Chapter 1. Nursery School Life

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Episode 3


What kind of…nonsense is this…

My hands were shaking and my legs were about to lose their strength, but I put all my strength on my body.

I have Leo in my arms, and my two younger brothers were across the hallway in my room.

Now that my parents are not here, I am the guardian of my younger siblings, so I tried to act rationally as much as possible.

“That’s… hmm. What are you talking about?”

My voice trembled. I tried to pretend to be fine, but it was already after tears came down on my face.

I sniffed and asked back as calmly as possible.

“They went to the hospital in the capital. They couldn’t have passed away.”

“Around tomorrow, a transport containing the body sent from the hospital will come. I’m going to prepare for the funeral.”

“Don’t say weird things!”


Surprised by the nervous cry, Leo burst into tears. However, I didn’t feel like I had to soothe Leo.

It was too much just to grasp the situation now.

They said they would buy as many delicious things as they could on their way back, saying that I only needed to take good care of my younger siblings.

I can’t believe they died. It really doesn’t make any sense.

“This is a death certificate.”

I checked the documents handed over by the man. I was so nervous that I couldn’t breathe.


A sigh came out one after another. Karl Herrington and his wife, Grace Herrington… This must be a lie. Or a nightmare.


“Calm down.”

“Get out!”


“I told you to get out! Get out! Get out of my house!”

Edward and Daniel opened the door after hearing my voice. Even though my younger siblings saw me, I couldn’t control my behavior.


“Sister, what’s going on?”

“Get out! Get out!”

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I put Leo down and pushed the man with all my might.

I didn’t want to see such a vicious liar scammer.

“Get out! If you don’t go out, I’ll report you!”

“Sister is crying.”

Leo cried and I screamed like crazy.

I rushed into the man and punched him, and Edward grabbed me and tried to calm me down.

In the meantime, Daniel stood absent-minded after checking the documents I threw on the floor.

It was literally a mess.


“Elizabeth, you have to be alert.”

One of the guests who attended the funeral advised me.

I have to pull myself together. How can I come to my senses and how can I live in the future?

I’m only 14 years old. The youngest is only 8 years old. Four of us living without parents?

‘I can’t. I’m scared.’

A sister can’t be a mother or father. I’m just an older sister.

Edward and Daniel are children who need care too. And there’s also Leonardo.

In addition, I wasn’t as smart as my younger siblings. My school grades were always average, and my parents gave up on me early and told me to just grow up healthy.


Leo’s crying took me back to reality.

Edward next to him was looking at the tombstone without any expression on his face, and Daniel collapsed in shock and is in the hospital.

Poor Daniel. He’s still only 10 years old, but he lost his parents. And my brother, Leo. This poor fellow is now eight years old. He has only lived eight years with his parents.

“Sister, we can’t see mom and dad anymore? We really can’t?”

“It’s okay. It’s okay.”

I patted Leo and continued to lie. It’ll be okay.

But I’m scared… I don’t know what to do at all.

How much would I know if I knew the world? I only grew up as a golden jade leaf in the Herrington family.

“Edward. Take Leo and go ahead. I’ll take Daniel back from the hospital.”

Edward grabbed Leo’s hand and nodded silently.

Edward remained silent on what he thought after hearing the news of father’s mother’s death.

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I was worried about that, but I couldn’t comfort him because I couldn’t keep up with his physical strength and spirit.

‘Actually, I’m the one who needs comfort.’

With a sigh, I opened the door to the hospital room. Daniel got up and crouched down in bed.


“Sister. Tell me it’s a lie.”

An overly precocious sentence came from a child who was only 10 years old.

Not smarter than my younger brother, I couldn’t find a suitable answer, so I just hugged Daniel tightly.

Then Daniel burst into tears. It was in complete contrast to the fact that he fell in love with books and boasted all kinds of knowledge.

Daniel knew he looked smart like a person who was much older than me, but looking at it like this, he was still only a child.

‘What should I do?’

I felt so sorry for my brother. I bit my lips with all my might not to cry.

Nevertheless, tears burst in my eyes and I sniffled on my own.

I tried hard to hold back my emotions, but in the end, after hugging each other and crying, I got on the wagon to go home with Daniel.

“Daniel… Don’t worry. Trust me.”

Still, as an elder, I had to reassure my brother.

My shoulders were burdened by what I said to myself. The heavy shoulders seemed to hurt my heart.

Scary… Scary… It’s scary again.

Nevertheless, I wanted to protect my younger brothers at my own expense.

