My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 294

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Making a long stride to catch her body after she lost consciousness, Quinn cries. "Cassandra! Hold on, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Quinn sits on the steps holding Cassie on his arms. He reaches for his phone and called a certain person. "Jessie, bring a car around!" he ordered.

Not long after, three black cars stop in front of the Palais de Chaillot steps who were on standby, silently following him around.

Immediately, two of Section 15 bodyguards get out of the car and opens the door to the car in the middle.

Quinn stood up and make long strides toward the vehicle. Jessie Verough who drives the car in the middle convoy asked Quinn where to go.

"To the nearest hospital, Jess. Quick!"

"Understood." Jessie glances to the man seated beside him on the front seat, nodded.

"Team, to the nearest hospital," he said, giving order to the rest of Section 15 convoy.

After less than a minute of scanning the city map on a gadget, they located a nearby clinic in which Quinn knew the doctor. The three cars parked outside, Jessie went to talk to the doctor. After making sure there's no patient left, Quinn rushes inside and places Cassandra carefully in the bed.

"What happen?" the doctor asked while checking Cassie's vital signs.

"She was complaining about pain on her head, then she lost consciousness, Doctor Phillip," Quinn explained.

"Did she got into an accident before that is why she experiences like this? How about recently?"

"I don't think she does, doctor."

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The doctor took a meaningful glance at him that puzzles Quinn. "Doctor? Did you already find out what caused her losing consciousness?"

"Is she pregnant?"

Quinn dropped his mouth on the floor. Dumbfounded, he can't react properly but making a funny expression. He regains composure and clears his throat.

"No. That is not possible, yet, doctor."

Quinn could feel that curious look from the doctor and his nurse assistant.

"We're not on that stage, yet." he forced to explain.

Quinn rather wishes that is the case than Cassandra was in great bad health. Last night she already had a bad dream, and he heard she already got a headache that evening. He thought it's better for her to stroll around to enjoy her stay.

"Then, all we can do is waiting for her to wake up to proceed with the other tests. By now, I have to examine her blood."

"Okay, doctor. Please do, thank you," he said.

Quinn took Cassie's hand then brought it to his lips. "Please, be fine." he prays, worried, it bewildered him.

Everything is good, in a sudden, happens this. Cassandra did not show any ailment earlier, she was very enthusiast about their date.

"Cassandra, can you hear me? Please, wake up sooner."

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Half an hour passed, both of their parents, including Levi and the others, arrived in the clinic. As few of the paparazzi took a photo of the incident earlier, reporters began gathering outside the clinic.

However, Section 15 personnel guarding the place and no one could get near.

"Quinn, what happened to her?" Landon asked angrily, holding his sleeve.

"I am sorry, sir."

"Honey stops! It is not Quinn's fault, what are you doing?"

"But if he didn't ask to take Cassandra outside, she would not end up here!"

"I am sure Quinn did not wish for this to happen!"

Landon shoved him on the corner and sighed furiously. Quinn's parents join him and patted his back. They understand what Landon is feeling, so they won't meddle his anger toward their son.

He approached his daughter and brushes her face. "Honey, we're here. Wake up and tell papa what hurts you." His voice cracks from the emotion he felt at the moment.

"We have to bring her back to the island as soon as possible," he announced afterward.

Everyone just keeps their silence, especially Levi who now standing beside Quinn.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked him. Quinn just nodded then follows Levi.

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"Brother Quinn, Lady Isabella once told me, that the island Cassie living at, is like a magic circle that protects her... sealing her memories from unnecessary past events she could recall."

"What are you talking about?"

"The island was under like a spell or what? What I know, it calms Cassie and made her living a normal life."

"The past? What kind of past she could remember?" Quinn began worrying about something. "Tell me, Levi, what more information you know?"

"I know little. It was the Shamans who sealed her memories."

"How about Madison?"

"She knew more than me, yes. But in cases of the mysteries surrounding us, Madison yet knowledgeable. The lady still holds many secrets even to her."

"I want to talk to Lady Isabella and these shamans. I demand an explanation of why they have to do that and why this is happening." He stated firmly.

"Okay. I will call her to ask for some information."

Quinn nodded then Levi went to a more private area away from everyone. Seated on a bench, Levi dialing Madison's phone who left in the office, waiting for his call.

"Levi! How is she?" Madison worrying as well after she heard from Levi that Quinn brought Cassie to a clinic. They knew that Quinn brought Cassie to date and inviting them for a lunch meeting later with her.

Quinn finally wanted to introduce Madison to her mother by the soul. And excitement crawls her heart. Now, what happened to her?

"Is she going to be all right, Levi?" she asked, almost teary eye.

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"Everyone is waiting for her to wake up. Brother Quinn, he wanted to ask if where we could visit the shamans?"


* * *

Somewhere in South America...

In the middle of a forest, where civilization still living like the 18th century, the Council of Shamans gathered. Seated on the floor, Isabella pays her respect to them.

"What have you been doing all these years?" one of the shamans asked her.

"Please, forgive me. I need your guidance, once again," she said, bowing in front of the Council of Shamans.

"It has abused Time. Now, both of the lifetime entangled and creating a huge disturbance in the present time."

Isabella is shocked. What was that mean? Did she cause another disaster of their lifetime? Did she make a mistake?

"Please tell me, is this because of my doings upon meddling the past, and preventing many things to happen?"

"Not only that but the theme that no more existed disturbed."

"Is this a cause of the changes both lifetime?" Isabella recalls everything during her time traveling.

There are chances that she will change something in the past or the future to get a better result. Looks like, she failed.

"Disturbance in both of the lifetime. Are you referring out Carlisle and Marivella?" Isabella asked the shamans.

"We will look through at what exactly happens or what causes, that the balance of time no longer harmonizing."

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