I clenched my fist. My fingernails dug into my skin.

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I saw Edward’s face surprised at my appearance. He had the clearest expression on his face I had ever seen in my life.

I smiled dimly at Edward, telling him not to worry.

Edward tried to call me and bit his mouth.

“What? How much is he? Just tell me the amount.”

The slave trader’s gaze scanned my outfit. Fortunately, the clothes I’m wearing are the ones I bought before my family collapsed.

In other words, it is made of the finest silk and the shoes are specially made with expensive leather.

Because it was a plausible appearance, the slave trader stood up in a crooked position and smiled.

“Miss. How much money do you have?”

All I have is a bank deposit of 15 million beks. But I can’t watch Edward go to the slave auction.

In the Kirgen Empire, slaves were never treated as human beings. I don’t know if they’re like livestock. If you grow up in another orphanage, you can see your face, but if you become a slave, you can be killed. So never be a slave.

“10 million berks.”

I don’t know how much the slaves are sold for, but it’s probably not more than 15 million bergs. Mrs. Miller took my 3 million berks away with a greedy glow in her eyes.

“Is that enough?”

“Ten million? Over!”

“11 million?”

“15 million berks.”


I nodded willingly. My heart fluttered at the thought of happiness.

I only have 15 million berks, so I should pay the money to buy Edward and go back to the orphanage together.

In an instant, he called out to all the gods in the world and prayed. Thanks for stopping at 15 million, I said.

“Don’t put that kid up for auction. I will go and bring the money right away.”

“That’ll be difficult. Pay the deposit.”


Right now, I don’t even have a single berk. It seemed that they would just sell Edward if I had no money. So I lied.

“My name is Monica Schmidt, the daughter of Count Schmidt of the Far Front. Since I am young, I don’t have enough cash to carry with me right away, but sheI have an important letter from my father to the Duke of Arzenberg.”

Then I pulled out an envelope from my arms and shook it. I lied about the letter that Mrs. Miller had asked me to bring it.

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The letter was sealed with glue instead of wax, and there was no seal on the outside, but as there were too many letters, I threw a bait.

“And the Duke of Alzenberg is my godfather. He loves me, his goddaughter, very much. That is why this letter I am sending is just as private and important as it is. So, is a letter like this sure enough as collateral?”

Slave merchant Jack seemed a little worried, but soon nodded his head brightly, revealing his yellow color.

“Good. Lady Monica.”

There was no sign of ignoring me since I am still young, and he still held out his hand in a respectful manner.

I held out a tightly sealed letter. My hands were sweaty and the envelope was damp. Because of that, I was afraid that the lie would be found out.

Edward, who had a hardened face, met my eyes again. I still don’t know what he’s thinking.

“Wait. I will bring you 15 million berks in no time.”

And I quickly turned around and started walking. I wanted to run right away, but if I did, it seemed that I would find out that I was not of high status.

I ran through the alley and ran like crazy. I was out of breath and my heart felt like it was going to explode. Still, I couldn’t think of anything other than going back to the orphanage.

Legs moved compulsorily. I was desperate, thinking that this was my first and last chance to save Edward. I don’t know how I went to the orphanage without taking a break. I usually don’t even exercise.

“Sigh. Sigh.”



Daniel and Leo, who were playing in the yard, came to me with their eyes wide open. His clothes were covered in dust from playing while rolling on the floor. I wanted to tell them to clean their clothes, but I didn’t have time to deal with them.

I dragged my stiff ankles and trembling legs and went inside. Mrs. Miller, who was shouting at the children inside, was shocked to see me.

“You, you…! How…!”

I ignored her and went into my room recklessly. Then I rummaged through my bag and pulled out the deposit certificate I had hidden in my socks.

“Sigh. Sigh.”

I feel like I’m out of breath. In the meantime, I was worried that I might be too slow, so I checked the time. It felt like my lungs were being ripped apart.

“What is that?”

Mrs. Miller, twinkling her eyes, tried to take it from me. Without realizing it, I cried out in a straight voice.

“Don’t touch it! If you touch that, I won’t leave you alone!”

I glared at her, breathing like a beast. This is money I can never lose. I really don’t know what to do if she stole it.

“What is it? Money? You! There was more to hide!”

She grabbed the certificate from my hand. But she couldn’t take it because I gave my strength and did not let go.

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“Don’t be greedy! If you even take this, I will kill you! So let go of that hand!”

At my momentum, Mrs. Miller was startled and backtracked. I saw Daniel, and my eyes widened in surprise.

“Sister. What…!”

“Come on. Sigh. I’ll explain. Sigh.”

Roughly stroking Daniel’s hair, I pushed Leo, who was running towards me to the side, and ran to death again.

