Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 2

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I didn't know how long I was in the void neither did I care, I felt at peace and just held on to that feeling for as long as possible, I started to meditate and it didn't take me long to feel addicted to meditation. I started seeing my life in what would be a 3rd perspective, I reflected on everything that happened to me, all my flaws were presented infront of me and everytime I saw a flaw and meditate on it to see what could be done gave me the feeling of being purified. The more I watched the more flaws I found and the more I meditated the more I felt complete, My perception was being refined over and over and over again.

When finally the last memory was cut, I felt like all inhibitions of my mortal self was released, it felt like invincible shackles were breaking under the corrosion of the void. The more chains breaking the more I felt like I'm becoming part of this void and I couldn't stop the process or more like I didnt want to, I loved the void and it made me feel safe.

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When the last chain broke my perception exploded out. I didn't know how far it stretched until I felt a barrier at the edge of my perception. It felt like I was in a sphere that contained the darkness, I hated the feeling of the barrier, so I started hammering at it with my perception. I didn't know how long I was hammering but all I could feel was hate for the constraints, I felt like a caged animal, finally with another hit a crack was formed, I felt estatic and doubled my efforts. With one final push the sphere exploded and my perception went along with it.

I saw the universe, stars, planets, galaxies, all matter of energy unidentifiable to me I saw beings so powerful they could shatter the universe itself, concepts to abstract for me understand and more.

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It felt like an eternity but it was over in an instant, when my perception returned I was bombarded with information not knowing where it came from. It took me a while to digest but when I did I finally understood what happened. The barrier I broke was a metaphysical egg trapping my soul, due to my karmic merit I was given a wish of anything I wanted which before my death was to find inner peace and completion due to that I was thrown into the element I had affinty with, Darkness.

The meditation helped me understand the concept of darkness and the review of my life helped me understand and complete myself better which in return increased my perception and integrated me into darkness itself. When I broke the egg, I was freed from the shackles of my soul and became one with the Darkness, I became the embodiment of Darkness, which was a concept of omnipotence inside and outside of what is called a omniverse which is the collection of every single universe, multiverse, megaverse, dimension (alternate or pocket) and realm. Along with that information came the understanding and mastery of what I could do. I felt giddy with what I could do. Concepts such as Time, Space, Creation and Destruction were things that couldnt constraint me, but I didn't feel free, I didn't want to embody a concept and be stuck here.

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I started thinking of what to do and came up with the idea of reincarnation. Embodiments cant interfere with anything, we just exist everywhere, and only people who cultivate and understand a concept can use it.

So I started to do what I could which was meditating and understanding the concepts available. I started to remember my study into Taoism which everything is expressed in a sentence " Tao produced the One. The One produced the two. The two produced the three. And the three produced the ten thousand things." The Tao is "no-thing", residing "no-where" in an eternal yet timeless infinity. Yet from this "no-thingness" sprang "the One" of Taoism. From this Oneness, once it began to differentiate itself, sprang "the two". In many philosophies, especially within those affiliated with Eastern religion and mysticism, "the two" are thought of in terms of the polarity of Yin and Yang. A centerpiece of Chinese and Taoist philosophy, the concepts of Yin and Yang represent the cyclical feminine and masculine aspects and nature of the universe. The Yin and Yang polarity represents a pair of universal complimentary polar opposites with each pole containing the seed of the other. The Yin and the Yang are seen as the two primary cosmic energies/principles endlessly interacting, the one forever flowing and morphing into the other.

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I started with the concept of Light as it was the duality for Darkness. Once I mastered Light I felt a piece that was missing return and a feeling of joy sprang forth from deep writhin my soul. My soul started to shine with a black and gold colour constantly rotating around eachother. I basket in the moment but hurried to continue. Next came the concepts of the Elements, and after that came Creation followed by Destruction. The feeling was intoxicating, The more concepts I mastered the more colour was added to my soul. I kept going with the concept of Heart and Mind, Spirit and Soul. After that came the concept of Life and Death, Time and Space, and when I mastered them my soul resembled a rainbow of colours constantly rotating. The final concepts where Yin and Yang and when I mastered it I felt like my very self evolving, My soul lost all colour and became almost transparent but it had a Tai Chi diagram in the middle constantly rotating.

I was becoming agitated and abandoned understanding the Concept of "The One", since it was too hard trying to merge Yin and Yang. The more I stayed the more complete my soul fuses with the Darkness. The world I choose to reincarnate was the Prime Narutoverse.

First thing I did was to make sure that I'll seal all the memories of going beyond the egg and concepts since a premature body cant handle the strain which means that I'll have to remaster it all, but since I already did it once it wont be hard a second time since it becomes instinct. After that I came to the time the Kyuubi incident happened since the concept of Death (Shiki no fujjn) will be there to complete the bonding with Kurama and Naruto. The solution I came up with was that I could still escape by using a implosion of Darkness and sending my soul to anchor it to a body. That way I'll leave the metaphysical and move to the physical realm and the concept lets its hold go. When the Shinigami appeared and started the procces I chose that moment to implode my embodiment to free myself and moved my soul to Narutos body. I did not devour or expel Narutos soul but chose to merge together so the world recognizes me as part of it, The process finished quickly since Narutos soul was still young. It didn't give me anything since it was just born, though as soon as the bonding finished I felt soul rendering pain from the fushion with Kurama which made me lose consciousness.

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