Naruto Hiden

Chapter 1.1

Pages 1 and 2 are title pages.

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Pages 3 and 4

RAW English
資料を手に説明しているのは、女性の医療忍者だった。年は、サクラより二つほど下といったところか。 A female medical ninja was explaining the document that was in her hands. She was about two years younger in age than Sakura.
「――お配りした資料のデータを見てもわかる通り、心身の不調を訴える子どもの数は確実に減っています」 “――The way I see and understand the data from the distributed document, the number of children who (are being admitted with a chief complaint for) psychosomatic disorders are certainly decreasing”
「導入から一年半、効果はきちんと上がっているというわけね」 “Since (the clinic’s) introduction a year and a half ago, (the data) means that it’s efficacy is steadily rising.”
サクラが言うと、説明係の医療忍者は、「はい、十分に」とうなずいた。緊張しているのか、少し頬が赤い。 (After Sakura stated that), the medical ninja who was in charge of explaining (the document) then continued: “Yes. It’s satisfactory“ she nodded. Her small cheeks and face were red with tension and nervousness.
「症状が長引いて、対話によるカウンセリングでの改善が見られない場合は、院内の他の科とも連携して、薬の処方なども含めた対応をとるようにしています」 “As the symptoms are prolonged, improvements will not be observed through counseling with conversations. As for those cases, we will be collaborating with the other departments within the hospital. We’ll make sure that prescription medicine and so forth will even be included in support (of their recovery). “
「問題ないんじゃない」 “That won’t be a problem, right?”
サクラの隣にいた、いのが言った。 Next to Sakura, Ino spoke up.
サクラは「そうね」とうなずいてから、 Sakura nodded. “That’s right”. (And then she continued):
「ただし、他の科との連携は、なるべくきめ細かく進めてください。少しの対話で改善しないからといって、薬による治療にパスするんじゃなく、まずはじっくりと子どもの話を聞いてあげること。『子ども心療室』の設立の趣旨はそもそもそこにありますから」 “But as for coordinating with the other departments, please proceed (with our requests) as carefully as possible. Since (the patient’s well-being) won’t be improved with a (just a) few discussions, instead of treatment with medicine, (we should) firstly and carefully listen to the child’s stories. Because that is the original purpose of establishing ‘The Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic’ here.”
そう付け加えておいた。 That’s what (Sakura) added (to the discussion).


訴える is to bring to someone’s attention, appeal, complain. In more medical terms, the phrase is actually‘the patient/child’s chief complaint is a psychosomatic disorder’. The meaning of a ‘chief complaint’ is simply just whatever they are heading over to the hospital to seek treatment for. So if you go into the ER feeling like your head is spinning, your ‘chief complaint’ is vertigo. So it’s a decrease in the number of children who are seeking help (/brought up concerns to their doctor about their) psychosomatic disorders.

十分に is not to be taken literally as a number in this instance. It commonly means “to be enough/sufficient/adequate”. “One-tenth” is more likely to be written like “十分の一” instead.

I ended up expanding the name by incorporating it with other details.『子ども心療室』is literally “Children+ Mind+Cure+Room”. So I had to make it sound casual with “Children’s Mental Clinic”. After mulling it over, I thought that “Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic” made more sense, considering the details that are later in this chapter. You could call it a unit, division, or department for the 療室 kanji, but I thought that “clinic” would suffice. It does not seem to be a standalone building. Rather, it’s a section within Konoha Hospital.

I decided not to go with “Psychosomatic”, because the literal kanji would have needed to include 心身 (mind-body). “Psychiatric” also has a separate set of distinctive kanji.

