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“Moera Row is just five blocks from here along Common Road in town. Go quickly! Hurry!”

Mrs. Miller screamed hastily and pushed me outside.

If I go instead of her, something bad may happen to the entire nursery school, so maybe that’s why I was on the street when I came to my senses.

“What’s this?”

It’s been a few days since I’ve been here, so I don’t know if they even run errands like this. But didn’t I ask for an apology…?

It seemed like I was possessed by a ghost, but since I had already reached the roadside, it was concluded that I should go immediately.

‘It’s suspicious that she suddenly said she would apologize.’

I started with the idea of ​​finding a way well, saying that all I need to do is deliver the letter. Even in a rural village, the road was well maintained, so it was not difficult to find it.

However, I was concerned that the atmosphere in the neighborhood would get worse as the road went on.


There are a few things my father gave his firm attention when we lived in Sierra. One of them was telling me not to go to the back neighborhoods of Sierra, and I had promised myself that I would never go near them over and over again.

But now, I seem to have broken that promise. The atmosphere in the neighborhood wasn’t that good.

There is vomit and broken glass in the middle of the road. It’s a gloomy atmosphere, and the vigilant eyes of some residents watching passersby are sure to…

‘Scary… It’s like stepping into a crime city. Let’s deliver it and go back.’

With that in mind, I hurried my steps.

‘Grandma Lafiera, who lives at 18 Moera Row next to Draghi Square.’


Someone grabbed my shoulder. Astonished, I turned around to see a girl my age staring at me with a frown on her face.

“Where the hell are you going?”


“This is Moera Row.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Don’t you know?”

“Huh… Sorry. I haven’t been here in a while.”

“You’re driving me crazy. Do you know what day today is? It’s the day of the slave auction.”

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Oh my god. What am I hearing now…

I’ve heard of slaves in the Empire, but I’ve never seen one since I lived in the Sierra where there was no class system.

How long has it been since I’ve been out of the Sierra to see slave auctions?

“I’m on an errand. Would it be too dangerous?”

“Are you kidding? If you go to Moera Row, where nobles gather, you might be kidnapped, so it’s better to go around. So go… I can’t. Just follow me.”

The girl led me with her chin. She explained as she guided me.

“On the day of the slave auction, you are not allowed to enter this town recklessly. Who the hell gave you that errand?”

“The head of the nursery school…”

“Oh my god. Are you from that orphanage?”

“Huh… Yes?”

The girl looked me up and down. She clicked her tongue briefly.

“You are very pitiful. The woman called the director there is famous for poor quality.”


“The rumors are bad. They said the kids were skinny, but she only gained weight herself and went to and from high-end clothing stores.”

It seems that Mrs. Miller’s personality is not so good that it is rumored from afar.

I recognized it from the first day I arrived at the orphanage and she went to extort money from my bag.

“I’ve been relying on her lately, so I don’t know.”

“Kids even escaped.”

“Escape? Really?”

“One or two a year are famous for running away.”

“Isn’t the government, no, the imperial body taking action?”

“If you see that the director hasn’t changed so far, it must have been something the director used there. You don’t seem to know, but this place isn’t a very good place.”

“I have brothers. I would like to be transferred to a better place, but is there any other nursery school nearby?”

“I know there are none nearby.”


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It was a desperate word. Nearby.

My fifteenth birthday is just a few months away. In the end, I may be sent to another institution, and Daniel and Leo will remain under Mrs. Miller.

When I imagined that, my anxiety surged.

“I hope you get transferred to another institution soon. Oh, it’s all over. Continue down this alley and then turn right. Never go left. If you go there, you will go to the slave auction house.”

“Thank you for guiding me.”

“It’s pitiful for a foolish-looking kid like you to wander around in poor quality. Good luck to you.”

The girl who greeted me cynically went her own way without telling me her name.

The first person I met when I came to the Kirgen Empire was Mrs. Miller, so I thought there were only people like Mrs. Miller here.

But it didn’t seem like that was the case. She reached out her hand first to me, who could have fallen into a dangerous place.

I wanted to repay her gratitude, so I quickly ran to the girl.

Pls read only at pink muffin tl.


“What a surprise! What’s happening? Don’t you know the way?”

“It’s not… Can you tell me your name?”


The girl widened her eyes. Smiling shyly, I said to the girl.

“I am Elizabeth Herrington. It’s the first time we met today, and I’m not sure if we’ll ever meet again, but I still want to know your name. You never know when you will need my help.”

The girl grinned and retorted.

