My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 288

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There are so many questions running inside my head. After I made the journey toward that another life, even though it does not appear at the present; this really troubled me.

Levi and Madison do not have enough knowledge about everything yet. The information I have now — is something more complicated for me.

Said, I was the man from the past name Carlisle Williams, my ancestor. And the woman I loved, Cassandra Young is his lover Marivella Chen, grandmother of Hannah Chen. However, she is just my mistress in the past.

By now, I have these questions in my head. What kind of existence do I have in life that no longer appears in my lifetime at the present?

These facts worried me because I can't read the books, and so I was completely clueless.

How if the present life disturbed by these events of time traveling? What will be the connection to the present? One thing also, why we can still visit that life when everything has changed?

I cannot avoid contemplating these concerns inside my head. The night still cold although spring is coming. My coat has to burn off, so I am a little cold. I look up at the night sky, and it appears tonight the moon is hiding from the clouds.

Thus, I prayed then; hoping everything will be just fine.

I sighed. Tonight, I learned a lot of things. I might have a serious talk with Uncle Nicholas, as the information Levi shows to me is also giving me chill.

Levi called it a night. Alone, I pondered the things I should not worry anymore. Since it was late, I followed him inside the mansion. Climbing the staircase, I began recalling our conversation inside the car on our way home.

I realized, there are many things I need to know.

"Tell me, Levi about Lady Isabella. Did we already meet her before?" I asked him.

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"I doubt that we did. I just meet her once, and that is when I seek her after Uncle Edward died. It was his last request for me to understand everything about happening."

"I see. Is she hiding from the world?"

"Is Uncle Nicholas hasn't told you anything yet?"

I give Levi a confusing facial expression. "About what?" I glanced at his direction, and he looks at me with confusion.

"That Lady Isabella who founded the Alliance?"

I step the brakes of a sudden. "Is this a joke Levi?"

"I did not. And never will for this subject."

"Have you know how old the Association?" I asked him, making sure my tone was full of convincing shocks.

And Levi is serious. I could tell in his expression. It looks like his role as a Keeper has made him mature, and I like this transformation. Also, that Madison has a huge contribution to these changes. And to his personality, as a father, I would not give Levi an approval to court my daughter.

Fortunately, Madison was born to a different parent. Or else, there is no way my daughter would be a love interest to my cousin. Not to mention the age!

Oh, wait— I forget to ask Levi if he and Madison was also a lover in the past. I should not forget to ask that tomorrow.

Levi also told me that Isabella is immortal. She still young even though she is over two hundred years old. Should I believe him?

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This really made me curious even more. But all I know at this moment, my brain still denies processing that leads not believing in everything that happens.

It was late at night that is why the mansion is too quiet now. Although I saw several members from Section 15, they were maintaining a silent movement around the mansion. To think about it, when the time I was prepared to accept my role, I will replace Uncle Nicholas and I will lead everyone since then...

While trailing this hallway to a certain bedroom, I made a realization — the knowledge I have is not enough. There are mysteries in this world that need to be unfolded.

Passing to this door, I halted and reached for the doorknob.

Since our parents and relatives gather, they were occupying the large rooms and I share a room with Levi.

I was here now in front of Cassandra's room to take a peek because if I can't have a glimpse of her tonight, might I woke up having a nightmare; imagines how her body covered with blood.

I could feel how my heart throbbing until now. Those episodes of dying Cassandra in my arms were still fresh for me and felt so real, that is why I yearned to see her now.

As I step inside the room and strides toward the bed, there she is. I am glad she was sleeping soundlessly. Then I noticed a book on her tummy. I picked it up and placed it carefully on the bedside table.

I can't help to sit on the bed; stare lovingly at this beautiful lady. I have the urge to comb the few strands covering her face, and so I did. The same throbs inside my chest, I felt this overbearing beats of my heart.

Just awhile ago, I am too scared of losing her. Even if she is not the real one, I wanted to protect the person who is Cassandra to that lifetime. And, so I went fighting to save her. It does not matter if that was just an illusion or also real.

Until now, I am still scared, made me frighten that it happens in this lifetime. Could I protect her? I can't always be by her side. Now I need people to keep on the eye her twenty-four-seven to make sure her safety.

I heaved a sighed. I could feel that I am becoming aggressive now. It was just, if something happens, can I prevent that?

I did wonder.

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Haven't noticing, I did keep combing her hair and caress her face; drawing a line on her nose that made her move to scratch her nose. I chuckle.

"Quinn, is that you?"

Cassandra asked me as she slowly opens her eyes. "Yes, it's me. I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"Oh, it was you!"

Immediately, she sat up from lying down on the bed, then throws her arms around my neck. I was happy she misses me this much as I am longing to hold her.

"I missed you," I mumble as I rested my forehead to her shoulder blade.

"I missed you too." She replied to me. I feel her fingers running on my hair.

"Quinn— "

She parted our body, and she looked at me on the eye.

"Thank you."

I am confused about why she thanked me. But then, I nodded and smiled.

"I love you. I hope you know that."

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"Yes, I know!"

She answered with a beautiful smile on her face. I looked at her eyes: and they were sparkling and bright.

"I love you too, Quinn," she whispered.

My heart skips a beat. And with this, I cannot hold the urge not to taste her mouth.

I hold her face both of my hands as I kiss her. I cannot contain myself not to deepen our shared moment. She is the real one. Breathing and kissing me back. Slowly, I pushed her into the bed, and began touching the smooth skin of her neck down to her shoulder.

Cassandra's holds in my neck are tightening, I could feel her warm body underneath mine.

Can I resist the temptation?

I can't pull myself away from her, as I wanted to feel her more.

My right hand found its way down to her left leg and I pull her body close to me.


She gasped close to my ear as we parted our lips to catch our breath.

"I love you so much, Cassandra Marivella Chen Young."

I whispered before I covered her mouth one more time.

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