Pages 5 and 6

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RAW English
そのあとも資料にもとづいた説明が続き、今後の方針を確認し合ったところで会議は終わった。 Afterwards, they continued to discuss and explain (the contents) of the documents. The meeting ended when they confirmed their future plans together.
サクラといのは会議室を出た。 木ノ葉病院内にある会議室だった。 Sakura and Ino exited the conference room, which was located inside the Konoha Hospital.
「あの子、ちょっと緊張してたね」 廊下を歩きながら、いのが言った。 “Wasn’t that young lady a little tense and nervous?” Ino spoke as they were walking along the corridor.
「説明してくれた子?まだ慣れてないんじゃない。 ああいう場に」 “(You mean) the young lady who was explaining (the data to us)? She’s still not accustomed to that sort of situation, right?”
「それもあるだろうけど, 憧れのサクラ先輩が目の前にいたせいもあるんじゃないかな」 ”But maybe in addition to that, I wonder if it’s because she was in front of Sakura-senpai. She’s aspiring (to be like you).”
「なによそれ」 “What do you mean?”
サクラが聞くと、いのはいたずらっぽく笑って 言う。 Sakura asked Ino, who then responded with an impish laugh.
「知らない?あんたって後輩人気すごいんだよ。――医療忍者だけど戦えば強い。おまけに仕事もバリバリできて、しかも美人。そりゃ人気も出るでしょ」 “Don’t you know? You’re super popular according to your kouhai. ――Even though you’re a medical ninja, you’re powerful during combat. In addition, you’re also able to work so diligently. Moreover, you’re a beautiful person . (Because of those reasons), you’ll probably grow even more popular.”
私もあやかりたいなー、と笑ういのに、 ‘Even I want to share your good luck’ Ino implied with her laugh.
「やめてよ」 “Stop it!”
サクラは苦笑いしてつっこむ。 Sakura retorted with a wry smile.
しばらく友達モードで話したあと、いのが話題を仕事のほうに戻す。 After briefly chatting in ‘friend-mode’, Ino changed the subject back towards work.
「でも、ようやく軌道に乗ったって感じだね、子ども心療室」 “But I felt like things were finally going according to plan for the Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic, right?”
「そうだね」とサクラもうなずく。 “Ah, that’s right” Sakura also nodded.


This section deviated from [my spoilers] a bit. The 子 can mean “child”, so I originally assumed that they were talking about a patient due to the nature of the clinic. With the release of the additional pages on this morning’s update, the 子 should actually mean “young woman”, referring to the girl who was debriefing them. This is why context is very important in Japanese, especially for ambiguous kanji!

後輩= kouhai. This refers to peers who are beneath you in terms of seniority (can be in age, position within Konoha, or shinobi rank). Sakura is already a Jounin in The Last.

バリバリ= to work energetically/actively/vigorously at something. So when Ino says “バリバリできて”, she means that Sakura has been putting forth a great effort into what she does.

あやかりたいな= to want to share a good fortune, or bask in the luck with someone else. In more colloquial terms, Ino basically implied “I wish I could be standing in your shoes”.

Pages 7 and 8

RAW English
木ノ葉病院内に、子どもの心のケアを専門に担当する部署を作ってはどうか、と、サクラが上層部に提案したのは、二年ほど前、第四次忍界大戦が終結して、半年が過ぎた頃だった。 Within Konoha Hospital, Sakura had created a position where she was especially in charge of the children’s’ mental care. Sakura proposed (the idea) to the upper-level management (of the hospital). Approximately two years ago, the Fourth Great Shinobi World War had ended. When about half a year had elapsed (since the end of the war, she then submitted her suggestion).
大筒木カグヤの復活を、世界中の忍が連合して阻止した、あの 大戦―― It was a great war―― Shinobi from throughout the world gathered into an alliance to prevent the resurrection of Otsutsuki Kaguya.
あまりに強大な敵に、世界は何度も絶望の淵に落とされたが、それでもナルトを中心にした忍連合軍は折れず屈せず戦い抜き、 カグヤの野望を打ち砕いた。 She was an excessively powerful enemy. Often, (they thought that) they would have been plunged into the depths of despair. But nevertheless, with Naruto at the core of the Shinobi Allied Forces, they couldn’t be broken and didn’t yield (to the enemies). They had fought until the bitter end. Kaguya’s aspirations were crushed.
平和の訪れに、人々は歓喜した。世界は、救われたのだ。 Everyone was delighted for the arrival of peace. The world was saved.
やがて復興が始まり、大規模な戦闘で損傷した土地や建造物の修復が進められた。 Before long, reconstruction began (for the aftermath of) such a large-scale battle. They were making progress in repairing the damaged land and infrastructure.
サクラも医療忍者として、大勢の負傷した忍たちの治療にあたった。 As a medical ninja, Sakura also treated a great number of injured shinobi.
大きな傷を負った者も少なくなかったが、治療に訪れる人たちの表情はみな穏やかだった。戦争が終わったという安心感のため だろう。 There were many people who had suffered from large wounds. Many people visited her for medical treatment; However, all of the facial expressions (of her patients) were calm and quiet. Since the war had ended, it was probably because of their sense of security.
サクラがふと、 Sakura incidentally thought,
――子どもたちはどうなんだろう...? ――I wonder how the children are doing…?
と、考えたのは、たまたま病院で、赤ちゃんを抱いた紅を見かけたときだった。 She thought about it while she was casually at the hospital. Sakura happened to notice Kurenai, who was embracing her infant.
直接戦いに参加していない子どもたちは、肉体的には無傷かも しれない。 As for the children who were not directly involved in combat, perhaps they were physically unhurt.
しかし、心のほうはどうだろう。 However, what about their mental conditions?

