“If Edward comes, please tell him I’m waiting eagerly.”

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After repeatedly asking the restaurant owner who my family often visited, I left the store holding Leo’s hand.

After preparing breakfast for Daniel, who was out of his mind in the morning, I took Leo to the store we often went to with our family.

It wasn’t to buy something, but to ask if they saw Edward and to ask to convey my words.

“Sister, my legs hurt.”

“Your legs hurt? Do you want me to carry you on my back?”


When I lowered my body in front of Leo, Leo quickly got on my back.


He was really heavy at the age of eight, but not enough where I can’t carry him on my back yet. But I don’t think there will be a chance next year.

‘I’m glad I’m more mature than my peers.’

People who are taller than their peers and don’t know me due to a storm earlier never see me as 14. They think I’m about 17 or 18.

“Sister. When will Eddie come?”

“I know, aren’t you hungry?”

“I’m hungry.”

“Let’s hurry up and go home. I’ll make you a cabbage omelet.”


Leo diligently walked home while touching my head from behind.

As soon as I got home, the door suddenly opened and Daniel popped out.

“I got letters.”

Daniel had as many as five letters in his hand.

“Oh my god!”

There must be a story that one out of five will help us.

I swallowed my saliva and took the letters. Then I quickly went to my room and began to open the letter.

Daniel looked at me with anticipation. And…

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I covered my mouth. Looking at Daniel’s silver gray eyes, my heart was about to collapse.

How does all five begin with sorry? Is everyone trying to tease me?

“What did they say? Did they say they will help us?”

I gave strength to prevent my hands from shaking. But I couldn’t even manage my expression. So I hugged Daniel who approached me.


“Everything will get better. Daniel, don’t worry. Everything will be fine. I’m going to make it like that.”

My voice speaking in that way was wet with tears.

Daniel, who was quick-witted, must have already realized what I meant.

I quickly cleared my throat and got away from Daniel. Then I quickly turned around.

“I’m going to make Leo lunch first. Let’s think about the rest later.”

I hurried to the kitchen. As soon as I closed the kitchen door, tears burst out.

My father and mother were really good people. How can they turn a blind eye to us when we were friendly and good and liked to help others?

I was suffocated by despair and fear.

In the meantime, I searched for cabbage and eggs to prepare lunch for Leo, but there was only one egg left.

Even if I had a meal right now, it seemed impossible for all three of us to be full. And tomorrow morning…


I wiped away tears with my sleeves and covered my mouth. Daniel and Leo cannot catch me doing this.

‘I miss you.’

I missed my mother and father so much. My mother’s slender voice and my father’s loud voice… Everything from the two of them to their unique smell.

When I laughed and wiped away my tears for a long time, I calmed down even more. I quickly prepared a cabbage omelet while sniffing.

“It’s okay.”

I whispered to myself.

“As long as I don’t starve to death. When we enter the nursery, food, clothing, and shelter are solved.”

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After trying to think positively, I finally organized my face. My eyes were swollen and bloodshot, but it was okay.

The eggs were divided in half and the cabbage was cut as small as possible to make it look large.

So after serving lunch for Leo and Daniel, I started packing in my bag. This is because I have to vacate the house soon.

There were only a few clothes left after being auctioned off for the debt because they were high-quality clothes, but there were still very few things to use.

Leo and Daniel, who finished eating, came up after putting all their luggage in a trunk.

“Where are we going?”

“We have to get out of the house. That’s why we’re packing.”

“Where are we going?”


I bit my lips because there was no answer. Then Daniel provoked Leo.

“Leo. You can’t pack your clothes by yourself because you’re a baby, right?”

“No, I’m not a baby!”

“If you brush your teeth yourself, I’ll admit you’re not a baby.”

“Hmph. I can do that too.”

Then Leo quickly ran to the bathroom. Silence came when only Daniel and I were left. It was me who brought it up first.

“Daniel. I thought about it…”

I couldn’t say anything easily, but I had to talk about it, so I said it with difficulty.

“I think we should go to the nursery.” (tl/n: or orphanage)


“I think it’s better to prepare your mind in advance. But we won’t fall apart. Don’t worry.”


“I’ll tell Leo well. And…”

Daniel brought it up at a time when my lips were stiff because I didn’t know how to comfort him.

“Sister. Nursery won’t be bad.”

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“It solves eating and sleeping. I can read books in the library…”

“Okay. Let’s not worry too much. Edward… If he doesn’t come back before we leave, let’s leave a letter. Oh, maybe he went down to the countryside. When he grew up in the countryside, all his friends were there.”

“Yes, that’s a good idea.”

“I’ll pack my things, so go and look for Leo.”

After leaving Leo to Daniel, I organized my luggage.

Pls read only at pink muffin tl.

‘You have to be brave. Let’s be firm.’

If I collapse, my younger brothers will have a harder time. 

I closed my suitcase.


There was no help even until the last minute when we had to leave the house, and Edward did not return.

I left the front door with a suitcase in one hand and Leo’s hand in the other.

I turned around and looked up at the magnificent mansion. It was the place where my younger brothers and I were born and raised.

Before that, my mother was born, and I heard that my grandfather built the mansion by himself.

“This is the end of this place.”

Today will be the last time I see this mansion. Then I felt weird. Something choked up as if I had lost my hometown.


Leo, who held my hand, looked up at me.

“Are you crying?”

“No, I’m not crying. Were you worried?”

“You’re a crybaby.”

“I’m not a crybaby. So you don’t have to worry. Let’s go now.”

“Is Eddie not coming?”

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“Edward will come a little late.”


Where did he go? Maybe he’s in danger. I was worried about Edward, but all I could do was report it to the National Police Agency.

‘I hope it won’t be a big deal.’

I don’t know what’s going on because the world is ugly.

“Sister. If he finds the letter, he’ll come to us.”

“Yes. Let’s go and wait first.”

Daniel and I headed to the nursery where Leo had been seen in advance.

It was a place I saw several times when I went out with my father and mother, but I never imagined I would come like this.

Looking at the desolate yard and the old door, I was at a loss for what to say.

‘How can I live in a place like this?’

I lived only in a palace-like mansion. The size of the nursery was only the size of a villa in the countryside.

‘I have to be careful about places like this. Let’s be thankful.’

I changed my mind and put down my luggage.

The eyes of the children who were digging the soil in the yard were on us.

“They must be new people.”

“I think they’re from a rich family.”

“Why are those kids coming here?”

Leo next to me began to be nervous with the whispering voices. Leo was a sensitive and timid child. Daniel is also very sensitive.

“It’s okay. Trust me.”

After laughing like that at the two, I coughed in vain.


I knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened and a tall young woman came out. She looked at us one by one and made a slight impression.

“What’s wrong?”

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