Chapter 1. Nursery School Life

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Episode 2

Living as the eldest daughter of a wealthy family is a very difficult task.

Especially if the younger siblings all have strong personalities.

“Then we’ll get going.”

For my mother’s regular check-up, my good parents were going to go to the capital hospital together.

“Take good care of your brothers.”

My mother had already repeated the same thing 100 times.

“Yes. Don’t worry too much.”

“Leo, listen to your sister. If you don’t have mom and dad, your sister is your mom and dad. Got it?”

“Mom. Do you have to go?”

The youngest, Leo, clinged to the carriage and whined. I hugged my youngest brother like that.


Even though he was only eight years old, my body staggered under his heavy weight.

“Mother. Mother. Don’t forget to buy a book.”

“Daniel. Read books in moderation and play with Leo a lot. Don’t leave Leo to your sister alone.”

“Leo is a strong fool.”

“I am not stupid!”

Leo screamed at Daniel’s words.

While holding Leo, I had to pull his face away at the sound of the ringing in my ear.


Edward from behind looked at me like I was pathetic. That child…


My mother paid attention to the look. Edward pretended he didn’t hear and went up to his mother and said,

“Then go.”

“Edward. Please don’t be so rigid.”


My mother gently brushed Edward’s hair, as if she were not treating her son, but her nephew, whom she had seen for the first time in ten years.

Edward was weak from birth and grew up secluded in the countryside as a child.

As a result, he kept a lot of distance from the family, but my mother felt sorry for Edward’s behavior.

“Guys. See you later.”

My father, who was the last to bring a suitcase, looked around us as they were sent off. Then, one by one, they hugged each other.

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“Dad. Can you not go?”

When Leo murmured again, he said the same thing as my mother.

“Listen to me. If you don’t have a mom, your sister is your mom.”


“Don’t answer dryly. And… eldest son. Don’t play alone as if you don’t have mom and dad, talk with your sister and ride horses with your brothers.”


Edward replied.

The last turn was me. My father looked at me and smiled brightly.

He hugged me.

“This is an emergency fund. Since you won’t have a mom, you can go out to buy a lot of cakes and clothes that you wanted to buy.”

“I love you, dad!”

When I hugged my father tightly, he smiled.

“You must have a hard time taking care of your younger siblings alone. But Elizabeth, my pride, please take good care of your younger brothers.”

“Don’t worry. Family is the best happiness! I won’t forget.”

‘Family is the best happiness.’ was what my father always said like a habit.

The words have not been properly understood yet. Perhaps my parents don’t know, because the three younger siblings had a lot of things they couldn’t handle without listening.

“Yes, I trust you.”

My father, who patted me on the back, loaded all his luggage and boarded the carriage.

“Then go inside. Don’t make any trouble and eat on time.”

“Edward, Daniel, Leo. Listen to her!”

My father and mother did not stop nagging until the last minute.

We came home after confirming that the wagon was moving away and disappeared from the end of our gaze. And the first thing that happened was…

“Edward. Where are you going?”

“I’m going to my room.”

“I told you not to play alone, but to hang out together.”

“Sister, please respect my private life.”

Edward, who responded in an elegant way, went up to the room.

Daniel also ran to the study on the first floor with a thumping sound of footsteps without losing.

“Daniel! The library on the first floor is off limits!”

The study on the first floor was exclusively for father and mother, so Daniel was prohibited from accessing.

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If I don’t impose a ban on access, he won’t eat and will only read all day.

“Sister. Father and mother aren’t here. Isn’t this the right time?”

Daniel, who answered so, opened the library door with excitement. And Leo…

“Sister, sister. Let’s have a knife fight. A sword fight.”


Leo looked up at me with a big glare.

Leo, who is only eight years old, is a child I raised myself on behalf of my sick mother. Perhaps that’s why I was exceptionally weak to Leo.


“Okay, let’s do it. Hunting game.”

“You’re the best!”

Leo excitedly went up to the room to pick up the wooden sword.

At the moment when my mother and father were away for two minutes, I was sure that the next two weeks of life would be very tiring. And that conviction eventually became a reality.



Edward opened the door and came in. Edward, with an angry face, was holding Leonardo sobbing.

“Please don’t let him enter the study.”

“What’s wrong?”

Edward pushed Leo into my arms as if he were handing over food and took something out of his arms.


Pls read only at pinkmuffin tl.

The book was completely torn and tattered, but at a glance, Leo did it.

“Isn’t he younger than me? So please take good care of him.”

“…He’s your younger brother too.”

“He’s not my brother.”

