It seems like Sor doesn’t want the newspaper company to be successful either.

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It’s a little surprising considering how much Sor acted like an angel in the original, but she doesn’t hate it when he says he’ll side with her.

‘After all, the newspaper company was originally bound to fall into ruin anyways.’

To be exact, Thisbe destroyed it. Thisbe, a wicked woman who took the lives of those who dare argue with her, and could not leave the newspaper company that spread impure speculations about her throughout the country alone.

However, in any case, since this is also situation similar to the death of an extra, the newspaper company was ruined in <Monster Flower>, and it is only described that it was done by Thisbe.

‘She must have destroyed a lot of people.’

Since she experienced it in person, the story was more detailed than she expected.

If she destroyed a lot of people, it wouldn’t have been so difficult to ruin Thisbe in the original novel.

However, it makes her feel a little at ease that the newspaper company was already on the verge of collapsing even without her intervention.

Thanks to this, Thisbe’s face has also became as refreshed as Sor’s. Seeing her expression, Sor smiled kindly and spoke.

“I guess you were quite happy with the news.”

“Of course. It’s great. It’s even better if they’re completely ruined.”

“It’ll work out as Thisbe wishes.”

It may be a simple word of comfort, but Sor’s tone somehow seemed sincere. Of course, Thisbe liked Sor’s sincerity.

‘This world, again, was too harsh on Thisbe, so it was extremely rare for Thisbe to show her true emotions.’

‘Even way before it was revealed that she was not the real Saintess, there were a lot of people who smiled in front of her, but hated her on the inside.’

Of course, it is hard to think that all of these people will slander her like this just because she is not the saint.

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There was a more complex reason for this.

An example would be is if they have a personal feeling of inferiority or jealousy towards Callist or Thisbe.

Marquis Mannette, who died silently while openly insulting Thisbe at the opera theater, was an example of it.

‘Marquis Mannette once suffered because of her grandfather.’

There was a confrontation between the Marquis of Manette, Thisbe’s grandfather, and the Duke of Callist over the revision of the tax law. At that time, the emperor sided with the Duke of Callist, which resulted in enormous losses for Marquis Mannette.

And Marquis Mannette thought it was because of Thisbe that the emperor sided with the Duke of Callist.

To some extent, the protagonist of the oracle itself had great political significance.

Because to this, Thisbe is being slandered way more than necessary.

‘Anyway, everything will be solved once I leave for Sage.’

She took a sip of her tea satisfactorily, and then said as she put down her teacup.

“Then I just have to catch the culprit now.”

Sor’s expression hardened slightly again. Of course, it was such a subtle change that when the sun was temporarily obscured by clouds, Thisbe did not notice.

Sor, who wrapped his hands tightly around the cold tea cup, hesitated and opened his mouth.

“You must really intend to find the criminal.”

“When have I ever said empty words?”

As before, Sor shook his head flutteringly with a frown. Thisbe smiled lightly at the obedient appearance.

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“I know you’re worried. But I have to clear my name. Above all, the culprit hasn’t killed someone influential yet, but he might soon.”

In fact, that was the problem.

Killing a big shot.

‘If it’s in the order so far, this next victim is definitely…’

Since they are dying in the order in which they fought with Thisbe, the son of Count Lunette must be next to Marquis Manette.

Son of Count Lunette, Baron Lunette. He met Thisbe at the salon of Count Dilua and wagged his tongue excitedly.

– She became like that, but she’s the fiancée of the Duke of Salvador, isn’t that right?

Unlike Marquis Manette, the point that he turned to an argument was the part ‘The Duke’s Fiance’, because Baron Lunette had an inferiority complex towards Sor.

‘On top of that, he got dumped by her once.’

Baron Lunette tried to resolve the inferiority complex he had toward Sor through Thisbe. Intelligence, swordsmanship, fame– nothing could defeat Sor, so he tried to seduce Thisbe and make her his.

What an outdated and villainous idea. Therefore, Thisbe, who is much more of villain than Baron Lunette, decided to make a more suitable name for him.

At a tea party with a lady, who is secretly dating Baron Lunette, she pretended to talk about her worries.

– I actually have a concern these days. As you all know, don’t I have a fiancée? But there are people who have been courting too much, so it’s a headache in many ways. Even if I refuse, they keep confessing their feelings.

-Oh my god, there must be no one who doesn’t know that the princess has a fiancée, so who is doing such a rude thing?

– I’m not sure if I can tell you this. Maybe it could damage his reputation. I’m worried.

– But this could ruin the honor of a princess, right? Do not worry and let us know, we’ll keep it a secret, so trust us and tell us. What kind of shameless person is it?

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-You’re all so kind. Then I’ll trust you and tell only you.

How thrilling it was to call Baron Lunette after that.

From that day on, it was no secret that Baron Lunette had stopped flirting with Thisbe, as well as the bluish print on his face.

Therefore, it’s not that surprising that Baron Lunette hates Thisbe.

However, the actual problem lies not with Baron Lunette, but with Count Lunette, the father of Baron Lunette.

‘Because of the death of Baron Lunette, all the problems started when Count Lunette turns his back on me.’

Count Lunette certainly felt pity for his son, so he was not a cold-hearted father enough to turn a blind eye to the death of his only child.

He learns that Baron Lunette’s death was caused by Thisbe, and turns his back on Thisbe in tears of blood.

If he had been an ordinary count, there would have been no damage, but unfortunately, he was the head of the army, who is always fighting against monsters, at the border.

His influence was truly formidable, which is the most decisive reason for her being abandoned by Callist family.

‘So, if Baron Lunette dies in this situation, Count Lunette will turn his back on her even before the truth is revealed.’

If that happens, things will get out of hand, and it will be even more difficult to uncover the truth. Maybe that’s what the culprit in this case is aiming for.

Thisbe continued, tapping the armrests with her index finger.

“If that happens, things will go out of control. I can’t just leave it like that.”

Sor made a very complicated expression at her words.

“Then, does that mean that the deaths so far have not made you happy?”

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“That’s right. No, to be honest, I’m happy. It’s quite refreshing.”

“Then, can you tell me what the problem is?”

“The problem is that those arrows come back to me. Everyone thinks I’ve committed a murder. That’s really embarrassing for you too. Of course, I know you would regard it as irrelevant. I think it’s all because they’re dying every day.”

“Every day. So every day was a problem.”

“Yeah. It’s too suspicious for them to die every day. If they’re going to die, I want them to die in a way that it wouldn’t seem to be related to me.”

Sor nodded for a moment at Thisbe’s words, and asked like this.

“Then am I correct to understand that their death itself pleased you?”


“I’ll keep that in mind.”

She doesn’t know what the hell he is referring to, but Sor looked pleased.

She couldn’t dampen the mood because Sor, who looked so happy for the first time in a while, so Thisbe roughly let the question pass.

As long as Sor is happy.

Since Sor said he would also help catch the criminal, he probably meant that.

She thought it was convenient. Naturally, there was no doubt at all that Sor might actually be culprit in all these cases.

It is also expected that the comfortable thoughts of the day will be the beginning of all problems.

At that time, Thisbe was not able to do anything.

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