Chapter 1. Nursery School Life

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Episode 4

“Well, I…”

When I hesitated to answer, Mr. Reed said in a cynical way.

“I’ll come back in three days. Give me the right answer then.”

Mr. Reed, who said so, passed by me.

At the same time as Reed’s footsteps were moving away, I checked my three younger brothers who only looked at me.

Leo was so surprised that he looked up at me, even forgetting to cry.

“Sister. What’s that?”

Leo, who still has a lot of words he doesn’t know, was scared by the bad atmosphere and froze. Daniel bit his lips and bowed his head.

Tears from his eyes fell on the marble floor. And Edward is…


Edward, who turned his body around, ran out of the house as it was. I quickly chased Edward, but his speed was so fast as he moved further away.

“Stop, Edward! Stop!”

Growing up in the city, I couldn’t keep up with Edward, who grew up in the countryside.


In an instant, I caught my rough breath and chased Edward, who became distant.

For some reason, the back looked so sad. Then I choked up and something soared from the inside.

I went to Mr. Reed, who had not yet taken off in the carriage. Then I shouted.

“It’s understandable if I go to Cooper, but how can you tell me to abandon my family so easily? On top of that, they’ll treat their adopted daughter like a doll as a real daughter! Don’t say anything funny and don’t come close to my house again!”

The absence of parents doesn’t mean that I’m not Herrington.

And it’s not like I’m not family with these kids. We have always been a family and precious siblings since birth.

To abandon them to me and enter as a Cooper was pathetic. That sounds unreasonable.

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I stared at Mr. Reed with a huff and turned around and tried to go back home.

When Daniel followed me, I was holding Leo’s hand.


I showed an unseemly appearance. It’s something my mother and father wouldn’t have done.

“Why didn’t you follow him?”

“Don’t say nonsense!”

No matter how smart and mature Daniel is, he is still a 10-year-old child who needs protection.

I can see how hurt and scared such a guy would have been in this situation in my eyes when I am 14 years old.

I’m pretending to be the oldest, but… Still, I want to do my best to be with my younger brothers. That’s the family I learned from.

“Elizabeth, family is always together when you’re having a hard time or when you’re happy.”

My mother and father taught me the value of family like that.

Giving up and sacrificing is love, and the family members love each other deeply.

“There must be another way. Don’t worry too much.”

I hugged Leo and went into a house where the workers were moving in a complicated way. It was time to come up with a way.


[Dear Mrs. Rose,

Madam, how are you? This is Elizabeth. Elizabeth Herrington, your goddaughter.

…I’d like to know if I can get a little help by doing this.

Then I will wait for your reply.]

I don’t know how many letters I’ve already sent.

The godfathers and godmothers of my younger siblings, as well as the friends of my father and mother.

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But no one came forward to us.

“Now all I can do is wait for a reply…”

All I can do is wait. It’s so terrible and hard.

There were only two days left before the house emptied.

Pls read only at pink muffin tl.

If no adults come out for us in two days, we will all sit down on the street. But before that…

“Where the hell did Edward go?”

It’s been five days and Edward hasn’t come home.

A thirteen-year-old guy has no way of living on the street.

After leaving Leo to Daniel during the day, I went wherever Edward would go, but could not find a single hair of his.

“Sigh. Eddie…”

What happened?

Worry engulfed. Then a knock was heard. When I opened the door, Daniel had come in with pajamas.

“Can’t you sleep?”

“I can’t sleep.”

“I can sing you a lullaby. Come on.”

Leo was sleeping on my bed. Instead of sleeping next to Leo, Daniel chose to crumple up on the sofa beside me.

I wrapped my arm around Daniel’s shoulder and patted him. Daniel leaned his face against my shoulder.

Unlike Leo, who couldn’t hide his anxiety all day, Daniel tried not to show signs of hardship.

Since he is only ten years old, I can clearly see inside of him, but it must be difficult for him to endure hardships alone. You must be as lonely and scared as I am.

“Where did brother go?”

“He will be back soon.”

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“What if he doesn’t come back?”

“…There is no such thing.”

“I will never forget mother and father’s death certificate.”

Daniel is the child who did not receive the blessing of oblivion, which is natural for ordinary people. How painful it would be to remember all the shocking moments. He may not know it, but he will suffer a deeper and longer sorrow than we do.

“It’s okay. Everything will be fine.”

“Can it really?”

“Then… I will make it that way.”

Elizabeth Herrington, you are a blatant liar.

But for the sake of this kid, a lie can be said without a blink of an eye. He is the family I love and the younger brother I have to protect. So I will continue to live as a liar who will go to hell.

I kissed Daniel’s head.

“This is a secret.”

After a while, I whispered to Daniel.

“I have some money.”


“Father and mother gave me a big allowance before they went up to the capital. It’s 3 million Berks.”

I don’t know how much 3 million Berks are worth because I live in the upper class and don’t know the world’s money system.

But isn’t it enough money to say that leather shoes are 50,000 Berk and bread is 1,000 Berk?

“And I saved money separately in my bank deposit.”

“Didn’t your bank deposit get emptied because of the debt?”

“I guess he didn’t touch it because I was a minor. There are about 15 million Berks there.”

“How much can you buy with that money?”

“I don’t know. But I will leave all the money in the bank.”

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“Because, like Edward, you should study too.”

Daniel opened his eyes wide and looked up at me. He was smarter than his peers and understands a book perfectly, but at times like this, he was just an innocent 10-year-old.

“You can go to college without graduating from a private school. You’ll be the best student in the world.”


“It’s faster for men to succeed after graduating from college than for women to succeed in college. And you know I hate studying.”

Unlike the  smart Edward and academic Daniel, I was not interested in studying at all and will not be.

What I liked was getting autographs from famous singers and sweet snacks, and my father and mother were not particularly interested in my education.

It’s because there are three surprisingly smart sons besides me, who seem unlikely. In particular, Edward had the qualities of a natural manager.

“When I turned 14, I talked a lot with father when I entered middle school. He asked me to study hard and inherit the hotel, but I said I like the heiress, but I don’t want to be a manager.”


“It’s going to be hard for me to be an heiress now. Anyway, even if Edward and you get scholarships and go to college, it will cost a lot of money, so we have to prepare in advance.”

I’ve been thinking about how to spend the money I saved over the past few days.

I can use the money as a dowry and marry a suitable man when I become an adult.

However, it was concluded that it was a ridiculous idea because Leo came to mind.

“Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I’ll get a reply. Let’s wait a little bit. Someone will help us. Eddie will be back.”

I said that and patted Daniel. I felt Daniel fall asleep while relaxing in my arms.

Daniel had the same black hair as me, but unlike me, he was completely an angel.

“Good night, my brother.”

I covered Daniel with a blanket, hoping he wouldn’t have a nightmare.

I sincerely hoped that tomorrow would bring good news to us.

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