“It’s Olivia Rivera.”

“Olivia Rivera…”

I rolled the girl’s name slightly. Olivia Rivera. I just wanted to remember.


“What have I done? Then Herrington. See you again if we ever meet.”

Olivia waved her hand and said goodbye, and she left.

I passed the alley as I followed the path, which Olivia had told me. A slave auction. Just imagining it was eerie and terrifying.

Perhaps it was the same with the Imperials, the lower-ranking Imperials longed for Sierra and secretly hid in Sierra.

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But in principle, the Imperials are forever Imperials and Sierras are forever Sierras. As a result, even though people may not have any status, they lived as an illegal alien and did all kinds of illegal things.

Nevertheless, the number of imperial people hiding in Sierra did not decrease, and in recent years, every road leading to Sierra has been checked.

‘Because of the identity system, the relationship between Sierra and the Empire is messed up.’

I heard that there is a big social and cultural clash as to whether the existence of the class system has a big influence here and there.

But all of this is just what I heard from my parents, and I didn’t know anything about it because I was born and raised in Sierra.

As I was thinking, the road Olivia mentioned appeared before my eyes. As I was told, I was about to go on the right path.

“Let go! Let go!”

A familiar voice stopped my footsteps. A vague anxiety and goosebumps ran down my spine along with the thought of hope.

“Damn you bastards! Let go!”

Slightly transformed voice and harsh tone. At first glance, I knew the person.


My hand was trembling. If that kid is Edward… Oh no.

Olivia told me to never go to the path on my left, but I had to go. Without hesitation, I ran into the alley on my left.

I was afraid of the slave auction story, so I first hid my body behind a trash can in a narrow, dirty alley. I turned my head slightly over the trash can to see Edward shouting loudly.


I covered my mouth. A skinny face and dirty appearance were the first to be seen.

Edward was struggling to escape from adults trying to trap him.


What happened to you to become a slave and put it up for auction? I couldn’t believe it.

Mother, father. What am I supposed to do? My chest tightened.

“I am a resident of Sierra, ugh!”

A large man, presumed to be a slave trader, slapped Edward on the cheek. Edward stumbled heavily and fell backwards.

I’m sure he’s not sick. He spat out red blood and looked at the man who hit him with a stern gaze.

“Huh. This one’s momentum is good. You will be sold for a high price today. So give up.”

The man who said that kicked Edward’s body. Without realizing it, I let out a breath.

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I didn’t even care about running errands. The thought that I couldn’t be caught and that I had to rescue Edward somehow filled me.

“Who are you?”

At the sight I made, the man turned to this side. I quickly hid myself behind the trash can.

When I met a slave trader at school, they didn’t teach me how to deal with it. And in the beginning, I wasn’t even a gifted or zealous student.

‘Mother, father. What should I do?’

The world I faced after my parents died was much colder and scarier. It made me wonder if the place I’ve ever lived was really like this.

But so far, nothing has happened. The problem I have to overcome this time is the slave trader. If I make a mistake, I could be sold as a slave.

I can’t pretend I don’t know Edward. Whatever it takes, I have to rescue him before he gets sold elsewhere.

‘How much does a slave cost?’

I counted the money I had. Meanwhile, footsteps were heard from behind.

Thud. Thud. 

A rough heartbeat was heard in my ears.

“There, you!”

Tears welled up.

“Come out while I’m being nice.”

The slave trader warned in a begging voice. My hand that covered my mouth trembled.

“Hey, Jack. Let’s just go. It must be the neighborhood kid. Apparently, she came out of curiosity, but she must have hid because she was afraid.”

“Tsk. It could be. Kid, didn’t the grown-ups teach you not to wander around recklessly today? Go home quickly.”

Then I heard the slave traders turning around. Edward’s rebellion was occasionally heard. The sound pierced my lungs and made my chest tighten.

I jumped up and shouted to those who were about to enter the building.

“Come on, wait a minute!”

I can say with confidence that it is the most heart-pounding moment since I have lived for fourteen years. I was so nervous that I thought my heart was going to explode. There was no strength in my body, so I had to forcefully tighten it.

“What? A girl.”

I’m afraid I’m going to die I was terrified at the thought that I might be sold as a slave, and I wanted to cry right away. But it was Edward. My brother, Edward Herrington.

He’s picky and doesn’t talk much, so I don’t know what he’s thinking, but he’s the eldest brother who occasionally smiles silently at my jokes.

“Hey, that kid… How much?”

Reminder: don’t repost ANYWHERE smh

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