Pages 9 and 10

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RAW English
いつ終わるとも知れない戦争は、幼い心に大きなストレスを与えたのではないだろうか。国土が崩壊するさまを見て、あるいは近しい人の死を知って、心に傷を負っているのではないだろう か。 Since (the children) didn’t know when the war would end, their young and tender hearts were probably immensely stressed (by their situation). (The children likely saw) the countries in a state of collapse, or knew about the death of someone close to them. Perhaps they were burdened with wounds in their hearts and minds.
サクラは病院の来院者のデータを調べてみた。すると、大戦後、原因不明の体調不良を訴える子どもたちが多く来ているよう だった。 Sakura tried to examine the data from the patients who visited the hospital. After the great war, there seemed to be many children who came in (with a chief complaint) of poor physical health due to unknown causes.
放ってはおけない、とサクラは思った。 Sakura thought that she could not ignore (that trend).
子どもたちは里の宝――これは三代目火影のヒルゼンがよく口にしていた言葉だった。先輩の忍たちもみな、共通の認識としてこの言葉を胸に刻んでいた。 ‘The children are the treasures of the village’―― The Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen, had often spoken those words. Even all of the senior shinobi were communally cognisant of (that phrase). And so, since it was a common understanding, they had engraved those words into their chests.
病院内に専門職を置き、子どもたちの心のケアをする仕組みが作れないか、サクラはまず師匠である編手に相談してみた。 Why couldn’t they create infrastructure for the mental care of children, and place a special unit within the hospital (expressively for that cause)? Firstly, Sakura tried to consult with her shishou, Tsunade.
「いいと思う」と師匠は言った。「お前が主導で進めてみるんだ、サクラ」 “I think that’s great” , said her shishou. “With your leadership, try to advance (your department), Sakura”
師匠に背中を押され、サクラは準備に入った。 With a push on her back from her master, Sakura set-up her preparations.
専門職の要員確保とその養成。木ノ葉病院との連携や、下地作り。そして、どうやって予算をとりつけるか。 (Sakura needed to) secure the necessary personal and train them. By coordinating with the Konoha Hospital, she needed to build the foundation (of her unit). And then, how would she (ask them to) agree with the budget?
やることは多く、とてもサクラ一入では無理だったが。 同期の山中いのが手伝いを買って出てくれ た。 So there were many things to do. It was simply impossible for Sakura to do so by herself. Sakura’s fellow peer, Yamanaka Ino, volunteered to assist her.
「あんたって意外と真面目なとこあるからね。一人で抱えこんでバンクしたら可哀相だから」 ” Besides, isn’t this an unexpectedly serious place to be in? Because it’s an armful (to be burdened with) alone. If you burned-out (or burst from the stress), I would feel sorry for you”


師匠= shishou. It just means teacher/master. I usually leave positions and honorifics untranslated, that’s all :P

パンクした= If you go flat or ‘burst’. It usually refers to tires, bulging balloons, and such. Here, the meaning feels like being ‘overwhelmingly stressed’= ‘explode (from the stress)’. I think that if you go past that threshold = burned-out from it (‘go flat’).


