Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 1

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Darkness, that is all I could see, it really felt comfortable being surrounded with darkness. I felt at peace with myself, the thought of death brought with it tranquillity, like the whole world that was black and white suddenly exploded with colours and you could finally see and understand, it felt like the life I lived was all a dream from a figment of my imagination. I can finally rest at ease.

My life started out being normal. I was born to a normal family, had normal parents with normal jobs living in a apartment close to the sea in the Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. My birth was a difficult one according to my parents, they had tried to get a child for 10 years, they had consulted doctors and had been told that they should not do it, the reason was because my mothers body was to frail for childbirth and might die with the baby, though they felt sad it did not make them give up and through a miracle my mom got pregnant on their 12th year married. My birth was complicated affair and the doctors almost lost both me and my mother, but through sheer luck and willpower my mother managed to give birth safely but prematurely, they had to keep us both in the hospital for 2 months before we safely recovered, my dad told me it was the worst time of his life and almost started regretting getting my mother pregnant though that thought was thrown out as soon as he saw me apparently. Aiko Watanabe, born in January 1926.

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It didn't take long for my parents to realize I wasnt a normal baby, I didnt cry as much and even when I was a year old I havent spoken a word, though they spoke to the doctors and did check ups but they couldn't find anything wrong, so they just went along with it as something they should look out for. It was on my 2nd birthday that they found the problem with me, due to the birth my brain suffered trauma in the Broacs area of the brain, that day was the saddest I've seen my parent be, but they didn't stay sad for long and started loving me even more.

1932: On my 6th year I started studying in Elementary School. It took more than three months for the teachers to notice that I was not normal, though I was mute but it didn't hinder my learning capabilities and it was found out I had a eidetic memory and could process information and understand it faster than normal. The IQ test showed 294.

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1935: I started Middle school early due to skipping years, It didn't take me more than a year to finish and I started getting noticed again but on a bigger scale. I didn't have any friends either because of muteness and me being smarter than everyone else made me ostracized. Some tried to bully me but the teachers were very strict and liked me enough to look out for me.

1936: I was noticed by the governement for being a prodigy and was taken into the Imperial Japanese Army Academy (Rikugun Shikan Gakkō). My parents were proud, we were moved to Asaka, Saitama.

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1942: Graduated from the senior course with full marks and was sent to the Secret service of Kenpeitai due to being mute, they trained me further into a spy. It was the start of the Pacific war theatre of WW2.

1950: My parents died in 1945 in the Nagasaki atomic bombing. I vowed to start helping people instead of wanting revenge, I knew my parents would be proud of that. I was sent into the newly formed Directorate for Signals Intelligence or DFS for short, it was a spy agency for the government and was kept a secret from almost everyone, even the Ministry's of Defence inner cyrcle didnt know much, but they knew we existed. All my records since birth were deleted and I was proclaimed dead to the public. I quickly became the best agent and was jumping different departments to learn everything I could.

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1980: I created a monstrosity, a key program that can spy, infiltrate and filter through anything and everything, untraceable even to the brighest minds. I couldn't give it to the agency, I've been working for them for 30 years and knew what they would do with it. Millions would die and the country becoming unstoppable in information gathering alone would start wars. I vowed to help the people not create meaningless wars. I ran away with the code.

2010: I've been on the run for the last 30 years. I became a shadow, a informaition broker and an world class assassin, unknown to the world but the few higher ups and the underworld. I'm tired, waves after waves of spies and assassins came after me, they all failed, I wasn't the best for no reason, even after my 75th birthday. I ran all over the world and stayed and learned everything I could to use it as an advantage. I was a perfectionist, I had a doctorate in 35 different subjects, and could speak many languages not to even mention my skills as an assassin and spy, In this year I became untraceable with the age of technology thanks to the key program. I finally managed to fake my death and disguise myself and lived in Mexico.

2017: This would be the best 7 years of my life, I've holed myself up in a mansion and lived the rest of my life under the cover of a retired soldier. Ive long since became numb to emotions, the world was just black and white to me since I could remember, my parents were the only people that showed me colours amd they died. The first splash of colour I was exposed to in those 7 years was when I started reading manga and watching anime. I often found myself fond of these shows. Those 7 years was the moment of life where I just reflected on myself. I wanted to find inner peace, I wanted to let out all the bottled up emotions, to grieve, to forgive, to rest and to vent. The manga and anime shows were that place I found to do just that. I would usually read or watch and then meditate, sometimes I even did martial arts, I wanted to create a style of my own from all the experiences I had in life. Eventually I created my masterpiece, It wasnt perfect, but I knew I didn't have long left, my body is failing. In October I released my story and restored my identity so I could pass away with my name and make my parents proud not as The Shadow but as Aiko Watanabe, In November I released evidence on all the corruption of the world I gathered from the key program on the internet, The world called it Judgment Day, I removed all the things I created that were harmful and set up explosives in the mansion tied to my pulse. My body finally gave up on me, I died on the 31st of December with a bang.

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