Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 3

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So much noise...

Why is it dark...

What happened...

Slowly gathering my strength I opened my eyes to see where I am, I was in a dark room with a closet a table and chair, though it was dark I could still see well enough, the room looked worn out and dirty, even paint was peeling of the wall, I was in a crib, I looked down and noticed small hands and feet.

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Where am I??!!

I suddenly felt like panicking but suddenly I was bombarded with memories. It took me some time to digest them and when I did my eyes went wide open and I became slack jawed.

O-ok l-lets calm down.

Taking deep breaths and sitting crosslegged I started to go over what happened.

I was still in the darkness after I died, when I reached the barrier I started hitting it, it broke followed by an explosion of light and now I'm here in the body of a 2 year old Naruto Uzumaki.... WHAT THE HELL!!. Deep breaths, dammit pull yourself together!

I calmed down and started analyzing my situation. I needed to know how I came here and why I can't control my emotions, and as soon that question came into my mind it was answered instantly.

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So I merged with Naruto but due to my soul, instability occured with the spiritual energy because the body couldnt handle the strain so I basically went into auto pilot, and my emotions are jammed up because of the infant soul I merged with.

I started looking through memories of the 2 years on auto pilot. The first 2 months were a blur of colours due to eyes not adjusting. After that is the life in the orphanage. My eyes turned ice cold when I saw how I was treated, they're damn monsters doing this to a child, seems like the show downplayed the abuse due to the age restriction.

Damn what a shitty matron, and seriously Hiruzen can't you even send a shadow clone to atleast see how I lived, It seems that even the shitty villagers pay the matron money to hurt me since 2 months ago.

I calmed down, first things first, I started spreading my perception as far as I could.


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Bleeding from the nose, probably shouldn't spread it so far so quick, underdeveloped brain cant process so much information. I started again after stopping the bleeding and the headache, This time I took it slow. The orphanage was really big, infrastructure counting 400 rooms and the small blue fireflies should be the children, the bigger ones should be the care takers. They all feel different, why is that, oh it seems like emotion sensing, might be from Kurama, almost didnt notice it, seems I have to actively train it, would be really useful. Original Naruto had it too but it was more like an instinct to know what they feel rather than actively using it or else he wouldn't save so many random people with that talk no jutsu as it needed empathy. I started to expand it outside slowly.

'Hmmmm?? Oh are those ANBU'

There were 3 rather big signatures close to my room outside the window, 2 feel normal, they're bored it seems but the last feels like ice, might be a Root Operative. Seems like the ANBU are slacking if they cant detect him, or it might be because he's good at stealth or he's part of them.

I started expanding more this time. slowly but surely I'm getting used to the information load, might be Kuramas chakra or chakra in general that lets me adapt so fast, though I shouldn't start unlocking my chackra, this body won't be able to handle it so young. Naruto in the original series could keep up 2000 clones and still fight, I might not even have been able to pop 3 clones if I hadnt refined my soul in the darkness.

It took me 2 hours to cover the whole village, its bigger than its portrayed in the series. There were many big signatures, biggest of all is probably Hiruzen, he feels annoyed and bored, probably paperwork, that shit is horrible, though he could use shadow clones, so much for "The proffesor".

So my muteness is still persistent here, not that I would start talking, better used to it, comfortable and less annoying people to deal with.

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'Hmmm probably should start planning, not staying in this shitty orphanage'

I won't contact Kurama anytime soon, no point in doing it since I won't gain anything from him until teenage years, body wont handle Kyuubi chakra till then and its a hassle to explain my situation when he just got sealed and still angry, 2 years should be a sneeze to him, though I need to enter my mindscape and reorganize it incase someone invades, can have narutos life out in the open but the rest need to be hidden. Shouldn't be difficult since I can easily enter a meditation trance from doing it alot.

I concentrated on my stomach and willed myself inside, I felt a pulling sensation and then I was in a old fashioned city, with a dark sky filled with stars and a aurora. So the mindscape is the representation of the soul. I willed myself invisible, its my mind and I'm practically a god in here, shouldnt alert Kurama. I started looking around and found Kurama in the middle of the mindscape sleeping in a park, he had a collar around his neck with Fujin written in the tag, so that should probably be the seal, I went away and started to rearrange the city to make it look like Konoha with some added designs, the mindscape started changing accordingly and it became Konoha with some designs from my world. I created a Pagoda in the middle and made a leash, attached it to Kuramas collar and stuck it close to the Pagoda, He can be a guard dog for it. I willed all my past lifes memory to fly up to the sky and become stars, soon the original stars got replaced by memories but you couldnt see it, this should stop anyone from looking since not many check that out when you have a big pagoda calling out for you. I willed the rest of my memories as Naruto inside it and made sure all future memories go inside there too. Kurama didn't even wake up, should be surprised when he does.

I left my mindscape and started thinking on what I should do, I can't make myself look smart since I'm counted as a civilian and will be under the civilian council's thumb, Hokage or not, he cant do much for me before I'm genin.

I analyzed my options and decided with 2, I tell Hiruzen I awakened past memories without divulging anything about the future, or I go and join Danzo to use him to train me and trick him into thinking he can make me a weapon for his use, then bail out of there when graduation for academy starts, no others need to know so I can use Shadow clones or a Blood clone to stay in the orphanage and attend the academy. I'll try to stay on canon path as good as possible, but I cant speak so being a loudmouth as a cover wont work, though hopefully that only changes local stuff and nothing major, can still prank and pretend to be a idiot as a cover so it should be alright. Thats the only way I can train and learn their teachings. You can't hide away from a whole village of shinobi plus Hiruzens crystal ball without being noticed, and even if I did train alone, I wouldnt be able to get resources for the training nor train any basic shinobi skills, its not going to work with my old assassination and spy training, chakra literally overhauls my whole skillset, so I need to integrate my skillset and merge it with theirs which should help me alot and make me a good shinobi.

That should be it, already feeling tired mentally, should sleep and start learning the routine around the ANBU and ROOT routes with perception and see my lookout time.

I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

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