated in one of the sofas. She is reading her books when her phone rings then saw on her phone screen the name Levi. She picks it up and answered the call. Surprising for her why this guy is calling?

"Hey, Levi!" What's up?"

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"Hi, Cassie! Are you home now from school?" Levi asks while glancing at his watch, and count six hours ahead of Paris time. It's eleven o'clock in the morning in Paris, so it is five in the evening.

"Yes, I am. So what made you call?"

"Ah, nothing. I just wanted to ask if you are doing fine?"

"Hum, yes, I am," her response to Levi.

"Are you and brother Shun, still often talk?"

"Uh, not much lately. Just a quick phone call, and regular text in the mornings, then breaks, and tonight later. I am too busy on my projects I have to hang up the call, or I am already exhausted at night to postpone our call as he is also busy with meetings."

"I see. Poor brother Quinn," Levi muttered.

"Hum? Something happens, Levi?" Her voice was full of worries. Levi sense that, then a bright idea came up to his head.

"Ah, they just told me that brother Quinn always misses his meals, and he is sick to hotel food, so not eating properly," His lies though, while a big smile on his face.

And Madison didn't hear this, as she immediately left when she heard Cassie's name.

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