My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 276

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Levi and Madison landed at a small airport somewhere in Reims, France. They ride a chopper to get faster in Paris, and from there, they will take by the car waiting for them. It was Levi who drove it and drops Madison at her apartment.

"Miss Girlfriend!" Levi called out Madison, who is about to climb the stairs in the front door.


"You forgot something," he smirked.

It made Madison think what she forgot, but she was sure nothing she left behind. "And what then?" she asked irritably.

Levi chuckles, seeing how she gets annoyed, and looks will be annoyed furthermore. 

"My goodbye kiss," he said afterward, make it sound like a thrill one.

Her eyes widen and mouth dropped on the street. What a shameless guy! 

Madison turns around and climbs the stairs with loud footsteps.

Damn. Why he can't make a common joke on her? But when she's the one joke on him, it was the greatest. Until now, he can't still get over how she plays at him by calling him a gecko.

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But he saw how beautiful she was, laughing like that time she made a joke on him. She was often stiff, nor tense around him or thinking too deep like it took her consciousness to another world.

When Madison entered her apartment, he drove the car leaving that place and took the road toward their mansion somewhere outside central Paris. But Levi doesn't know that the couple hanging out across the street are both from Sections 13 and 14 which Madison recognizes them.

She did not make any reaction and walk away, because Watchers start to follow them now. More like, guarding her. Madison is not used to this kind of treatment even she grew up beside the lady… but Lady Isabella notified her already about the Watchers; they who protect the Keepers in silent.

She drops her bag on the floor and throws herself on the soft bed. Madison closes her eyes then contemplate everything that happens now.

Levi will go to meet her reincarnated mother once more; the one he is love with... It must be so hard looking at the woman he loves, who she was in love with someone else.

Meanwhile, Levi still on the road, and he recalls the conversation he had between Madison's father. Marco might sound joking, but he should be serious behind his words.

"Master Levi, if you are planning to marry my daughter, don't forget to ask my blessings."

He smiled nervously because he felt the excitement. "Then what I should prove to get your blessings, Sir Marco."

Marco chuckles while scratching his chin. "Naming your next sports car to Madison would be enough. But do that because you love my daughter!"

Levi came back at the present. Madison, as the new model name of a sports car, is actually perfect. Madison and his company's logo are perfect too. It will have a double M to place as the logo; he can imagine it already. This one will be the most special among the rest they made because the logo is the unique one. 

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Double M— as the logo; how perfect it looks like. He was excited of a sudden, and that smile never disappeared from his lips. He was just happy...

Levi was now entering the Montfort secret gate, which no media notices his arrival. And the moment he entered the Hall, every eye peered on him; which he is not interested to check each one of them if who was sincere, and who was just pretending to join the most talk in history at the moment.

He has no interest because it focused his eyes in the center of this room where his uncle lay peacefully. He comes close and was like murmuring at him. Truth is, he is talking to him because he believes; his spirit still in this world.

Levi told Edward about his meeting with the Lady; he told him as well of how Lady Isabella was an exquisite and amazing person. Also, he teases his deceased uncle that no wonder why he did not get married, then chuckled at himself while having a thought 'if uncle alive he knocks him on the head'. 

Later on, he went to greet his parents and his aunt Lily and Aunt Larah. Levi looks around to find Quinn and Cassie and his mom answered him they were in the garden. So he went to see them.

Lilies are the ones planted in the garden; taking care of his Uncle Edward. Now, he understands why his uncle tends this garden by himself. It was the Lady's favorite flowers. 

Levi watches Quinn and Cassie now strolling in the courtyard. Quinn only following Cassie behind while she is following a butterfly around the garden

Levi closes his eyes. What was that? Did he see something from the past just now? It was written in the book. 

Levi took out his phone and wrote in the Note the scenes he saw. He saves it. Not long after, he received a text from Madison and said, it must be the part of the book when Quinn meets Cassie again when she is 12 years old. If base the book.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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He and Madison made notes that both of them could read, and both of them had access to the save files. Levi dialed Madison's number.

"Do you need to call me now?" She complains.

"Wait, why you aren't nice to me anymore?" He complains back. When he heard nothing on the other line, he continued.

"Okay… are you reading the book now?" He asked Madison.

"The part Quinn escape from the Facility, and Cassie's 12 birthday."

"I wonder if I can travel." Madison quoted.

"Wait— what?"

"But I don't know how to do that. Maybe tonight when I sleep, I might do."

"No way! I mean, I should be there by your side!"

Speechless, she is. Madison can't find a word to counter his sweet words. How does she wish that it was true and Levi's sincerity was for her? And not because of the possibility that something happens to Cassie.

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"Don't worry. Aunt Marie was here. I am not alone," she said.

Levi notices the changes in her voice, and so he wonders. "Okay... Are you feeling well?"

"I am…"

"Is that even true?"

"Yes, I am fine." Madison insisted for him to shut up.

* * *

Late night, Madison put down the book and prepared herself to sleep.

And she dreamed... after then—

"Levi! What are you doing here?" It surprised her at how Levi follows her.

"I don't know. I just hold your hand, and I found myself here."

"Where are we?"

"It was like the one in the book. Then, it was the time everything didn't change yet."

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