Pages 11 and 12

RAW English
いのの協力もあり、「子ども心療室」は、半年の準備期間で導入にこぎつけることができた。 By collaborating with Ino, the preparatory phase lasted six months. Then, they were able to reach (a stage where they could) introduce “The Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic” .
効果はすぐに見え始め、着実に上がっていった。それは今日けた説明でも数値として示された。 They began to see the results instantly. (The effectiveness of their clinic) was steadily rising.
「いのが手伝ってくれたおかげだよ。ありがと」 “It was all thanks to the assistance that you gave me, Ino. Thank you. ”
「特別ボーナスが出たら、なんかおごってよ」 “If (you’ll give me a) special bonus, treat me to something! “
いのの軽口に、サクラは吹き出した。 (In response to) Ino’s quip, Sakura burst out laughing.
病院を出ると、いのが「お茶でもどう?」と誘ってきた。 When they left the hospital, Ino (extended an invitation to Sakura): “How about having some tea?”
だがサクラは、「ごめん」と両手を合わせる。 However, Sakura folded her hands together. She responded with “I’m sorry”.
「今日はこのあとまとめておきたい資料があるん だ。また今度ね」 “So for today, there are documents that I want to compile in advance. (I intend to do so) after (we part ways). Until next time. ”
「わかった」 “I understand”
いのは言ったが、その顔に少し心配するような色があった。ちょっと頑張りすぎじゃない?と、 その目が告げている。 But as Ino said so, there was a little bit of a concerned colour in her countenance. Those eyes (seemed to indicate another message): ‘Really- don’t overwork yourself too much, okay?’
サクラはそれに気づかなかったふりをして、 「じゃあね」と手を振った。 Sakura pretended not to notice (Ino’s expression). She waved her hands with a ‘Goodbye”.
繁華街を一人で歩き出す。 She then began to walk alone along the bustling street.
午後の早い時間だが、街はにぎわっていた。 Even though it was early in the afternoon, the streets were thriving (and crowded with people).
里に積もっていた雪もすっかり解け、季節はもう春だ。道行く人たちも、重たいコートから解放されている。 The snow that had accumulated in the village had all completely melted. The season was already springtime. Even the people who were walking down the street were liberated from their heavy coats.
「あれ? サクラちゃん」 “Huh? Sakura-chan”
不意に、 背後から声が聞こえた。よく知る声だ。 Suddenly, she heard a voice from behind. It was a voice that she knew well.


My understanding of the timeframe is this: 2 years ago (end of the war)>>6 months later (Sakura’s proposition)>>Unknown time period where she consulted with Tsunade and worked on it alone>>Unknown time period where Ino and Sakura worked out the details of cooperating together>>6 months post-collaboration, the clinic is out of prep-phase (present time). The 1.5 years since the introduction of the facility (as mentioned by the lady in the first page) includes the proposition+consultation+teamwork time.

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Now, the light novel takes place several months after The Last (given by the WSJ and website timeline image). It depends if ‘several months’ encompasses the 6 months of their teamwork. So I think during the Last, Ino and Sakura might already be working on this project. At the minimum, I think that Sakura was at least working independently on the development of the project. Then, Ino might have recently joined in.

The hand gesture looks [like this] when Sakura declines Ino’s invite for tea.

Sakura said “また今度ね”. The same ‘Until next time’ (また今度な) as Sasuke said to her (the different inflection on the ending is the feminine/masculine version). I don’t think it’s an intentional reference since it’s a common phrase, but I thought that I should point it out anyway.

Pages 13 and 14

RAW English
「ナルト! ヒナタ!」 “Naruto! Hinata!”
振り返ると、私服姿の二入がこちらに歩いてくる。 Turning around, Sakura saw the figures of the two of them. Both of them were wearing civilian clothes and were walking in her direction.
「なに?デート?」サクラは聞いた。 “What? (Are you two) on a date?” Sakura asked.
「そ。たまたま二人とも非番だったからよ」 “Yup. Because by chance, both of us are off-duty”
「サクラちゃんは?」 とヒナタ。 “(How are you), Sakura-chan?” said Hinata.
「私は病院で、いのと打ち合わせ」 “I was at the hospital in a business meeting with Ino”
「話は聞いてるってばよ。あー、例の、 なんだっけ、子ども…えーと、なんとか室?」 “I heard about the discussion ‘dattebayo. Ah-, the usual-, what was that again-, The Children’s….err-, something clinic?”
「子ども心療室」と訂正してから、「今からなに? ゴハン?」と聞いた。 “ It’s ‘The Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic’ . After she corrected him, Sakura asked, “What are you up to right now? (Going out for) a meal?”
「うん。一楽に」 ヒナタがうなずく。 “Yup, (we’re going) to Ichiraku” Hinata nodded.
「なあ」とそこへ、ナルトが耳打ちしてきた。 “Hey.” Naruto started to whisper into Sakura’s ear.
(サイから借りた「安安」にさ、デート代は男がもったほうがいいって書いてたんだけどよ、コース料 理ってスゲー高えんだな) (I borrowed 「An-An」from Sai. In (that magazine), it wrote about how the man should pay for the expenses of the date. But the cost for the courses (of the meals at the restaurant) were too expensive!)
少し蒼ざめているナルトに、サクラはくすっと笑いつつ、 (いいのよ、背伸びしなくても) と囁き返しておいた。 While Sakura giggled a bit at Naruto, who was turning a little pale. She whispered back: (It’s fine! Don’t overstretch yourself. )
「なんの話?」と、首をかしげるヒナタに、 “What are you two talking about?” Hinata tilted her head to the side.
「あー、やー、なんでもない、なんでもない」とナルトは笑い (Naruto responded back to her) with a laugh: “ Ah-, Ya-, It’s nothing, nothing (at all)”.


