Since her last meeting with Sor, there have been no more murders related to Thisbe.

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But Thisbe couldn’t feel at ease.

This is because she knew well enough that the silence does not mean the end of the storm, but merely a calm before of a full-fledged storm.

‘The only thing in the original novel that led to the discovery of Thisbe’s murders was Baron Lunette.’

It’s also quite detailed. Since it was the main event that drove Thisbe into trouble, it was a narrative to some extent by revealing the truth.

It was the day after the temple issued an official notice correcting who the real saint was.

And, the location is an auction house on a certain black market.

In this way, there is a somewhat an unclear date and place until just before the actual day came, but fortunately, Thisbe had one more clue.

‘It was definitely the auction house where the cursed Mariette’s ring was where Baron Lunette died.’

And about two weeks ago, Thisbe found an advertisement in the newspaper with the cursed ring on the front page.

No, as a matter of fact, it wasn’t an advertisement that said ‘Cursed Ring’.

‘Cat’s Desire’

(T/N: This was the word written in the newspaper, in Korean)

It was a strange article no matter how much she thought about it.

A combination of letters that seems to have nothing to do with the advertisement.

The answer was given by Sor, who was with her.

– This is… It’s encrypted.

– Can you decode it?

– Of course. It’s not a very difficult to decipher.

He got a pen from his servant and wrote down the letters of “cat’s desire” side by side and then disassembled them.

Then, he put it back in front of Thisbe.

It became a completely different word from the beginning.

– Cursed ring?

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It’s like an explanation of the photos in the advertisement. It’s probably a prize.

The cursed ring, and the fact that it was encrypted and posted as an advertisement.

It was a typical black market advertisement.

That much was enough to infer.

Now, the cursed ring auctioned on the black market and the revelation of Estelle’s ability coincides.

Even if she wanted to pretend not to know what the auction was for in the original, she couldn’t.

So, Thisbe asked Sor to finish decoding the other phrases written in the advertisement urgently.

Thanks to the advertisement, which had a date and place, it was not difficult to find more information.

However, if the murder does not happen and the she’s not accused of murder in the first place, Thisbe wouldn’t have had to go there.

‘Of course, it seems that Sor deciphered it because he thought I would never go to the black market.’

It was also an auction held on a black market in the first place, and if it was advertised in encrypted content, it was clear that there would be a certain level of security wherein entrance will be denied without an invitation.

Besides, from Sor’s perspective, he must have thought that way even more because Thisbe has nothing to do with the black market.

So, Thisbe gave an apology to Sor silently.

‘I’m sorry, Sor.’

Actually, she already has the invitation for the auction.

The original novel <Monster Flower>, is a so-called adventure.

The characteristics of an adventure is that the protagonist travels around various unknown areas and experiences accidents.

And, that’s how they get a lot of help.

Therefore, Estelle, the heroine of <Monster Flower>, also had many people to help her, and among them, there was one that appeared most frequently.

Information guild, Zodiac, disguised as a café.

All there information is collected throughout the continent, and its influence on other guilds is also strong.

There are only 5 S-Rank information guilds on all continents.

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And Thisbe was the real owner of Zodiac.

To be exact, should she say that she is the hidden owner of the guild.

According to the original, there should have been no connection between Zodiac and Thisbe.

‘Because I can’t fully rely on the information from the original novel even though I have knowledge of it.’

It was only around the age of 10 that Thisbe decided to get her hands on Zodiac.

At that time, the title of saintess had a greater political significance than a direct object of reverence, so Thisbe used to have guests one night after another.

What she meant was assassins.

Fortunately, thanks to the tight security of the Duke, there were not many cases where it came to the point that they got close to her.

A young girl who was forced to live with a knife aimed at her neck.

She decided, ‘I can’t live like this.’

She wasn’t born as a child of the oracle because she wanted to, but why are there so many people who wants to get rid of an innocent child?

Moreover, it’s even more unfair since not really the child of the oracle.

– I’m going through all of this, and later on, it’s Estelle who’s going to suck the honey!

Of course, it was not really Estelle’s fault, so she didn’t intend to pass the blame on to Estelle.

However, wouldn’t it be okay for her to use only a few of Estelle’s helpers in advance?

So Thisbe immediately took over the café.

The reason was simple. A certain boy who begs around that café, Malone, will grow up to be an S-rank guild leader in the future.

She decided to forge a friendship with Malone by paying in advance.

‘Somehow, I was so well-prepared that I became a hidden influential figure in the guild.’

Thanks to this, she was able to get tickets to the auction house, so this is not a very bad result.

Thisbe took her robe and then quietly looked around.

She was now at an auction that would be the scene of Baron Lunette’s murder.

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Since the auction had already started, the auction house, which had been noisy a while ago, was very quiet except for the stage, like a theater after the curtain has risen.

The only difference from the theater is that everyone here is hiding their identity.

Maybe it’s natural because it’s an auction that’s conducted secretly enough to put up an encrypted advertisement.

Thisbe’s gaze stayed on the side of Baron Lunette. She had already found out his seat through Zodiac.

But so far, there is no sign of murder.

Also, the maid who was put to be her surveillance, was put to sleep with the use of sleeping pills.

As Thisbe looked around, Malone, a man with short hair tied in the back, who’s next to her, suddenly raised his head and asked.

“What’s wrong, Lady?”

“Well, I don’t think anything’s happening.”

“That’s usually how it is. And I don’t think anything will happen today.”

Malone, the guild leader of Zodiac, knew why she came to the black market today as he was the one who got tickets for Thisbe at the auction.

He was also one of her helpers who knows what Thisbe was up to.

“So, can I please stop observing the target and buy something?”

“No, you can’t”.

Of course, there are occassional disagreements.

At Thisbe’s stubborn attitude, Malone grumbled softly.

“Why am I the only one who can’t? You were fascinated by the magic book earlier.”


Thisbe was speechless. Because what Malone said was true.

As soon as the book was put on the auction stand a while ago, Thisbe briefly let go her reason and shouted her number.

“I can’t help it, it’s impossible to get it in the Empire.”

“I know, but I also want to have some items that are close to impossible to get in the Empire.”

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“I understand, but our purpose here is not to buy things.”

Even so, if Malone, who is directly watching Baron Lunette, turns his eyes, it will become a little difficult.

“I wasn’t able to look earlier, so I really shouldn’t take my eyes off now, because there will be murder.”

“But I don’t think there’s going to be a murder in the middle of a crowded auction house. I get what you say, but I’m not sure.”

Malone was right. Ordinary people would not try to kill people in the middle of an auction.

Surprisingly, however, the original Thisbe did just that.

There is only one reason why the she chose a crowded place.

If she killed him in a crowded place, she won’t be suspected.

In addition, it is dark here and everyone is covered with robes, so it is not easy to notice immediately what’s going on next to you.

However, it is difficult to explain all of that to Malone.

Thisbe roughly put a money bag in Malone’s hand to make him quiet, and sent him beside Baron Lunette.

If he senses something strange, he can immediately stop it himself.

“I hope nothing really happens.”

While in the midst of arguing with Malone, the auction was already running towards the end.

Therefore, Thisbe’s string of tension was also getting tighter and tighter.

Because of the silence so far, the culprit might be just waiting for the climax of the auction to kill, once the last item comes out.

The host on the stage shouted loudly.

“Now, this is the last item for today! Mariette’s cursed ring!”

For a very brief moment when the light shines on the stage and the room becomes bright,


Sor appeared in front of her.

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