Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 4

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Its been 18 months since I gained clarity and started out with my plans. I didn't try to contact anyone yet since training young is something I don't need help with and without unlocking chakra I won't be taught anything other than basic stretching and stamina training with some taijustu katas. I started out with Yoga exercises for flexibility and Tai Chi for balance, body control and fitness with meditation inbetween for the first 2 months. It took me by surprise how fast children in the show gain strenght, especially for someone like kakashi that became Chuunin at 5, but now that I started going through with training I can see why.

First of all, When you train and exhaust your body, the natural regeneration is really fast which helps you do more intense training without getting hidden injuries or compromising your foundation, also the Yang chakra in the body contantly reinforces and heals the whole body passively, though I still didn't unlock chakra it doesn't mean it isn't there, wisps of chakra keep going round throughout the body to reinforce and repair any damage done, that is especially so for me who is a Uzumaki and Kyuubis Yang jinchuuriki.

It really amazes me and makes me feel really good knowing that I'll be able to surpass my previous self.

The other thing that happened in thise 2 months is that I managed to blackmail the matron into ignoring me completely, it happened when Hiruzen was visiting on my 2nd birthday (1 month after I woke up). what I did was write a letter and put it under her bed with all the misdeeds she's doing and faked it to say she'll be executed for sabotaging prospective shinobi if she continued. She started totally ignoring me after that and just called me for meals, though I would get less portions than the other children, but it didn't matter since I started stealing food from the kitchen, it's really easy to use my experience to sneak around civilians. I also managed to get Paper and ink to communicate with the people I need as well as a black face mask that I wore similair to Kakashis to hide my whiskers. I managed to find it in the orphanages donation box.

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After conditioning my body for a while, I started training the martial arts I created, the issue with that is the martial arts I created incorporates the 4 elements of Wind, Fire, Water, Earth. This is a issue that needs a long time to fix since the foundation of this world is built on 5 basic elements and excluding a element will create imbalance in the style that enemies can take advantage of.

I can still train the style and use it as taijutsu, but I wont be able to incorporate all the elemental energies from Naruto into it, by doing that the martial art becomes like the Frog Kata in which utilizes pure natural energy manipulation to hit from a distance. So It should be possible to do that with the other elements if you can reach a mastery level to call upon the element without using handseals.

It was on the 4th month that I found a solution to that issue when I was doing yoga, I was really slow in remembering about the 7 chakra points incorporated into Yoga, so I sat down and tried to find all the points, it took me a while but I managed to succeed, though it is still missing a representation of the Lightning element, It might exist since the worlds basic element includes Lightning and the worlds population follow that cycle, but I will have to do research and see where the chaka point for Lightning is. It might even be linked to peoples affinities, for example the Rinnegan might allow one to unlock 5 chakra points representing the elements, that is why a Rinnegan user gains affinty with all elements, which means that this world has atleast 8 chakra points insted of the 7 from my old world. I won't be able to open any of them yet until I unlock chakra, but I'm getting giddy just thinking of how much I can gain from opening these point.

The 7 known chakra points are as followed

1. Muladhara (the Root Chakra)

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Muladhara is located at the base of the spine. It is often depicted as a red four-petaled lotus, and it's connected to the earth element. Muladhara governs what is considered the four primal urges: food, sleep, sex, and self-preservation. Its energetic function will help me maintain a sense of groundedness and inner stability. The Root chakra affirmation: "I am connected to the earth. I am strong and I am stable."

2. Svadhisthana (the Sacral Chakra)

Svadhisthana is located at the pelvis. It is often depicted as an orange lotus with six petals, and it's associated with the water element—fluidity, adaptability, creativity, emotions, sexual energy, and the unconscious. The second chakra's energetic function will help me regulate my emotions and desires, so as not to be driven by them. The Sacral chakra affirmation: "I am a creative being with unlimited potential."

3. Manipura (the Navel Chakra)

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Manipura is located at the navel center. It is commonly depicted as a downward or upward-facing red triangle, and it's associated with the fire element. Having a strong inner fire can help me digest not only food, but also my life experiences. Energetically, manipura's function will optimize my personal power so that I can navigate my life with strength and determination. Manipura gives the confidence needed to process and eliminate what does not serve me, and to let it go. The Navel chakra affirmation: "I am confident, powerful, and I can handle anything."

4. Anahata (the Heart Chakra)

Anahata is located at the heart center. Anahata is typically depicted as a green six-pointed star surrounded by 12 lotus petals. On a spiritual level, it's said to be the home of the higher/infinite, "unstruck" or indestructible self. Anahata is associated with the wind element, and with emotional qualities such as peace, love, and openness. Energetically, anahata will help me tap into unconditional love. The Heart chakra affirmation: "Give love to receive love, and be love."

5. Vishuddha (the Throat Chakra)

Vishuddha is located near the base of the throat. It is often depicted as a blue downward-facing triangle inside a lotus with 16 purple petals. Vishuddha is associated with the element of space, and with speaking one's truth. Its energetic function will help me find authentic self-expression. The Throat chakra affirmation: "I speak my truth. I live my truth."

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6. Ajna (the Third-Eye Chakra)

Ajna is located between the eyebrows. Represented by a transparent lotus with two white petals, it's considered to be the seat of the mind, of conscious and unconscious awareness. It is not associated with any element, as this chakra is considered "beyond" the physical elements. It is held to be the center of intuition, vision, prophecy, imagination, inner knowing, and self-assurance. The energetic function of ajna chakra will help me learn to know myself: emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The Third-eye chakra affirmation: "I am open, intuitive, and self-assured."

7. Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra)

Sahasrara is located just above the crown of the head. Said to be the doorway into pure consciousness, it is often depicted as a thousand-petaled lotus with a pinkish aura, and it is not associated with a physical element (as it too is considered to be beyond the elements). Sahasrara serves as a way of connecting to divine energy and is associated with our highest self. Sahasrara will help me function in a more enlightened way, cultivate self-mastery, and find a sense of connection with all. The Crown chakra affirmation: "I surrender to the wisdom of pure consciousness."

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