It seems that Naruto and Hinata are on the date from the [omake] (the one-shot manga) from the Retsu no Sho (The Last: Movie Guidebook). The author used about the same dialogue and referenced Sai’s magazine thing. The name of the booklet is 「安安」(An-An), a doubled kanji probably for the name of the person who authored it. If it was read as word, it would be “yasuyasu”, which means like comfortable/peaceful/calm. 安 alone means ‘cheap’.

Pages 15 and 16

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RAW English
「ラーメン楽しみだなー」とお腹をさすってみせた。 Naruto rubbed his stomach, “I’m looking forward to enjoying ramen~”
ナルトのしぐさがおかしかったのか、ヒナタはぷっと吹き出した。微笑ましい二人の様子に、サクラの口元もほころぶ。 Since Naruto’s gesture was amusing, Hinata burst into laughter. At the sight of the heartwarming two people, Sakura’s mouth also broke into a broad smile.
二入が里公認のカップルになって数か月が経とうとしていた。 The two of them were about to be recognized as an official couple in the village, (since they had been together for) several months.
奥手のヒナタと、鈍感なナルトの関係は、近くにいてサクラもかなりやきもきさせられたが、めでたく結ばれた今は、それも楽しい思い出だった。 Within their relationship, Hinata was shy while Naruto was thick-headed. When Sakura was near (the two of them), they had made (her feel) fairly anxious. However, now that (Naruto and Hinata) were happily tied together, (the three of them) also had joyous and sweet memories.
きっかけとなる事件が、この冬にあった。 The event (that had brought them closer together) occurred this past winter.
月に住む大筒木最後の末裔、大筒木トネリが、ヒナタの妹ハナビをさらい、その自眼を奪って、地球滅亡をもくろんだのだ。 The last descendant of the Otsutsuki (clan) was Otsutsuki Toneri, who lived on the moon. He had kidnapped Hinata’s younger sister, Hanabi. Snatching away her Byakugan, Toneri had planned for the downfall of the Earth.
トネリと交戦したナルトが深手を負い、ヒナタが連れ去られるという状況にもなったが、復活したナルトがトネリを撃破し、地球の滅亡は回避された。 Naruto was severely wounded while he battled against Toneri. The situation became one where Hinata was even taken away. Once Naruto had recovered, he crushed Toneri. They had then avoided the destruction of the Earth.
その任務を通して、ナルトはヒナタが自分にとってかけがえのない存在であることに気づき、ヒナタに想いを告げたのだ。 Throughout that mission, Naruto realized that Hinata’s being was irreplaceable and essential to him. And so, he informed Hinata about his feelings.
地球を救ったナルトが、ヒナタと恋人同士になって帰還した。 (After) Naruto returned from saving the Earth with Hinata, they became a pair of lovers.
――そのニュースはまたたくまに里内を駆けめぐった。 ――That news traveled throughout the village in an instant.
しばらくは同期や先輩の忍から冷やかされていた二人だが、もうそういう時期は終わっている。 For a short time, their shinobi peers and seniors were bantering at the two of them. However, such a time (when they were getting a little teased by their friends) was already over.
先日、招待状をもらった。二人の結婚式は、もうすぐだった。 The other day, (Sakura) had received a written invitation. It was soon to be the wedding ceremony for the two of them.
「そうだ、サクラちゃんも一緒にラーメンどーよ?」 “Hey, how about we go together for ramen, Sakura-chan?”
にかっと笑ってそんなことを言うナルトに、「あのね」とサクラは溜め息をつく。 Naruto said such a thing while he flared-up and into a laugh. (In response), Sakura sighed back with “Well, about that-”.