Edward’s words were full of strength as if his head was boiling. I quickly soothed Edward because I thought he would explode if I touched him more.

“Okay. I’ll take a closer look. I’m sorry. Leo, did you apologize?”

“Sister. Big brother hit me. Wahhhh.”

Leo’s tears spread around the hem of my clothes. I held back my sigh from the damp feeling. In the meantime, Edward slammed the door and went back.

“That jerk…”

I don’t know who Edward took after. I clicked my tongue and wiped Leo’s face, which was now with a runny nose.


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Leo, who blew his nose, dug back into my arms and rubbed his face.

He was already eight years old, but acted more like a four-year-old child.

‘It’s probably because mother is sick and can’t see Leo often, so he lacks affection.’

A mother and father, who had a marriage from love that was unusual in upper-class society and had four children.

However, perhaps because she suffered severe difficulties when giving birth to the youngest, Leo, mother has been in a bad shape since then.

Thanks to that, my younger siblings and I grew up in the hands of the nanny, but the problem is that Leo is too shy.

‘Thanks to that, I almost took charge of Leo.’

Unlike being known as a troublemaker to the family, Leo was a shy and introverted child in front of strangers.

So as his older sister, I took care of Leo, and Leo followed me exceptionally.

“Sister. It hurt so much when I got hit by my eldest brother.”

“Are you sick? I’ll protect you.”

I soothed Leo by rubbing his head that came up with a bump. Then the door opened again and Daniel appeared.

“Sister, when will father and mother come? They should have arrived three days ago.”

“They’re probably a few days late because they were going a long way. Let’s wait a little bit.”

“I hope nothing happened.”

“I don’t think so. Don’t worry too much.”

“It shouldn’t be a big deal. Anyway, I’m so curious about the book my father said he would get. I’ve already read all the books in my father’s study.”

“Why don’t you read them one more time then?”


Daniel stared at me with his unique drowsy eyes. He was only 10 years old, and his eyes were like an adults.

“Sorry. I forgot your memory.”

Daniel was a genius that never forgets what he has read once. So he never had to read the same book again.

“Well, Edward, how do you feel? Leo made you really angry.”

“He’s very sensitive because he’s in his adolescence, so don’t mind. Sister.”

A 10-year-old kid is too mature to talk about his 13-year-old brother like that.

Honestly, looking at Daniel when he says that, he seems to have a higher mental age than me.

We’re four years apart. Phew.

“Anyway, if they don’t come tomorrow, I’ll write to the capital city, so don’t worry.”

Daniel nodded gracefully and left the room.


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Edward was sensitive and Daniel was an adult and Leonard was a child prodigy.

And I’m the only guardian of them now that I don’t have parents because I’m the eldest daughter.

‘Sigh… It’s been a really hard two weeks.’

Edward was by himself all day long, Daniel only read books like crazy while being stuck in the study and did not eat properly.

I pulled Edward out every evening and tried to have time to talk together, and when it was meal time, I dragged Daniel out and forced him to eat bread. And Leo…

‘I want to stop having sword fights.’

He had such good stamina that he looked for new games all day until he slept.

In addition, I had sore muscles in my arm because I had sword fights for two hours a day.

I grumbled like that, but I thought of Leo affectionately first. We are only six years apart, but we were still children. Leo, who had been whining for a long time, began to doze off in my arms.

“You’re still a baby.”

The door opened again as soon as I tried to lay Leo in my bed.

I was nervous about the third knock, so I opened the door and looked.

“What else?”

Is Edward the problem or Daniel the problem this time? The answer was neither.

“Who are you?”

Contrary to expectations that it would be my small brothers, the person on the other side of the door was a well-dressed old man.

When did someone come into the house? The man quickly introduced himself because of my embarrassment.

“I’m Albert Herman, I’m from Wormbear Hospital in the capital.”

Hmm? The hospital my parents went to was St. Antonius.

But before I could ask, Mr. Albert asked.

“Are you Elizabeth Herrington?”

“Yes, yes… Why?”

If you’re a customer, you have to wait outside. What’s wrong with you suddenly coming to my home?

Leo, who woke up in surprise, found me and dug into my arms. My youngest brother, who was now heavy and difficult to lift, asked.

“Who are you to come into my house freely?”

“Hmm. Hmm. Elizabeth Herrington. Listen carefully.”


Leo’s anxiety, terrified by strangers, was also conveyed to me.

I hugged Leo tightly. Leo’s hot body temperature was about to calm down a little.

“Three days ago, your parents who were coming down from the capital, died in a wagon accident.”

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