Naruto Hiden

Chapter 1.2

Pages 20 and 21

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火影の笠と装束をまとい、机についているのは六代目火影のカカシだ。 The Rokudaime Hokage Kakashi was sitting at his desk. He was wearing (the formal) Hokage attire in addition to his hat.
「サクラ、前に打診されてた件だけど、砂から返事が来た。向こうさんはいつでもオーケーだそうだ」 “Sakura, a while ago we were just testing the waters about that matter. However, we received an answer from Suna (/The Sand). It seems that the other side will be okay with it at any time.”
「ほんとですか」 “Really?”
サクラが顔を輝かせると、カカシはにっこりと笑い、 Sakura’s face was sparkling. Kakashi was grinning and laughing.
「いのと二人で行ってきたら?あの子も結構手伝ってくれたんでしょ?」 と続ける。 “With Ino, will the two of you go to them? That young lady was also wonderfully assisting you, right? “ Kakashi continued.
「はい、そうします!」 “Yes, we will!”
木ノ葉病院で、いのとともに『子ども心療室』の効果を受けてから一週間。サクラは火影室に呼び出されていた。 It had been one week since they received (reports about) the efficacy of “The Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic” . She had been working together with Ino (on the department). Sakura had been summoned to the office of the Hokage.
『子ども心療室』の現状を、同盟国である砂隠れの里にも伝えたい、と、以前からカカシに願い出ていたのだ。 As for the current status of “The Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic”, Sakura also wanted to convey (it’s success) to their ally, Sunagakure Village. In addition, she had previously petitioned Kakashi (to do so).
大戦のストレスにより心が傷ついた子どもは、木ノ葉以外にもいるはずだ。 Because of the stresses of the great war, there were children whose hearts and minds were wounded (by the situation). There ought to be (children who were suffering) aside from the ones from within Konoha.
ならば、木ノ葉で効果を上げた心療室の仕組み作りは、他里にとっても有益であるはずだった。 If that’s the case, with the prepared infrastructure of the mental healthcare clinic, and in addition to it’s rising effectiveness within Konoha, then (their work should also be applicable to) other villages. As for other villages, it would surely be exceedingly useful (to their children).
「役に立つシステムはみんなで共有しないとね。しっかり教えてきてあげて」 “This helpful system hasn’t been shared with everyone, right? So steadily instruct them (about our advances).”
「はい。カカシ先生にも、この件では本当に助けていただきました。予算でも便宜をはかってくださって。。。」 “Yes. Even from Kakashi-sensei, I truly received help (from you) with this matter. However, please devise something for accommodating the budget…”


打診されてた is to get a feel for someone else’s intentions or opinions about something. Colloquially in English, it’s more like “testing out the waters”.