This is because Edward and Daniel, who are usually at odds, were precious.

A big deal arose, along with a strong affection for protecting them like a parent.

“Let’s cheer up.”

I arrived home determined like that, but my resolution was broken in just 30 minutes.

I should have realized the meaning of saying that I should get my head straight.


Edward was crouching down in front of the front door with a white face. Leo was crying looking for me. Leo found me and ran hurriedly.


“What? What’s going on?”


Edward had no time to answer the question. The door opened, and a group of workers moved furniture in the house.

“That’s my dad’s desk! Don’t touch it! What are you doing?”

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While handing Leo to Daniel, I quickly ran into the house. The inside of the mansion was a complete mess.

People were taking things, ranging from portraits on the wall to artworks to even my mother’s party dress.

“Stop! What are you doing? This is my house!”

People couldn’t have listened to a 14-year-old girl.

I shouted out loud and waved my fist at the old men moving the furniture, but it was a cold curse to return.

“Go away! If you don’t have cash to pay off your debt, you have to give me something!”


“Your father’s debt is 2 billion Berk!”

“Two billion…!”

It was then.

“Elizabeth Herrington?”

Pls read only at pink muffin tl.

The place where I heard the voice was the railing on the second floor. There was a man in a suit and silver glasses watching.

I was discouraged without realizing it because of the cold and hard voice. I stretched my neck to answer as confidently as possible.

“Yes, I’m Elizabeth Herrington.”

“It’s Kevin Reed, Cooper’s legal representative. Here’s the provisional attachment document. With the bankruptcy of the Herrington Hotel, all of Herrington’s property…”

The words of the adults sounded distant. I checked the younger brothers behind me reflexively.

“What do you mean, bankruptcy?”

Edward bit his lips, and Daniel was mesmerized. I saw Leo running to me, terrified, letting go of Daniel’s hand.

It was as if time had stopped. I couldn’t breathe because I felt distant for a second and was worried about the shock my younger brothers would have received.

I am only 14 years old, Edward is 13, Daniel is 10, and Leo is eight.

“Yes. Bankruptcy.”

I’m afraid that we’re the only ones left in the world. We’ll be broke without a single legacy left behind?

That’s absurd.

“Oh, why was it bankrupt? Herrington Hotel was running well…”

“Your father embezzled the Herrington Hotel’s public funds, which led to bankruptcy because he couldn’t pay back the Coopers.”

“But… I’m sure we have a lawyer too. And… And… It’s ridiculous that such a big hotel goes bankrupt overnight.”

“Your lawyer gave up his defense and ran away. Anyway, this house was sold to the Tracy family, so you’ll have to vacate it within a week. Here’s the relevant document.”

Kevin Reed forced a briefcase into my hand.

I opened the envelope with trembling hands and checked the documents.

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I could hardly understand it because it was difficult and full of unknown terms, but I could tell that something big had happened.

“Well, hold on! Then what will happen to us?”

My father and mother were only children from their families, so we didn’t have a single relative to go to.

As soon as the funeral was over, I didn’t know the four of us would have a problem of where and how to live in the future.

I felt distant in front of me, and my hand held Leo tight. I felt suffocated by anxiety and fear.

“According to the policy of the authorities, you will enter the childcare center.”

“Childcare center…”

Edward muttered softly.

“No way.”

Sensitive Edward, delicate Daniel, and fearful Leo cannot adapt to the nursery.

No, I’m not confident in the first place. I have lived as a daughter of a rich family all my life.

I’ve only seen, used, and dealt with the best, most expensive, and precious things in the world, and I can’t believe I’m going to a nursery.

‘What do we eat to live?’

I will be an adult in four years. Even if I enter a nursery, I will have to find a job again in four years, but what do I do to eat?

Even if women in the upper class marry the same upper class or live a comfortable life in society, they even do business through enormous capital.

‘I’ve never learned how to survive bankruptcy.’

I felt at a loss in front of me and wanted to cry. My lower jaw trembled with tears. Then Mr. Reed said to me.

“Coopers has long wanted a daughter.”


“They kept trying to give birth to a daughter, but now they have four sons.”


“Coopers want to propose to you as their adoptive daughter. Moreover…”


“At least it would be better than a nursery. You don’t have to worry about making a living.”

“What about my younger brothers?”

“The house has enough sons, so they don’t need any more boys.”

Mr. Reed tapped me on the shoulder and passed by me. The younger brothers’ eyes were on me. My heart beated wildly.


A voice soaked in tears came out.

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