The くすっと笑いつつ stems from クスッと笑う, which is to chuckle a bit or giggle. おかしかった can be strange, funny, ridiculous, or amusing ぷっと吹き出した should be read altogether as ‘to burst out laughing’. Not individually like “puffing”+ “ to spurt/blow out”. The ぷっと is to let out a suppressed laugh. When used like 顔がほころぶ (face instead of mouth), it can also mean to have a beaming smile. かなりやきもきさ = quite/fairly + worried/anxious.

かけがえのない is literally ‘without replacement’. So something that cannot be substituted

The raw says 存在= existence, being, entity, presence. I couldn’t think of an intuitive way to phrase it…

But when read altogether, you get something like ‘a priceless existence’ or ‘an essential entity’.


Pages 17 and 18

RAW English
「私が一緒に行ってどーすんのよ。せっかくの非番なんでしょ。たっぷりデートしてきなさいって」 “For what? (Why would) I go together with you? Because this an eagerly-awaited (time when you’re both) off-duty. (I’m saying that you two should) go on a full date.”
二人の後ろに回りこむと、背中を押してやった。繁華街を歩いていくナルトとヒナタの後ろ姿を見送る。ナルトがなにか冗談を言い、ヒナタが笑う。 幸せそうな二人の姿に、 Sakura snuck around to behind the two of them. She pushed them on their backs. Naruto and Hinata were then walking along the bustling streets. Sakura saw them off as she viewed their figures from behind. Naruto was telling some kind of joke, and Hinata was laughing. At the sight of the two happy people, (Sakura thought to herself):
――いいなあ。 ――They’re lovely.
ついそう思ってしまう。 She was unconsciously thinking that.
だが、思っても仕方のないことだった。 But there was something that she couldn’t help but think about.
届かない想いは胸の底に降り積もっていき、溜め息に変わる。そんなとき、決まって頭は仕事のことを考え始めるのだ。 As for those thoughts and feelings that (that she had not conveyed to anyone else), they were bound to fall and pile-up at the bottom of her chest; then, (they would) transform into sighs. At times like that, her mind always began to think about her work.
まとめなくてはいけない資料。目を通すべき報告書。 It is absolutely necessary (for me) to compile the documents. I should be looking over the written reports.
いつのまにか仕事モードになっていた自分に気づき、サクラは苦く笑った。 Before she knew it, she noticed that she had been in ‘work-mode’. Sakura bitterly smiled.
――こりゃ、いのが心配するわけだ。。。 ―― Hey, that’s why Ino is concerned (about me)…


いいなあ is generally like “How nice!” or “I’m happy for you”or “So lucky!”There’s not exactly a clean English expression for it. Literally, the いい is for pleasant/good/nice/excellent + the なあ for emphasis. It carries a slight nuance that means that she’s a little bit envious of them. It is not vicious in any way like this overly dramatic emoticon: ლ(ಠ益ಠლ..

届かない想い is literally “not reached + thoughts/feelings”When used in the context where you’re distinctly referring to someone else, it carries a nuance that can refer to“unrequited love (とどかぬ想い)”. However, given the context of the passage, I think it would not be appropriate to restrict the focus of this sentence on just her thoughts about Sasuke, or assume his thoughts about Sakura. The scope of the things that she hasn’t communicated to anyone seems to be beyond that. It probably includes how she feels about seeing other couples, feeling compelled to be preoccupied with her work, etc. Though her thoughts about Sakuke may be within those thoughts, I think it is best to leave the sentence open by translating it as a variation of “thoughts/feelings that have yet to be told to anyone else”.

So with the new context, my translation changed from [my original spoilers] and also my rough translation from the photo[leak]

こりゃ is an expression that like “Well!”or “See here!” or “Hey there!”. You use it to call out to someone, or when you’re surprised about something. I originally thought that the excerpt would continue beyond this last phrase, so I translated it to be open. So now with the context, it carries a different nuance that seems like she is trying to snap herself out of her thoughts.

//End Translation

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