My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 269

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It surprised Madison by what Levi told her. She stays silent for a moment to ponders if what she must concede to him then she must stop his plans.

"Are you coming here?" she asked. "But why? It is your uncle's funeral, would you leave him?" Madison thinking hard if what reasonings she must lie to Levi for stopping him to come in Hungary.

"There are things I need clarification." His reply to her.

"Okay. And what is that?" Madison guessing if it is something related to them, or Lady Isabella. "Do you need to seek answers this time around? How about after the funeral?"

"It is one thing that Uncle Edward wants me to do."

"Levi…" Madison heard from the other line of how Levi heaved a sighed. "What do you need to do then?" she asked once again. If this is something important, then she can't refuse to accompany him.

"I want to talk to Lady Isabella Bennett. Uncle Edward said to his letter, it was you who could help me meet her."

So then, nothing she can deny any longer. Madison thought. "All right, I will pick you up tomorrow."

After a few more exchanges of words with Levi, they ended the call for him to prepare his trip tomorrow. And as of Lady Isabella, she needs to know that Levi is coming.

Madison takes glances outside of her bedroom window and studied if the woods have to calm down now. The deafening sound of thunder and lightning has now gone.

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Madison walks towards the woods. In the deepest middle of this forest is a garden, and Lady Isabella is in the middle of Pavilion, seated in the ground. She wonders if she finished crying.

Madison gathers her courage to approach her and told that Levi is visiting tomorrow. Isabella nodded but doesn't glance at her direction. The lady just remained seated on the ground; her back facing Madison.

"Milady, please come inside with me. You told me you were losing immortality… then, you'll catch a cold if you stay here with your human body." She advises the lady.

After Madison stated this, she put the covers she brought, then wrapped around Isabella's body. She was awed in what she is witnessing, the lady showing so much weakness like this. The once known wise and remarkable woman by the eyes of the Leaders; is also has a time she broke down. The Isabella she is looking right now is a completely different lady.

"I am very tired already, Madison," Isabella mumbled. "I am so tired of how things just keep repeating. Everything just passes in front of me. And I am tired to watch everyone's end, it exhausts me."

"The biggest mistake I ever made was to seek immortality out of greed. And I am now punished tenfold of pain, tenfold of suffering, and a thousand times of regrets for what I've done." In a weak voice, she confesses to Madison.

Madison listening to the lady. She needs someone she can share her pain. She strides in front of her and kneeled. Isabella was stunned when Madison hugs her. Once again, her tears falling on her cheeks and one more time she cried like a child.

"Madison?" Isabela filled with bewilderment. She parted herself from Madison and looked at her in the eyes. "When it started?"

"I don't know, milady. I just seeing dreams, I mean, I could see the past during my sleep…"

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"And was like traveling back in time?" Isabella continued her sentence. She nodded.

"Did you pass this to me by touching me?" she asked curiously.

"No. I can not do that. Becoming someone immortal is beyond my capability. In your case, you were born with it."

"What do you mean by that, milady?" It puzzles her.

"I am wearing gloves all the time to avoid touching someone, as for me to see whether his past or the future," Isabella explained to Madison.

"Carlisle and Marivella's love was so much favored by Heaven. Upon receiving the Soul Wedding Ritual, and you were born with, it is the huge chance you became immortal."

"As it also my parents on this lifetime wedded the same ritual, then that is why I am possessing this ability again?" she asserted.

"Yes, possibly. And, as Allison is a descendant of Carlene, the huge chances for her to grant a reincarnation, that's why you will always have this ability every time you will grant a reincarnation."

Madison was astounded. "Wow. Is that true?"

"Madison, oh my dear Madison." Isabela cried once again. She holds Madison one more time and said, "I haven't told you yet, I think…"

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She parted from Madison to meet their eye. "That it was you who let me see something very important from the past that I never see. Our first meeting is like an open door to me, that I am such a fool."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Milady, I don't understand?"

"I meet Carlene on a very fortunate day. She accidentally touched me, and it brought me back in the past. That is why I look for her as I am still new being immortality."

"What past did I made saw you, milady?" She is very curious to know.

"It was the time when I keep seeing Marivella visiting a grave. And I was visiting my mother's grave as well... I already told you she died giving birth to me, is it?" Isabella continued after Madison nodded at her.

"I then learned the truth that the grave Marivella always visited on the weekend, is my mother. I just learned the truth; that what my family told my father is just a lie. And what they told me that he abandoned me is also just a lie. But truth is, they told him I died along with my mother and the grave they pointed at him I was buried was my mother."

"Marivella thought it was I who was lying inside the grave. I thought as well, the grave I am visiting is my mother just then I found it was empty. They lied to me."

It amazes her from everything she is hearing right now. So in the beginning, she and the lady were already connected.

And back then, she already possesses this ability. But how did she die? What happens to her? If she grew up with Charles, then what happened to him? Ugh, it's a pain in the head when Book 2 hasn't been told yet from the very beginning.

And what another thing that amazes her is Isabella's past. Before everything else, she had already suffered a lot. The family she thought who only cared for her are those who taught her to have a stone and a cold heart. Instead, she was trained to seek power and wealth and be above everyone else for the glory of their family name.

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Yes, Madison saw the bitter past that Lady Isabella had. She never became happy, and do something for herself, but only Howard Williams understood and showed her true love. But because of her envy and vengeance, she throws it all away but choose to have a dark heart.

However, through time, she uses her immortality for greater and better things, that the world now enjoying its peaceful flow. It may not be a perfect world, but the Alliance did everything to maintain its peace as much. However —


She felt a warm hand on her shoulder. "Lady Isabella?" she is back to her senses.

"Tell me, did you see something?" Isabella asked as she noticed her quietness.

"Oh, no nothing, milady. I am just thinking of a few things."

"I see. Then let's go?" Isabella stretched her right hand, and she was not wearing the gloves. Madison took it and they walked hand in hand.

"Tell me milady? The reason that you always holding my hand without your gloves when I was little, is for you to look back on your past?"

Isabella glance at her then smiled. She then put her pointed finger to her lips and gestured a shush. Her eyes sparks.

Then that is the reason she often brought her in this garden. She is recalling now of how Lady Isabella will bring her to their secret garden where lilies are grown. Isabella will read or write a book, then she on the other hand playing around the garden chasing butterflies.

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