My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 293

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Looking out from the veranda, Quinn found Cassie in the Pavilion reading a book. He went down to the garden and seated next to her. Putting his armed around her shoulder made her blushed, because he rested his forehead between her neck, and it tickles her.

"How bold of you, President Williams," she teases him. Just this morning her father gone rage finding out they were together on the bed in a sensual position; Quinn wrapped her around his arms which she was on a sexy nightie brushing her skin onto him... but that was just a night together. Daze from the thought, she heard Quinn's response.

"I ask your Papa's consent to date you today." He drew his head toward her forehead and planted a kissed.

"Is that true?" surprised, she peers at him dazzlingly.

Quinn nodded. He could see how her eyes spark, and her face making a pleasant reaction from his news. Truly, he talks to her Papa Landon after he finished a serious talked with Uncle Nicholas.

"How did you make him agreed?" She asked curiously.

Quinn brushed off the few strands, shrouded her face every time the morning breeze blowing her hair. He then sat up taking Cassandra's hand, as he pulled her up, he said.

"That's a secret between a man," he pokes her nose.

"Unfair!" she pouted. "But, alright, it does not matter anyway." She then smiled widely, thinking what miracle brings her father to agree? Maybe Quinn knelt down first. Ah, her Papa appears the extreme making sure that everything is like a difficult test for Quinn.

Clasping her hand, Quinn leads her to the car arranged for their date. "I thought you were just joking," she commented as they both settled inside a yellow Montfort sports car.

"I want to spend more time with you," said Quinn, while helping fasten her seat strap.

Leaning at her, Cassie could inhale his scent. Quinn peering down at her as he notices how tender her gazes... later, he covers her mouth for a brief kiss. She blushed as he parted their lips.

Now they reached the central city; Quinn parks the car somewhere, and they walk the rest of the streets hand in hand. They were strolling the city for a while now, so they've stopped by a coffee shop.

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The server place down their order and Cassie indulge herself from the aroma. Slowly sipping the hot drink, she felt delighted. She then looks up hearing that click the sound of a camera from Quinn's gadget.

"Hmm... That's cheating! I wanted to have a photo of you too!" she pouted.

"Later, let us take a selfie," Quinn smirked. He took another photo, then posted them on his Instagram account, which stormed with awws and ooohhhhs...

The caption: My Forever

All their friends and relatives commented, teasing both. Only Levi jokes with "Eww... Show off!"

Quinn replied, "Don't ewe me. I'll go to tell Madison your most embarrassing moment."

With this, the attention shifted to Levi. He who now questioned if who is Madison Quinn mentions. Then, Levi disappears from commenting.

Meanwhile, is Cassie now checking the post and saw the conversation. "Madison? Who is she? Does she is the one you said before that Levi might have a girlfriend?" her eyes sparks.

"Am uncertain if officially, but rumored yes."

"That guy! I really wanted to meet her!"

Quinn looks at her. He was thinking of what she would feel after meeting their daughter?

"What?" Cassie tilted her head on the side.

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"Nothing. You were just the most beautiful woman I ever met."

Blushing, she let out a gentle laugh. "You were becoming cheesy, President Williams."

"Am I? Then, I must be in love."

With this, Cassie flushes so much; heart flutters that she made a sudden sip on her teacup that burns her tongue.

"Oh, careful! You, okay?" Quinn asked worriedly. Surprised when she did that. She nodded at him.

"Let me cool it off," he said, then stood up from his seat.

He leans on the table and reaches her chin. Quinn's next move made her dazed. He suddenly kisses her on the lips without warning. Her eyes grew wider but then closed them to taste the moment.

She never saw that coming. Quinn is making sudden moves that surprise her, left her astounded. Quinn sits back to his chair, eyes never left her.

They finished their coffee, and they continued strolling the city. They were now looking up at the tower: taking a selfie together. Quinn, and Cassandra walking around the Fountain.

He took a lot of photos of her. Cassandra sometimes jumping or turning around for a stolen shot. There is one when flocks of doves flew from the ground, that created a drama to the shots.

They were standing at the foot of a staircase in front of the Warsaw Fountain. As a clock chime ten times, Quinn and Cassie took the steps hand in hand, along each chime of the clock after the tenth hour of the morning. But Cassie runs down the stairs, left Quinn at the top of the staircase.

Cassie looked at Quinn lovingly. Slowly, she strides the steps toward Quinn with a silly smile. But then, she halted and reached for her head. Suddenly, it hammered with pain. 

Quinn's smile disappears from his face, replaced with fright. He steps down hastily toward her.

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"Cassandra, what happens? Are you okay?" Quinn asked, meet her halfway.

* * *

Cassandra's POV


A pain hammering my head. Why does it throb like this? I press my palm to my head, harder than I could; attempted to ease the pain.

But the pain is getting severe.


In the back of my head, I could hear someone is crying. 

Who is that? I asked myself.

Where are you? Who are you? I keep asking as I lost inside in a place I don't know where…

Repeating, I keep asking inside my head.

"Cassandra? Are you okay?"


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I could hear Quinn's voice keep asking me, his warm palm holding my face. Also, I could hear different voices inside my head.

"Why is she crying?"

"Who? Cassandra, who are you talking about?" asked Quinn.

"My head, I can't bear the pain." It was as if breaking me apart.

"Do you want me to bring you to the hospital?" Quinn asked me.

I could tell in his voice that he was too worried about me. 

Quinn. I cried. I force to open my eyes but it's dark.

Where am I? Where is Quinn? What is this place?

It was cold. I could feel the raindrops on my skin. What is happening? Why was it so cold? And why my surroundings are dark as night? 

I could hear people chatting past me. I could also hear a lot of footsteps passing me... and even hearing men shouting at each other, arguing.

Quinn? It is from Quinn! Definitely, this is Quinn's voice.

I don't understand. I am lost. Where is Quinn? Where are you, Quinn? She is crying out loud, but it seems no one heard her.

All I know at this moment, as I could feel; tears running down like rain from my eyes.

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