Pages 22 and 23

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「元教え子が頑張ってんだから、 俺としてもなんか手伝いたいじゃない。それにまあ…… 心の傷が厄介なもんだってことは、 俺もわかってるからね」 “Because you’re my former student, I also want to assist you somehow, right? Even so….It’s because I even understand that mental trauma is a burdensome thing, right?”
カカシは言って、小さくうなずいた。 As Kakashi spoke, he nodded a bit.
「砂への出張の日程は、お前といのに任せる。気をつけて行ってくるんだぞ」 “I will entrust the itinerary for the business trip at Suna to you and Ino. Take care, and I’ll see you later.”
「はい!」 “Yes!”
サクラは火影室をあとにした。 Sakura left the office of the Hokage.
砂隠れの里までは、四日はかかる。旅に必要な忍具や装備のことを考えつつ、資料ももう一度整理しておかなくてはいけない。火影の家を出て、あれこれ考えながら歩いていると、少し先にサイの姿が見えた。任務服の背に大きな巻物を背負っている。 It took four days (of travel time) until (they can arrive) at Sunagakure village. While thinking of the shinobi weaponry and equipment needed for the journey, Sakura (also realized that she) also had to organize the documents once again. Leaving the Hokage residence, Sakura walked while pondering this and that (in preparation for the mission). A little bit ahead of her, she could see the figure of Sai. On the back of his mission clothes, he was carrying a huge scroll.
「サイ」と声をかけると、「やあ」と近づいてきた。 “Sai!” Sakura called out to him. He then approached her with “Yo!”
「あんたもカカシ先生に用事?」 “Are you also on an errand for Kakashi-sensei?”
聞くと、「んー、うん」と、サイはなんだかが煮え切らない返事を返してくる。 Sai listened and responded with a “Mm- Yup.” Sai reciprocated with a somewhat half-hearted answer.
「サクラのほうこそ、火影室になにか用事だったの?」 “As for you, Sakura, were you taking care of some business at the office of the Hokage?”
反対に聞き返してくるサイに、サクラは砂隠れへの出張のことを話した。 On the opposite side of her, Sai asked Sakura again (about her work). Sakura told him about her business trip to Sunagakure.
「そう。砂に。だったらお肌の水分補給はマメにしたほうがいいね。あそこは乾燥してるから」 “I see, so you’re going to Suna. In that case, you had better diligently keep your skin hydrated, since it’s arid there.”
サイの忠告に、サクラはうなずく。 Sakura nodded to Sai’s advice.
「大丈夫よ。ちゃんと保湿液持ってく。私だってそれぐらいの女子力あるんだから」 “It’s fine. I’ll be carrying a proper moisturizer. Because as for me, that sort of thing is even within the strength of a woman”.
「そっか。でも、サクラは女子力というより腕力ってカンジだから、保湿液のびん握りつぶさないようにね」 “Is that so? But as for you, Sakura, rather than the strength of a woman, (I get the) impression that you have physical strength instead. (So be sure that you) don't crush the bottle of moisturizer with your bare hands, okay?”
にっこりとそんなことを言うサイに、サクラも微笑みながら言ってやった。 Sai was smiling sweetly while saying those kinds of words. While Sakura was also smiling at him, she responded back to him:
「腕力でその口ふさいであげよーか?」 “Then how about I shut up that mouth of yours with my physical strength?”
「怖い怖い」 (“That’s so unnecessary… That’s too terrifying”)
ちっとも怖がった様子もなく言って、サイは火影の家に向かって歩き出した。まったく、と、サクラは苦笑する。 Even a bit afraid of the situation, and without saying anything else, Sai then started to walk towards the office of the Hokage. Indeed, Sakura was wryly smiling.
(〜Page Break・Scene Change〜) (〜Page Break・Scene Change〜)
「お呼びでしょうか」 “You summoned for me, right?”
机の前に立ち、サイが言った。 Sai spoke as he stood in front of the desk.
「悪いな、急に呼び出して」 カカシは手にしていたファイルを閉じた。 “Sorry for suddenly summoning you” Kakashi closed the file that he was holding in his hand.
「いえ。でも、ボクに個人的に頼みたいことというのは……? なにか任務ですか?」 “No (it’s not a problem at all). But what did you want to personally request from me…? Is it some sort of mission?”


Sai fearfully backpedals from his accidental back-handed compliment with “怖い怖い”, which is “Scary, scary” literally (telling Sakura that her proposition is dreadful). It doesn’t make much sense as an expression in English, so in that sense I had to give him a more colloquial(?) English response…I tried to, anyway... OTL.

