My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 270

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Budapest Airport

Madison is at this airport's lounge waiting for Levi to come out after announcing his plane's arrival. He messages her of what time the plane is arriving, and so she was here too early, actually.

She was on her phone when some commotion happening in the distance. She realizes it was Levi who was recognized by the paparazzi and reporters; they now began circulating around him for interviews.

Since the death of CEO Edward Montfort is all over the news; it exposed Levi as the heir of the Montfort House. The Airport Police quickly gathered around him when they realized what was going on; protected him from troublesome reporters asking endless questions, and guided him to the secret passage of the airport.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Levi found Madison in the distance during the commotion which their eyes meet. However, he was about to wave at her when Madison leaves the Airport building and only a text from her saying she'll wait somewhere in the parking area.

Madison just knew they should not see her as Levi's company, and seen by the people she feared to find her out. Until now for reason she doesn't know, they were hiding from the Williams and Chen family. So then, she just sent Levi a message of where they must meet to avoid being taken a picture by paparazzi.

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She was leaning on her car when a bag dropped next to her foot, then arms throwing around her body. It surprised her, does Levi flew to Hungary just to breakdown like this?

Levi is hugging her tight while his face buried to her shoulder blade. She was hesitant if what she must do to console him. But no words she can utter either and so, she just let him cry on her shoulder. She put her left arm around his waist, and right arm patting his back.

Surely, he just showing bravery to look calm and compose earlier in front of the reporters; like the one on the Live, she is watching just now. The Levi on her arms is a person who has common feelings like everyone else; that the time comes, and they'll show weaknesses when a loved one is leaving from this world.

Madison began wondering if what's wrong with the people who were now close to her?

Last night, it was Lady Isabella who was crying out loud at her arms, now it was Levi. Anyway, they were mourning the same person, and she could only do is let them cry on her shoulder. Besides, Edward Montfort or Howard Williams in his past life; has been friends with Levi or Charles Montfort since their first life. It must be a connection that bound their friendship; whoever they were once born again.

Levi wasn't crying anymore but still holding her tight. "Feel better?" she asked. Feeling no response from Levi; who he has no plan of letting her go yet.

"Okay then, how if we better go now to the Mansion and you will get a rest first thing when we arrive at the place?" Madison suggested.

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"It is far from here, so we should start going soon, okay?" she told Levi, who she then feels nodding between her neck and shoulder blade, but still holding her even tighter. "Levi?"

A long moment passed when Levi saw something. "Madison?" Levi parted from her and stares with amazement. "What was that?"

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't know that it would just show up anytime. Like no places or certain time like--"

"Like?" Levi wanted to know it now. He can't believe that Madison can do something like that. But what was that? Is she have a supernatural ability?

"You will know more after you meet Lady Isabella." She sighed then continued. "I am in no position to tell you about everything, besides, I only knew a few things."

"Like you, I still need guidance from Lady Isabella," she added.

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"Okay. I'm curious about who is she. I've only heard about her from Uncle Edward. So I began suspecting that my uncle is in love with her."

Madison looks at Levi; he is wearing dark sunglass, and she could see her reflection upon it. Levi knows nothing yet, and soon, he will know everything.

Madison gestured the car. "Let's go and — Levi is those were paparazzi?" Madison spotted two men taking pictures while hiding in one car in this exclusive parking lot inside the airport premises.

"Then don't look. Come on," Levi blocked the view, like shielding her.

Good thing she wore a cap; her face won't be that visible. Levi led her toward the driver's seat and makes sure the paparazzi won't take a clear view of her. Somewhat, Levi seems to know that she must avoid exposing to the world public. 

But why does she assigned to work with Levi in the first place? When here and then, she has to hide?

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Now it feels odd, and something is vague here, Madison thought. Although her mission is to get close to Levi; to keep an eye about Quinn and Cassandra, it still left a mystery for her now. She shook her head and started up the car after Levi seated beside her on the front seat.

Ignoring the paparazzi, she drove the car out of the parking lot. Fortunately, she chooses the black car with dark tinted on the windows.

But then, Madison notices that a car is following them. "Levi the paparazzi in the parking area is following us."

Levi glance on the right side-view mirror the car behind them speed up when Madison hit the gas, and drive faster. "We must lose them," he advice.

"Don't worry, I am familiar with this city," she stated, then take a left turn on the next street.

She grew up here. Most of the people living in the city know very well about Lady Isabella and her role to the Lady.

"Hold on tight," she told Levi and speed up the car.

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