Naruto Hiden

Chapter 1.3

Page 27

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旅の準備が整い、 いのとの打ち合わせも済ませた。 The arrangements for the journey were prepared. The business meeting with Ino had also ended.
砂隠れの里への出発を翌日に控えたサクラは、綱手に呼び出された。 While Sakura was waiting to depart for Sunagakure the next day, Tsunade had summoned for her.
場所は、綱手の行きつけの酒酒屋だ。 The location was to be atTsunade’s favourite sake and liquor shop.
「別に用事というわけではないんだ。明日からお前が旅に出ると聞いてな、それの景気づけみたいなもんだ。……ま、本当は私がただ飲みたかっただけだがな」 “I don’t mean to say that this (meeting) is particularly about business affairs. After tomorrow, I heard that you were leaving on a journey. This is something to try and cheer you up……Ah, but actually, I simply wanted to drink, that’s all. “
そう言って、綱手は笑った。 After saying that, Tsunade laughed.
サクラが負担に思わないように、そういう言い方をしてくれているのだとわかった。 (Tsunade) knew to speak about it in such a manner so that Sakura wouldn’t be thinking about her burdens.
綱手も、最近のサクラが働きすぎていると思っているのだ。だから呼び出してガス抜きをしてやろう、ということなのだろう。 Even Tsunade was thinking lately that Sakura was overexerting herself. And so, Tsunade had called for Sakura to possibly try and let her vent and de-stress.

Pages 28 and 29

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『子ども心療室』設立に際して、サクラの背を押してくれたのは綱手だ。今のサクラの仕事ぶりに、ひょっとしたら綱手はいささかの責任を感じているのかもしれない。 When “The Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic” was established, Tsunade had pushed Sakura upon her back. As for the way Sakura worked nowadays, perhaps Tsunade may have felt somewhat responsible for it.
「――しかし、立派になったもんだね、私の弟子も。里に子ども心療室なんてのを導入するなんて。私も師匠として鼻が高いよ」 ”―― However, it became a splendid thing, didn’t it? Even my disciple as well. (She’s the one who) introduced something like The Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic to the village. As for me, even as your shishou, I’m so proud of you.”
次々と盃を干す綱手の頬には朱が差している。食事もそこそこに、早いペースで飲み始めていたのだ。 One by one, Tsunade downed cups of sake. Her face was tinged with redness. While also hurriedly eating, she had begun to drink at a brisk pace.
「でも、結局のところ、私がやったのは窓口を整備しただけです。実際、子どもたちと向き合うのは専門職の人間ですから」 “However, at the end of the day, the things that I do are only befitting for someone as a point of contact (to provide access to care for the patients). Because actually, (the ones who are) facing the children are the people who were specially employed (and trained to directly work on their cases).”
「謙遜しなくていい。子どもは自分の心の傷について、うまく言葉にできないことが多い。 だから溜めこんで、しんどい思いをすることになる。そんなとき、救いの手を差し伸べてくれる人間がいるのは心強いことだ。その仕組みをお前が作ったんだ。十分意味はある」 “You don’t have to be so modest. Concerning the children and their mental trauma, there aren’t many words that they can use (to express themselves) well. And so, (those thoughts) accumulate and become piled up. Those (sentiments) will then become worrisome thoughts. When such a thing happens, there will be someone who will extend them a helping hand. (Those people) will be reassuring to (the children). You created that structure for (those patients). That is significant enough (for them). “
「はい」 “Yes”
師匠にそう言ってもらえると、サクラも報われたような気がして嬉しくなる。 Having received such words from her shishou, Sakura even felt as though she was being rewarded and became happy.
「ところで仲良くやってるのか、ナルトとヒナタは」 “By the way, how well are Naruto and Hinata getting along?
仕事寄りの話が一段落したとき、綱手が聞いてきた。 When the conversation had reached a point where they (could move on to another subject aside from) work, Tsunade posed the question.
「ええ。こないだ、たまたまデートしてるとこに遭遇しましたよ。うまくやってるみたいでした」 “ Ehh. The other day, I unexpectedly encountered them while they were on date. They seemed to be doing well”
「ヒナタも、あれはあれで意外と手綱をしっかり握るタイプかもしれんな」 “As for Hinata, (you might not think of her in this way), but she might even be the type who surprisingly and firmly seizes the reins (within the relationship).”
「だと思います。相手が勝ち気なタイプだとナルトも衝突しちゃうかもしれませんけど、 ヒナタならそういう心配もないでしょうし」 “I thought about that. If his partner was also an unyielding and strong-willed type, Naruto would probably even be in conflict with them. But since it’s Hinata, I guess we shouldn’t even be worried like that.”
「お前のような女だと難しかったかもしれないな」 “If she was a woman like you, it might have been difficult, right?”
綱手が一言って、にやりと笑った。サクラは、「あはは」と笑って頭をかく。その笑みが、 すぐに潜め息にとって代わるのは、やはり自分の恋のことを考えたせいだ。 With that single word, Tsunade broadly smiled and laughed. Sakura laughed with an “Ahhaha” and scratched her head. That smile instantly became substituted with a concealed mood. As she thought, it was because (Sakura) was thinking about her own love.
――いけない、いけない、しんみりしたら。 ――It’s no use, I shouldn’t (think about it) if I’ll become so solemn (and serious about it).
サクラは慌ててカラリとした声で聞いた。 While Sakura was flustered, she suddenly and completely changed her tone. She then asked Tsunade:
「師匠、もうぶっちゃけ聞いちゃいますけど、男の人って、どうやったら振り向いてくれるんですかね」 “Shishou, I’m already putting it bluntly, but I want to ask (you something). As for men, how can I get them to turn around?”
「男を振り向かせたい……なら」 “If… want to make a man face you….”
綱手は言うと、 一拍置いてから、 Tsunade then responded in a beat:
「胸だな」 “(Use your) bust. “
そう言ってドーンと胸を張る。 As she said such a thing, she proudly puffed out her bust with a ‘donn’ (/whomp) sound.
――胸……。お胸かあ。 ――(A woman’s) bust…….(one’s) bust, eh?