Pages 24 and 25

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「うん、ま、任務っちゃあ任務なんだが、正式のものってわけじゃないんだ」 “Mhm. Well, a mission is a mission, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a formal thing”
「どういうことです」 “What do you mean?”
サイがわずかに目を細めた。 Sai narrowed his eyes a little.
「お前に調べてほしいことがある。ただしそれはお前一人で動いてほしい」 “It’s something that I want you to investigate. However, I want you to work on this alone.”
「なにを調べれば」 “What will I be investigating?”
カカシはうなずくと、続けた。 Kakashi nodded and then continued.
「――一週間前、里の温泉に保養に来ていた大名が、何者かに襲われた事件は知ってるな?」 One week ago, the daimyo came to recuperate at the village’s onsen. Do you know about the incident when they were attacked by someone?”
「はい。……湯につかっていた大名の近くにクナイが一本飛んできたと聞きましたが」 “Yes…I heard that while the daimyo were soaking in the hot water, a kunai was flung close to them.”
「まあ、被害自体はゼロといってもいい。大名も無傷だったしな。だが、その日、大名の来ていた温泉の周辺は、暗部によって厳重な警備が敷かれていたんだ。クナイ一本投げこむにしても、それは容易なことじゃなかった」 “Well, it might be fine that the damage itself was zero. The daimyo were also unharmed. However, on that very day, ANBU were surrounding the perimeter of the onsen where the daimyo had arrived. They were spread out and strictly guarding the vicinity. Even if a single kunai was thrown, it wouldn’t have been a simple feat to do (under their watchful eyes).
それと、とカカシは続ける。 And then, Kakashi continued.
「その事件のさらに数日前だ。里の演習場の一つを視察に来ていた御意見番のホムラ様とお付きの忍二名が、暴漢に襲撃された」 “After all, this event was just a few days ago. For one thing, at the village’s practice grounds, Homura-sama from the Honorable Council came to inspect and express his opinions on it. He was escorted by two shinobi, but they were attacked by a hoodlum.”
「その事件は知りませんでした」 “I didn’t know about this incident”
「ホムラ様が大ごとにされるのを嫌ったからな、おおっぴらにはしてないんだ」 Since Homura-sama hated making this into an important matter, he wouldn’t (speak of it) so openly.”
「でも、不穏ですね。国の重役が襲われているわけですから」 “But isn’t it disquieting? Since a high executive of the country was attacked?”
「それも立て続けにな」 “In addition, (these incidents) were done in succession”
「その二つの事件をボクに調べろということですか?」 “(Would you like for me to) investigate these two incidents?”
「そ。まあ、事件が二つで終わるのか、三つめがあるのか、二つの事件は同一犯なのか、 それとも別個のものなのか、とにかくそこら辺ひっくるめて全部お前に調べてほしいわけ」 “Yes. Well, those two events have concluded. If there is a third one, then it might be the perpetrators of the other two incidents. Or it might be another person. Anyhow, I want you to investigate everything, including the circumstances of those incidents.
カカシは言った。 Kakashi (finished) speaking.
サイが聞く。 Sai then inquired:
「暗部は?動かしてないんですか?」 “What about the ANBU? Why aren’t they being mobilized?”
「動いてるよ、 もちろん。だけど、個人的に探索の糸を一本垂らしておきたいなと思って。 それでお前に」 “Of course, they’ve been mobilized. However, I thought that I wanted to personally suspend a thread within the investigation. That would be you. ”
「わかりました。すぐに動きます」 “Understood. I will immediately work (on this matter).”
「悪いね」 “I’m sorry”
「ナルトやサクラと一緒に動かなくていいですか?そのほうが調査の効率も上がる……いや、 ナルトはこういうのは苦手かな」 “Is it fine if Naruto and Sakura work together with me? In that respect, they will raise the efficiency of the investigation…No, I think Naruto would be bad at this sort of thing. ”


A daimyo is a feudal lord

An onsen is a hot spring~

Referring to [Mitokado Homura], one of the elder and upper village counselors.

Pages 26 and 27

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「わかりてるじゃない」 カカシは笑った。 “I understand, alright?” Kakashi laughed.
「あいつはこういう隠密系のミッションには不向きだから。それにサクラはサクラで、今やることがあるからね」 “Because that guy is unsuitable for such a group mission. Besides, Sakura is Sakura. She is doing something right now. “
「そういえば、ここに来る途中で会いました。砂に出張に行くとか」 “That reminds me, I met her on my way coming here. Something about going on a business trip to Suna?”
「そうそう。だから今は、とりあえずサイ一人で動いてよ。そのほうが目立たないと思う し」 “Mmhmm. That’s why this time, for the time being Sai, you’ll have to work alone. I think that you won’t be conspicuous”
「わかりました」 “Understood.”
「くれぐれも慎重にな」 “Please proceed with caution”
カカシは言って、表情を引き締めた。 As Kakashi said so, his facial expression tightened.
「単なるイタズラや粗暴犯じゃないような気が、俺にはしてるんだ」 “ I feel that this doesn’t seem to be a mere prank, nor is it (a typical) violent perpetrator.”
「先生のカン、ですか」 “Is that your intuition, sensei?”
「うん。意外と当たるんだよね、これが」 “Yes. It’s a surprising perception, right?”
「慎重に動きます。でも、先生も用心してくださいね」 “I’ll work carefully. But sensei, please be on guard, alright?”
「俺も?」 “Even me?”
「国の重役が襲われているんです。次に六代目様が襲われても不思議じゃありません」 It’s because the high executives of the country were attacked. It wouldn’t even be strange if the Rokudaime Hokage were to be attacked next”
「確かにそうだな。用心しとくよ」 “It certainly seems plausible. I’ll be on guard.”
カカシはうなずきながらも、 While Kakashi nodded, (he thought to himself)
――手っ取り早く俺を狙ってくれてもいいんだがな。 ―― But it’ll be fine if they might be hurriedly aiming for me
と、一瞬思う。 He thought about that for an instant.

//End Translation

//Section 2 completed.

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