Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 5

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18 months into my training and I was finally ready to unlock my chakra since the foundation of my body was good. I went into my room and made sure the door was locked and window closed, since I was on the highest floor in the orphanage no-one would bother me. I sat crosslegged and focused on my chakra centre. I found the centre before but left it alone since I wasn't ready. It looked like a big orange sun and was really comforting, it was almost all encompassing but it had a dark spot in the middle that felt like a endless abyss, I could also see small wisps of dark orange light getting assimilated into my centre, that's probably Kuramas chakra that the seal purified and added to my reserves. I grabbed as much as I could and tried to redirect it to my han-


* Cough Cough*

'Well there goes my room along with the roof'

I think I might have over done it, I was coated in a layer of blue chakra that was flowing outwards in a 6 meter radius. The whole room was blasted apart including the roof and walls. It didn't take long for ANBU to arrive alongside Hiruzen. I could literally feel the shock and disbelief coming out of them, some also had fear it seems.

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"Naruto you need to stop your chakra" - Hiruzen

I acted confused on what he meant since I didn't want him knowing I did it intentionally with that many shinobi around.

"Think of stopping the chakra from going outside"

I did as he said though I tried to circulate it around my whole body before returning it so my tenketsu will get used to the strain of that much chakra flow, its hurts but its nothing I havent experienced before. It took me an hour to adapt and return the chakra, I almost felt invisible enhancing my muscles and bones with chakra but I knew it was just a high from inserting so much chakra into my system.

Once I was done Hiruzen came up to me and ruffled my hair. "Well done Naruto, now how did you do that?" He looked at me with a gentle smile and soft eyes, damn old men and their grandfatherly facade.

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I ran to get my paper and ink to write what I wanted to say. With the best innocent face I could. I picked up the brush and wrote "I heard shinobi say that I can be strong if I meditate and unlock chakra so I tried to do what he said" I showed him the writing for him to read.

Hiruzen was confused. "Naruto why aren't you speaking"

I took back my paper and started writing again, it was time to throw the matron under the bus. "I can't speak, I don't know why, but I heard from the matron that I was a demon and it should be like that, Is it true Hokage-jiji, am I really like the matron says, is it why people hate me?" I gave him back the paper for him to read with a sad and confused look, managed to squeeze out some tears too. I felt sad doing this but it was necessary, though Hiruzen is good and took care of Naruto in the original series but he couldn't do much to stop him from having a shitty chilhood.

When Hiruzen took back the paper and read it he was shocked, sad, horrified and finally angry. He stared at the paper for a while trying not to blow up and scare the little boy. "Inu, deal with this and make sure she spills everything" The ANBU could feel their Hokages anger and didn't dare move, a ANBU with a dog mask came forward and took the paper, when he read it he almost crumbled the paper but managed to calm down and disappear from his position. Hiruzen looked at Minatos son looking like that, He knelt down and took him into a hug. " Its a lie Naruto, why would you think that everyone hates you".

It was time to throw out a bone and see if I can manage to get training before joining Danzo. I got out of his chest and started writing again, I made sure to look sad and determined while I did it. "I can feel it, everytime the matron and caretakers see me I feel hate and disgust from them, its the same with the villagers who come and hurt me with the matron every month, ne Hokage-jiji can I become a shinobi like you, I want to be strong to make their hate go away and make them like me too". I handed him the paper to read it.

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As soon as He read the paper I started to suffocate from the killing intent and pressure. Damn he was a monster, almost lost consciousness with that pressure alone. My back filled with cold sweat as well as my hands. I didn't even notice when I had kneeled down, I felt my heart grow fearful but as soon as that fear came it was replaced by an indomitable will that came from my very being. I swore right there and then to become the strongest.

When Hiruzen came back from his anger and calmed down, he saw Naruto on the ground, he saw the fear but then was shocked to his core when he saw the fire that replaced it in his eyes, he was mortified but proud at the same time. So young but still had such a strong will of fire. 'Minato I hope your son turns out like you, I'm too old for this shit' "Neko, take this and investigate, I want to know everything"

When Neko came forward and saw the cold look in the Hokages eyes she knew it was serious, it took alot to make the Hokage lose control of his anger and release his killing intent, she didnt even read the letter and Shushined out of there.

Hiruzen turned back to Naruto who just got up and started asking, "Naruto, can you feel our emotions?" when he saw him nod he knew that Naruto was a sensor with emotion sensing but it was still shocking for him being so young. "How far can you feel people Naruto and since when did you start feeling around?"

I took the paper and started writing, " I can't remember a time when I couldn't feel it and I can feel everything over the fence of the orphanage, I could also feel Inu-niisan and Neko-neesan and one more person watching my window sometimes" I didn't tell him that I could expand more, I want to keep my skills a secret from everyone, you can't be a spy if you dont hide your ability. I gave him the paper and showed my best hopeful look, since even the matron cant handle my puppy eyes and she hates me.

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When Hiruzen read the paper he was shocked again that his ANBU were discovered, either Naruto is a strong sensor or they are slacking off, and as soon as he saw there was one more person, 'Sigh... I need to talk to Danzo again about his ROOT, can't let anything happen to Naruto'. He looked at Naruto again and started thinking of what he should do, it seems the situation was bad for him in the orphanage and he wants to train too, and he couldn't say no to him looking like that, "How about this Naruto, I'll get you an apartment you can stay and live in instead of the orphanage and I'll sign you up for the academy when you're 6 years old so you can become a shinobi, will that be fine?"

I wasn't expecting much but this was the best case scenario since I knew it was the same in canon though excluding that I didnt get kicked out to live on the streets, so I nodded faster than I knew I could.

"Hahaha, then pack your stuff and lets go, I already have an apartment that I bought recently but haven't used, you can take it and stay there, I'll send some people to bring in necessities for you, aswell as give you a stipend to spend, ANBU disperse"

I saw all ANBU disappear and I started taking my Gama-chan (Frog shaped wallet), brush and ink, walked up to the Hokage and indicated I was ready with a nod. When he saw that, I could feel confusion coming off him. "Naruto where are your other stuff".

I sat down, took a nearby paper and wrote "Thats all I have, The matron took the rest and gave it to the good children because she said demons don't get nice stuff", I gave it to him and when he read it I knew he was angry without feeling it when he started to grimace.

"Even the gifts I sent?" when he saw me nod he just took my hand softly and said lets go, I could feel he was determined and sad. Hopefully I could start doing what I can from now on, the apartment made it a lot easier.

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