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Sakura doubles her いけない. Which is just an expression for like “Ah, this is wrong!, “Don’t do it!” “It’s no good”, “It’s hopeless”, “I shouldn’t be xxxx”.

振り向いて is to turn around, or turn one’s face around. So the get the man to face/look at her.

They literally just say “胸” (Breasts/chest/bust) without pronouns assigned to them(==so I have to assign one to the sentences in order for it to flow in English)…But I think you get what they’re saying anyway :P

Page 30

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「そうかあ。やっぱりなあ。ヒナタも大きいもんなあ」 “Is that so? It’s as I thought, isn’t it? Hinata also has huge ones, doesn’t she?”
サクラはズーンと肩を落とす。 Sakura sunk down her shoulders with a ‘zuun’ (/gloomy disappointment).
「馬鹿、冗談だ」 “You idiot, it’s a joke”
綱手が慌てて言い足した。 Tsunade was flustered, so she added those words.
「なにで振り向くかは、人による」 “As for whatever will make (the man) turn around, it’ll depend on the person.”
「はあ。そう思いたいです…」 “Yeah, I want to think (that’s the case).”
「頑張れ、サクラ。ま、こればっかりはなにも手助けはしてやれんがな」 “Do your best, Sakura. Well, (aside from) only this, is there anything else that I can help you with?”
「だったら師匠、賭けてください」 “In that case shishou, please (make a bet with me)”
サクラは言った。 Sakura said.
「賭ける?」 “Gambling?”
「私の恋がうまくいかないほうに。師匠の賭けはよく外れるんですよね。だから」 “(Please wager that) that my love won’t turn out well. It’s because shishou’s gambling often goes awry, right? That’s why (I’m asking you). ”
はっ、と綱手は大きな胸をそらして笑った。 Tsunade averted her large bust while laughing with a ‘Ha!’.
「わかった。そうしよう」 “I understand. Let’s (gamble on it).”


In the book, above each of the hiragana for うまくいかない (unsuccessful/go badly) there is an emphasis dot. The only way I can approximate it here… is by bolding it.

//End Translation

//Section 3 completed.

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