My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 287

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Seated in the living room: Levi and Madison occupying the sofa, while Quinn took the single chair across them. He was peering with an earnest gaze.

"Now tell me. What the hell is going on here?" he demanded.

Madison glances at Levi, whom he nodded at her. She ran upstairs to take something, and when she got back; two books had both of her hands. Thus she places on the table.

Quinn gaping at the books. So, it was not just one but two. He mumbles to himself. "What are these? What is the difference between these books?"

"This is the tale of a life that did not occur anymore, which the one in the past events," Madison began explaining.

Quinn fixes his gaze at the other book, that is not the one that Cassandra has been reading.

"So, both of you can read this book. Thus, I can't get a hold of them. Why is that?"

"I presume,  because one of the main characters of these books were you," Levi told him.

"What does that mean, Levi? Is this a joke?" he asked.

"You just went time traveling with us, So there's nothing to joke around." Levi reminded Quinn with a serious tone. He observes how his cousin twinges face.

Quinn sighed. He rubs his forehead then covers his face both of his hands; he cannot avoid but heaves another sighed.

"Okay... if true, then why could Cassandra touch the book and I cannot?"

Madison and Levi's exchange gaze once again. "Are you telling us that Cassie read these books already?"

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"Yes and no. Yes, she read this one, but the other one not yet."

Quinn pointed out the red book then the purple one when his finger touches the cover a bit accidentally.

"Ouch!" he was electrified the usual when he tried to pick up the book in Cassandra's bed back at Larry and Loura's house. He becomes frustrated with it.

Levi and Madison saw what happens; peering at each other they prove that... So; it was true.

"That is something, brother Quinn. I can't guess of anything why you can't touch the book."

"I do not understand, either." Madison retorted to their conversation. "I need to ask Lady Isabella about this."

"Lady Isabella? Who is that?"

Levi peeks at Madison, and their eyes met. Quinn raised brow witnessing this, but he will try to be patient. He clears his throat when the couple in front of him still hasn't replied to him.

"All right, I can wait but not forever," he taunts.

Sounded a joke, but he can't stick around that long is the fact, because all he wished right now is to be by the side of the girl he loves extreme; the real one and living in his lifetime.

"Don't get us wrong. We just needed to weigh these matters firstly, whether we can tell you about the tragedy of these books."

"Okay. Try me then," Quinn challenged them.

One more time, the couple looked at each other, then nodded after deciding.

"Lady Isabella is your wife in the past life," Madison began.

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Quinn was speechless. He struggled to process every word Madison had said to him. It took him a moment before he recovered.

"Okay. First, is this also about the story?"

"It is the story," Madison answered.

"How about Cassandra?"

"She is your mistress."

Quinn speechless again with these questions and answers segment.

"The hell, Levi?" Quinn made a sudden stand from the couch.

"What? We are just answering your question."

"Then how about her?" Quinn pointing at Madison.

"Yours and your mistress's daughter."

His mouth dropped open. "You're kidding me!" He blurted.

Levi's left brow rose upward and sighed. "Anyway, you have nothing to wonder," he told Quinn.

"Why is that?"

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"Lady Isabella reincarnated and was born to a new parent. So do Cassandra and Madison."

"I need an elaboration." his requests from thus confusing facts.

"The only connection you have now, are their souls, were still the same. Even if they were born in different bodies."

"Alright, so then?"

"And so, you don't have to worry about Lady Isabella that she is the wife of yours in the past life."

"How can I meet her? I want to talk to her before we flew back to Mainland City. I need clarification in everything."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Williams. Lady Isabella makes her journey to meet the Shamans. There are things she needed clarification regarding the RESET LIFE."

"Okay, then. I will try to figure out things. First, Cassandra and I are the main characters of these books? Second, we both reincarnated? Including the two of you?"

Madison and Levi nodded. So, Quinn continued.

"Also, you said that our life now is just a reset one? And the time we travel to, is also our life once before the reset?"

"Yes, brother Quinn."

Quinn takes the silence. Then, that really happens to Cassandra.

"Are you saying now that everything is just history for those who remember them?" He asked one more time.

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"They call us The Keeper."

"Really? And it includes you, Levi?"

"Yes, brother Quinn. I just recently find out. I was a Keeper like Uncle Edward."

He is a bit surprised. "I see. But how about us? Is it normally we can see our past or whatever that once connected to us?"

"I am uncertain, Mr. Williams."

"Wait— this really bothers me. Can we stop this formality? Can't you call me something aside from this Mr. Williams?"

Madison was speechless. "Is it awkward if I call you a dad or something like Papa?"

It was Quinn who was speechless now; contemplating Madison's phrase. Levi who broke the silence with his annoying laughs — teasing Quinn in that way. Quinn twitches his brows; frowning his face.

"Shut up Levi." it annoys him for real.

He just continued laughing until Madison also gets annoyed and elbowed him on the stomach. "You really are cruel, Miss Girlfriend," he whines, holding his stomach while groaning in pain. "You know we haven't even gotten started on my training. So my body still is fragile. Can't you be gentle?" he continue complaining.

"Gentle my ass!" she blurted out while glaring at him.

Quinn could see her cheeks blushing, round eyes grow wider and reddish ears. She must be shy of his presence and it's kinda cute.

Madison is almost a hundred percent resembles Cassandra, except for the maturity looks and color of their eyes. Nevertheless, both are beautiful. He feels proud of this thought, that if Madison is his and Cassandra's daughter.

He could look forward to a beautiful little Cassandra. Now he misses her more. Madison caught the smile tearing on his lips and that flashes of desires for someone.

Quinn is surely in love with Cassie, she could tell. And to think about it, she feels glad to find the parents of her past life still in love after reincarnated.

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