My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 47: 47

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Blaire brought Jean to the mall that owns by Crow Corporation.

Jean is hesitant to choose any of the clothes hanging in front of her. She somehow knew the brand and it is expensive.

"Don't worry Jean, brother Kier has membership in this store and he has a 50% discount." Blaire smile amusingly of how she looks so worried about choosing even one dress.

Jean wander her eyes in every corner of the store, said, below in this floor is where the Men's Clothes was displayed.

She steps closer to the hanging dresses and tried to scan the design. Mostly are daring dresses so she moves to another row and she found a decent one but the price is killing her.

"Can we go to another store, Blaire?" She asked her after a long moment of trying to look something she would like.

"Well... you know, that this store was actually owned by brother Kier's second youngest brother's wife. And brother Kier has a partnership of this store. Meaning, what he pays still go back to him."

Jean was shocked by hearing that. Kier not only earning as an executive of a big corporation but he also earns a fortune from somewhere else. Their gap is getting bigger. She is just a peasant suddenly become a Damsel in Distress, that's why she met the Prince. She thought.

Blaire studied her expression and thought, this girl seems won't be quickly impressed with expensive stuff. She has seen many social climbers whose efforts to seduce rich men for them to buy these brand clothing and handbags, but Jean surely is different. She smirks.

"Come, I will help you." She pulled Jean to the east part of the store where cocktail dresses were hanging.

She scanned the row and she found a black off-shoulder knee length cocktail dress.

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"Nice one. You have a beautiful long neck, off shoulder is perfect for you," Blaire cheerfully praises her.

"Go and try it on!"

Jean nod then a saleslady escorted her to the fitting room. She gasped at her owned reflection. She decided to untie her ponytail and just let loose her jet black naturally wavy hair. Now her face fits a little to the dress.

"Jean," Blaire knocks on the fitting door. "I found few dresses might you like to try on."

Jean opens the door and Blaire's eyes grew wider. "My, look at you!"

Jean steps out from the fitting room. She looks at her reflection in the wall mirror next to the fitting room door and it feels like, she is not herself. The woman she's seeing is a little different.

"I told you. Simplicity is pride. When you dress up like a classy one, it will turn out like a living goddess." Blaire quoted.

"Thank you," Jean shyly smile. She still not used to Blaire's praises.


"Anna!" The two woman embraces.

"Jean, this is Anna, David's wife. I already mentioned to you earlier about brother Kier younger brother."

Hearing Kier's name, Anna's eyes quickly spark. She glances at Blaire and she was answered with a wink. Yes, she knew very well that Kier had girlfriend only once because she and David is a childhood sweetheart. That is why once there's a woman got involved with their clean freak brother, everyone got excited.

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"Hi, Jean! Welcome to our store! That dress is pretty! It was like just made for you!" Anna complimented her.

"Oh, thank you." She shyly thanked Anna.

But in her mind, why these beautiful ladies would praise her? She is totally different from their status. She just able to get dress beautifully now and soon, everything will be just like a dream.

Cinderella should wake up soon… Jean shook her imagination.

"Here, try this one." Blaire handed her a mango color dress. She likes the style of it. Still a knee length but a fitted one and a conservative slit on the back, showing decently the back of her legs.

She excitedly tries on the dress and this one has given her extra class of appearance. She went outside and the two women gasped in awe.

"That's more suited on you."

"Definitely!" Anna agreed on Blaire.

The two women let her try more dresses and she was in dazed afterward. She was exhausted from the fittings and complains how she could wear them when she can't go out often.

"What are you talking about? When you will begin working for me, you need these dresses to wear during practices."

She was dumbfounded. "Isn't this are too much? I could just wear something like denim and a T-shirt." She opposes. No way she would wear around like that on ordinary days!

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"Wait, working for you?" Anna asked curiously.

"Yes. I offer her a job to sing at weddings or any events that will hold in Glass Garden."

"Really!? Then I should start ordering a specially made dresses for you Jean!" Anna exclaimed excitedly.

"Huh? But I haven't decided yet and I am not sure if Kier would…"

Blaire and Anna meaningfully glance at each other. Jean did not notice how they would grin behind her back.

"Why we don't have a coffee?" Blaire suggested.

"Yes! We should visit big sis-in-law," Anna agreed.

Jean just follow whatever these two ladies came up with... Blaire and Anna took each of her arms, and they began pulling her into the elevator.

Behind them is Daichi carrying all the shopping bags. She glances at him worriedly but Daichi said, he is their bodyguard for the day. She senses a good friendship with these people.


Arriving at this exquisite coffee shop, and met Michelle, Jean feeling more hesitant to enter Kier's world.

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Each member of the family is a successful person. His older brother Karl, married to an heiress of known popular coffee shops in the city and Blaire is too close to his sisters-in-law.

The three women in front of her wonders what made her feeling down.

Jean cannot help to not admire them because of the friendliness they showed her despite her being a stranger. Still, they treated her like a true friend but she is not fitted to their world.

While having a chat with random stuff and a few times asking Jean about her country, Anna's phone rings.

While the other line continues speaking, Anna's expression becoming funny, and her eyes grew bigger. Everyone is curious about what news she receives.


On the sideline:

Daichi seated in a different table. He dialed a number and the other line quickly answered his call.


"Dale, send more men here. We are at Crescent Cafe," he ordered.

"Copy, boss."

After his boss ended the call, Dale quickly made a call to the men who just driving around ready for a call from their Big Boss Daichi.

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