My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 277

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Madison hung up the phone. He wonders what happen to her; she is moody as usual. He was in deep thought when a hand smacks his back.

"What happened to you? Are you get dump again?" Quinn jokes on Levi who he only gives a long face.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about many things, so much to do soon after the Memorial Service." his alibi. He doesn't like explaining things to Quinn right now, because he will only teasing him to death.

"Alright. There are Formula Prelims you have to take care of soon. Did you already find your best driver?"

Levi sighed and Quinn understand how heavy it is... Ever since Blaire retires being the number one racer of the Montfort Racers Club, yet they never get the champion trophy one more time. Now it was Levi's job to find one to aim it once again, and so all the problem falls on him.

Levi will become the president of the Paris main branch, while her father will take the seat as a temporary CEO aside from being the President of their US branch until Levi is ready to take the position.

"Well, as long as you have trusted people around you, everything will be fine." Quinn patted Levi's shoulder.

"You can say that because you have the Giant 5 Directors of the Crow Corporation. I only have—" he almost mentions Madison. "I only have my employees and crews. Anyway, I trusted them."

"That's great then. Most important, you know who you trust." Quinn's advice. He himself crawl to secure the seat he has now.

"Levi!" an angelic call out him.

The two men turn head and watch Cassie walking toward them. Earlier, she told Quinn she needed to go to a washroom, and it was Blaire who accompany her which his sister have to go too... so then Quinn let the two girls have their moment which Blaire actually teases him; that even going to the washroom, he doesn't want to part from Cassie that long.

Cassie then hugs Levi and gives her condolences. She is always this warm and gentle person he knew, and which she even becomes so beautiful as years passed.

"Thank you, Cassie. I thought you won't come, you still have school," Levi said after they parted.

"Mama Hannah asked Auntie Dina for me to excuse for a few days," she told Levi. "So it was fine. I just brought my reviewers!"

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"That's good. Brother Quinn could help you."

"He did!" Cassie glances at Quinn lovingly.

Levi could see that, and he felt jealous… because Madison just always glares at him. He sighed which Quinn heard it.

"So, you truly got rejected," Quinn whispered to him.

"Don't you dare to tease me in front of Cassie," he pouted.

"Hum? What is it?" asked Cassie, who has no idea what they were talking about. Quinn whispered something to her that brightens her face, and the reason of that wide smile.

"Now the two of you wanted to tease me?" Levi just heard Cassie giggling. "Tsk. What a team!" he said, then rolled his eyes.

"Then who is she, Levi? You should introduce us to her!" Cassie was truly excited about what she learns. 

Levi gawking at Quinn. How dare this guy gossiping him to Cassie! Somehow, he began to feel the pressure. How he could introduce Madison to them with no explanation going on? It was a shocking truth that there is someone look exactly like Cassie. A daughter of her and Quinn; reincarnated to this lifetime like her parents.

*  *  *

Dinner served when more visitors arrived, the Windsor family from the British Monarchy.

"Welcome Duke Frederick, Duchess Zara Windsor," Katherine and Hendrick greeted the Prince and Princess. Edward is a very close friend to the prince.

"Oh, is this your eldest daughter?" Katherine gasped in awe, seeing how pretty the little girl hid from her nanny.

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"Yes, our eldest child, Katherine. She is five years old," Zara called her daughter and introduces to the Montfort couple. "You both actually have the same name."

Not so distance is Quinn and Cassie seated side by side, Quinn is holding her hand while whispering to Cassie the names and roles of those who arrives to pay respect.

"She is the fourth heir to the crown of the British Throne. Do you mean, she is a future queen?" Cassie asked amazingly.

"Hum…" Quinn nodded at her.

"Wow. I saw a real one!"

"Silly girl. Don't you know, that your family came from the royal line too?"

"Really?" mesmerized she asked Quinn.

Quinn amazed by her reaction. She really doesn't know? Quinn thought.

"If you did not knew yet. Mama Hannah is from the line of the Korean Royal Family. General Dae-Hyun Chen, who got married to his cousin Hwa-Young; had twins and a daughter. One twin becomes a General in which one becomes a physician; both served during the Joseon Dynasty… and the crown Princess falls in love with your ancestor. And then the next descendants down to you carrying the Royal blood." Quinn explained.

"So, you are a princess of yourself." Quinn pokes her nose.

"Huh? Am I?" Cassie looks up at him with a huge shock in her face. 

"Yes, you are!" he said, assuring it was true. Quinn realized, her parents actually raised her with a simple way of living. Landon and Hannah close the door of her real identity. And her parents raise her well; being a warm and kind heart person.

"But for me, you are my Empress." he whispered to her ear.

Levi giggles who seated two rows behind them. Quinn heard it and so he glares at Levi. His attention goes back to Cassie when she speaks again.

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"How if I was born as a peasant? I mean, I am just poor and living an ordinary life? Would you still like me?"

"Silly. I am sure, I will still fall in love with you."

Levi cannot laugh at it, because that is for sure, and he would agree to that. Quinn and Cassie already meant for each other. Whatever status they have, either Cassie is the peasant or Quinn who has the ordinary life; definitely, they will fall in love with each other over again, in every lifetime they have.

He was saving this conversation to the Notes as a record, but no response from Madison. He began wondering if what happened to her now.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"What's your drama?" Quinn pokes Levi's head.

"Ouch! What are you doing? Why you always bullied me?" he frowned.

"Really? Cassie has been asking you, but your face just twinges staring blankly."

"Oh… what is it?"

"Um, never mind Levi. Are you okay? Do you need a rest?"

Levi looks at Cassie and worries registered on her face. He smiled at her and told; he was fine, just thinking about the work he needed to finish soon. Quinn jokes at him that he just get dumped that's all... and so they argue a little which just typical of them cousins, until he excuses himself to search his mom.

"Mom, do you have a minute with me?" he asked Katherine.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Am worried about Madison. I am thinking to check on her," he told his mom.

"Okay. I'll notify the men to secure the route."

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"Thanks, Mom."

Katherine smiled at her son. She understands that Levi's role is much important; being a Keeper is a tough job with a special case of Madison's ability. Butler Pete then cleared the secret gate and Levi drove out his car after the area was secure from the paparazzi lurking around.

Levi is knocking on the door and Marie surprised to see him. "What are you doing here, Master Levi? Please, come in."

"I'm worried about Madison, Aunt Marie. She wasn't replying to me."

"Looks like, she already sleeps, but go ahead, and check her out."

"Is it okay, if I go in?" he meant Madison's bedroom.

"Both of you are Keepers, and the lady already told me about the setup."

"Thank you, Aunt Marie." Levi hurried upstairs after she told him which one is Madison's bedroom. He knocks on the door, and he enters when she's not responding.

"Madison?" he shook her shoulder. She is not waking up. Levi holds Madison's hand, and he was like pulling into a space of nowhere as he lost consciousness.

Marie just observing him. She called two of the Watchers after Levi lost consciousness; to carry him and lay beside Madison. "You both can go back to your post," she told them. They bowed then leave the room.

Marie quietly sits on the chair to watch the Keeper when they travel time… Meanwhile, 

"Levi? What are you doing here?" Madison asked Levi, she who was very surprised why he also arrives to this time.

"I know. I just hold your hand, and I found myself here."

"Where are we?" he asked.

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