Oh, I think I’m going to die. I even thought that my heart might burst and my lungs would rip and die on the sidewalk.

“Ugh. Sigh.”

My legs were shaking and I felt like I was going to vomit. Will Edward be okay?

I thought and ran towards the alley. I had just arrived at the place by the time my head went numb and I wanted to lie down.

‘Where are you? Where are you?’

I turned my head in search of the slave trader. I did not foolishly ask the location of the auction house.

Just as I was blaming himself in a cool state, a door opened from a nearby building and a slave trader Jack came out with a cigarette in his mouth.

‘Oh. Thank you.’

All kinds of gods that I would not normally have found appeared. I went to him quickly and said,

“It’s a deposit certificate with 15 million berks. Ed… A while ago, sell that slave to me.”

Pls read only at pink muffin tl.

Then I handed out the certificate of deposit to the slave trader. The merchant roughly received the certificate I gave out, packed it and checked it. At the end of the gaze that flashed with greed, an amount of 15 million berks was reached.

The yellow, rotten teeth were clearly visible through the gaping lips. He giggled and laughed cruelly.

“I have changed my mind. I should get 20.”


“When I think about it, 15 is too little.”

“15 is enough!”

“Doesn’t the lady look like the slave who was only worth 15?”

“That…is not a small amount of money!”


The slave trader threw the certificate of deposit in his bosom. It occurred to me that something was definitely going wrong if he treated this large amount of money casually.

“Before the auction even started, 15 million berks was measured. How much money will I make if I go to this auction? It took me a while to get a good water boy.”

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“But I also put down a deposit…”

After my words, the slave trader said. The twisted lips were terrifying. My chest shrank as I gasped for breath.

“Miss. My one warning…”

He came one step closer. And he whispered.

“If you are a girl who doesn’t know anything about the world, please stay calmly in your father’s arms if you don’t want to be kidnapped in broad daylight and sold into slavery like him.”


A groaning exclamation came out. My legs were trembling in fear. The tip of my nose had become cold.

This was a wild hyena and I was a greenhouse canary. I was too weak to fight back, and this man was terribly rough.

‘Edward… Oh my gosh…’

Tears welled up in an instant and my eyes clouded. I shouldn’t cry and quickly wiped my face. But new tears began to flow.

The slave trader giggled at me as if sneering at me.

“Hey, the reservation is here, so please go back to your accommodation.”

The slave trader who gave me the letter nodded his head and went inside. I couldn’t help but stare at his back, stupidly doing nothing.


I sniffed at the sound of the door closing. Then tears fell on the ground.

“Edward… Sorry…”

I think I’m going to die from worrying. I hated myself for being powerless because there was nothing I could do.

I want to ask my Mother and Father. What should I do in this case?

I’m only fourteen years old. I don’t know the world and I have no money. There’s no way I’ll be able to save Edward.

Even that damn nursery school can’t help it right now, so what the hell do I do?

‘Should I let Edward go like this? That is nonsense.’

I even heard resentment about why I was raised like an idiot. My helplessness was to the point of being cursed.

‘No. I can’t give up like this.’

Edward is my family, my brother.

I wiped my face with my sleeve. 

There must be some way.

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At that time, I saw men smoking cigarettes in my eyes. Then a good idea came to mind.

‘Let’s pretend to be crazy for once.’

Hmmm. After clearing my tearful throat, I went to the back of the building where the slave auction was held. There was also a man in the back door, so I couldn’t get in through the door.

‘I’ll be fine here.’

It was neither the front door nor the back door, but the wall on the side of the building. There was no one looking here, so I grunted and climbed up the wall.

I’ve never lived in a city like this before. My fingertips were up to the rough stone wall and my knees were split. Still, after three or four attempts, I got the knack and succeeded in going over the fence. But…


As I was afraid to climb the wall, I lost my focus for a moment and fell straight down to the floor.

Fortunately, I fell on the grass. Even so, it didn’t mean it wasn’t painful.

My other cuts didn’t even heal, but it looked like another wound had formed.


Blood was dripping from my palms and knees. I looked at my palm and saw grains of sand stuck to the wound.

I roughly dusted off the sand and quickly went to the back of the building. At the back of the building, there were many windows connected to the basement storage.

I opened a window slightly and whispered inside.


Was this how Daniel felt when he brought bread every night?

I realized once again how courageous the boy was.

‘Where are you?’

I opened the windows one by one, but there was no reply from Edward from inside. Then it was time to open the last window.

“Slowly, bring the kids up from the basement.”

A faint voice could be heard through the door. My heart thumped and fell.

It seemed that the slave auction had begun. I put my face close and looked through the window. It was very dark inside and it was difficult to see well.

“Edward? Are you there?”


It was Edward’s voice. My heart was pounding and it felt like fireworks were exploding in my head.


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