There were two reasons why Thisbe didn’t doubt Sor at all.

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Naturally, the first is that Sore is an overly kind, good-natured, and even an honest person. In Thisbe’s eyes, Sor is nothing more than an angel.

And the second, surprisingly, was Thisbe’s own problem.

She was terribly indifferent to the things surrounding her.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that she’s unsociable. She was always surrounded by people, and social skills were essential for her to survive in it.

But on the contrary, it also meant that Thisbe was always wary of people’s gaze.

In retrospect, Thisbe’s surroundings were always overflowing with things that could attack her.

So she closed her eyes and ears on her own. She became indifferent to her surroundings.

‘Maybe she’s not aware of it herself.’

‘It’s probably a good thing’, Sor thought.

His gaze was on the other side of the road, toward the place where the carriage with Callist’s coat of arms left a while ago.

He was now looking back at what happened a while ago while looking at the sunset.

He left the cafe with his fiancee around the dusk and said goodbye.

-It’s already time for the sun to set. I had a lot of fun today, Sor.

-If you enjoyed it, I’m happy too.

In Sor’s response, Thisbe somehow looked lonely. Maybe it would be nice to say it’s cute.

It was as if the expression was both happy and sad.

In fact, it was always like that for Thisbe. Every time Sour says something to her,

– Thank you for always being kind to me, Sor.

So Sor was always wondering.

Why does Thisbe look like that every time when he’s not even doing anything wrong to her?

Why every time?

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– I hope you will be the happiest among the people I know.

He doesn’t know why she’s saying that.

If possible, he wanted to ask directly.

‘What makes you sad. Why do you make that expression every time you see me?’

‘Also, why do you sometimes act like a person who will leave forever?’

Of course, if he insists on asking like that, his lovely fiancee will definitely pretend to know nothing.

She said she had never acted like that in front of him.

‘If you don’t want to tell me, I won’t ask.’

If there’s one good thing, Sor was able to find out why Thisbe has been looking so sad lately.

Because those damn things touched his noble and helpless fiancee.

Officer Chernyl, Marquis Manette, and the rest.

Things that were not even worth a place in Thisbe’s head dared to speak vociferously to his saint.

Those trash were noisy even when they’re about to die.

– Please, duke! It’s my fault. I made a mistake! Please, if you want, I’ll apologize to the princess.

– Please, be merciful, sir! As long as you spare me. I won’t see you ever again!

These things seemed to have a stiff neck when they ridicule Thisbe mercilessly, but when the begged for mercy, even their knees were so light.

However, mercy is up to God, and Sor took on the responsibility of sending them all into God’s arms as a human being.

‘I should’ve killed them more painfully.’

Sor’s shoes made a sharp noise as he went down the carriage.

As he got off, his secretary, who was waiting inside, bowed and greeted him.

“You’re back, Duke. Did you enjoy the meeting?”

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“You always ask me the obvious, Lars.”

The dark green-haired young man, called Lras, was quite tired of waiting of the carriage the whole time, so he stretched out and choked his head.

“That’s true, but you’ve been paying a lot of attention to your fiancée this past few days.”

“Oh, that’s right.”

“There’s a lot of things you have to take care of. Are you going back to the Duke’s residence now?”

At Lar’s question, Sour shook his head.

“I know you’ve had a hard time recently, but I think you’ll be able to handle it yourself. There’s something I have to deal with.”

“I’m working overtime today. So excited.”

Lars spoke in a voice that was not excited at all, and Sor, ignoring the word as if he was familiar with it, took something out of his arms and handed it over to Lars.

The newspaper Thisbe was reading at tea time a while ago.

It was the newspaper that contained Thisbe’s murder allegation on the front page.

In the upper right corner of the newspaper, the publisher was written along with the date of publication.

The Herrington newspaper.

“I should go see some people.””

Sor’s horse drove off, and a few days after later, the headline on the front page of the rival newspaper of Herrington newspaper was like this.

。+.。☆゚:;。+゚ ☆*゚¨゚゚・*:..゙


[Harrington Newspaper reveals collusion with the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Is it all because of Herrington’s enormous debt?]

Inside the rattling carriage,

The newspapers in Thisbe’s hands rustled and made a light noise.

Now, Tisbe was in shock.

‘Really, I’m doomed.’

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“Are you talking about the Herrington newspaper? I was surprised, too. I can’t believe such a large newspaper fell overnight.”

The maid, sitting across Thisbe, peeked at the newspaper.

“Who knew the president would so much money to gambling? There were rumors that they were okay, but everyone was completely deceived.”

“So it was true.”

At Thisbe’s mumble, the maid’s eyes widened.

“Do you know something about it, miss?”

“It’s hard to say I know. I just heard about it a little. There’s a lot of dirt in Herrington.”

The maid nodded without further question whether she understood the remark to the extent that “the dirt of the Herrington newspaper was already an open secret among the high-ranking nobles.”

In the first place, she was not a maid who was very close to Thisbe. It was also not polite to inquire about the master’s business, so it was probably natural.

Of course, Thisbe had no intention of correcting the misunderstanding.

‘More than anything else, I lied today and came out.’

Thisbe’s complicated gaze, with the newspaper folded down, reached the car window.

Apart from the fast moving scenery outside the car window, Thisbe’s mind was complicated.

The reason, of course, is a lie.

Thisbe has only been able to go out for a few days. It’s already been a week since she met Sor, and that meeting was Thisbe’s last outing, so she doesn’t need to explain more.

The day after Thisbe returned from her meeting with Sour, Thisbe’s grandfather, Duke Callist, took her and said.

-For the time being, refrain from going out.

It was an order like the Duke of Callist, whose hardness was ingrained due to his long military service.

And when she heard that, Thisbe thought.

‘The time has come.’

In <Monster Flower>, Thisbe was banned from going out.

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The reason is simple.

– As you know, public opinion towards you is not good. Therefore, it would be good to refrain from going out for the time being.

Although Duke Callist did not directly say it, it is as if he’s saying that if Thisbe, who is even accused of murder, often goes out, nothing good will come out of it.

Duke Callist’s words were too harsh considering she is his one and only granddaughter.

It is said that the reason the Duke was not affectionate was because of his work. However, he was rather close to other people.

Without the name Callist, they are as good as strangers.

‘Actually, it’s the same for me.’

Still, Thisbe, would often hover around her grandfather, seeking affection, as he is the only relative she has left.

However, the current Thisbe was not interested in the affection of her indifferent grandfather.

Since planning her escape a long time ago, it has been Thisbe’s only concern.

So, there’s no way they will get closer.

Anyway, what was important here was the fact that she was banned from going out.

But there was only one exception, and that was Sor.

-I’ll allow you to meet your fiancé, nothing else.

– Then, I have a dinner appointment with Sor next week. Can I go there?

– Do as you please. Take the maid instead.

He’s going to put on a spy on her.

However, since Thisbe had no right to refuse the order from the beginning, Thisbe reluctantly nodded.

Even if she talks about a fake meeting with Sor and even of he puts a surveillance on her, Thisbe has to go out today.

The reason is simple.

Today, Baron Lunette will die at an auction on the black market.

Thisbe has to stop it.

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