My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 48: 48

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Kier continued answering his family's unending questions. He explained everything many times already, but they are not convinced that it is just for that purpose.

Worse is, his older brother Karl and David suddenly appears in the room because Matt texted them while he is explaining about the temporary marriage registration.

And did not end on that, David called his wife about it and told her about Jean. Anna said she is with Jean now as Blaire brought her at the store. She confirmed how beautiful she is and that added his family on ridiculing him.

They made a discussion if what better protection for Jean. His mom suggested that they should stay in the mansion for the time being while the case wasn't solved. But they are also pretending to be husband and wife, so, they should be living together to avoid suspicion.

Kier receives a text message from Daichi that there are men who're following them since from the mall so he is making a move to secure Jean and the ladies.

Daichi asking him if he should escort Jean back to his pad or bring to a safe house. Kiet shared it to his family and his parents agreed to bring Jean to their house because no one could pass in the gate if not residents of the Regency Village.

"Mom, you should go home now. David, go and drive mom home."

"But Anna was there! I wanna meet them on the way!"

"I'll go also to get Michelle," Karl insisted.

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"Alright, I'll be the one to drive your mother home. You four go and meet them on the way. Matt, call Aldean to bring Andrea home as soon as possible," their father quickly solves their setups.

His sons immediately move out and drive their cars. David joined Kier on his car and Karl joins Matt.

The brothers drive their cars to their fastest speed.

"David, please make a call to Rudolf. He is in China now so use his roaming number."

"Okay, big brother." Karl grabs Kier's phone and search Rudolf's roaming number then dialed it.


"Rudolf, I want you to control the traffic from Crescent Café towards the Residency Mansion. Daichi will take Blaire, Jean, and my in-laws out of the shop and bring safely home. Guide them and clear their way the fastest and safest street."

"Copy," Rudolf answered. He was already informed by Kier about Jean and he already hacked Senator Lou's computer.


In the meantime, the four ladies weren't aware of what's happening. While Anna was on the phone, Jean went to the washroom.

After the call ended, Anna squealing on her chair while holding up not to scream. She takes a deep breath before she shares to the other ladies about what her husband told her. Now, the three of them screams.

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The customers were curious about what's going on to the nearby table. But Daichi has to cut their happiness. He texted Blaire about the situation and she told the other ladies about it.

Michelle and Anna knew the nature of their husbands' family career and this situation is cannot avoid. After Jean came back. They acted like its nothing and said, there is a place they should go to. Confused about the sudden happenings, Jean just let them bring her along. This is a good thing because she already bored hiding inside Kier's pad. She can't even have a peep in the window afraid might someone is watching her.

Anna drags her to Daichi's car and Blaire drives Michelle's car.

In the beginning, everything is just normal. But later on, some car screeching from the distance behind them. They are trying to drive past them.

But nothing did they know, that blocking a car is Blaire's expertise. Of course, she is a Drag Race champion. She won street races many times. Because of this habit, Shun sent Meisha to California to watch over her and that's when she falls in love with her now husband.

She admitted how she was stubborn before, always escaping from Meisha's watch. But, her husband possessed an amazing talent. He is the only one who could win against her over and over again.

Blaire effortlessly blocked the car that following them. But they began shooting them.

"Shit!" Blaire cursed.

"I have a gun here!" Michelle said.

"Don't worry, Michelle Daichi's men just following us."

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Not that long, they heard some clashes behind them. Blaire glances on the rearview mirror, she saw the car that fires them have crashed in the side.

The other car that follows them was hit intentionally by some car that suddenly appears in the next street.

But still, there are cars that suddenly appear and tried to crash them. Daichi tried to lose them. Blaire just follows them in maintaining speed.

Daichi's phone rings, he answered it through his Bluetooth earphone.



"I was waiting on the 11th Avenue," she answered.

Daichi looks ahead and tried to guess which building Riley possible in position.

Anna's phone rings. "Hello? David!"

"Anna, brother Rudolf will give instructions where you should go." Her husband informed her.

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"Okay!" she answered. She 's trying to stay calm. "Brother Daichi!" she gives the phone to him.

"Daichi! Rudolf will instruct the direction!" Kier told him.

"Okay!" he answered.

Rudolf connected to Anna's phone and began guiding them to not so crowded streets. The cars that follow them are persistent.

Daichi's men and the people chasing them are now exchanging bullets. They can't try to shoot the cars ahead because they were pressed by Daichi's men.

Another moment and now the brothers caught up with them. Kier slamming his car to the one that chases Jean. They tried to shoot them but David is shooting back.

The same by the other car, Matt and Karl tried to shoot the other group. They aim for the tires.

But one by one, the cars slowing down and the others hit the sidewalk.

Riley shot the drivers and everyone who tried to fire out. In the next street, few motorcycles began chasing them, but Riley shoots them down instantly.

It took another moment and the road was clear out. The two cars safely turn back to the main road, followed by Kier and Matt's cars.

The four cars now blended into the traffic and no one chasing them anymore.

Riley put back her rifle into the bag and ride the lift down to the parking lot. Dale quickly opens the Van and she climbed inside. They leave the parking lot back to the main office building where she stayed with the rest of the Hitman.

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