Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 6

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The village looks really peaceful now that I'm walking through it, it's overwhelming feeling the vitality and seeing its beauty in person, it makes you really want to make this place home, to protect this peace is probably what all shinobi want, but sadly its just the outer appearance.

The area we're walking is on the south of the village, apparently the orphanage is located between the Uchicha Police department and the Aburame clan compound.

Wherever we walked all the people would stop to pay their respects to the Hokage, he really has high prestige inside the villagers, though to be fair, taking Konoha through 2 wars and winning makes him really amazing. I could also see curiousty from most of the villagers when they're looking at me, good thing I have the face mask on, blond hair won't expose me since its not rare when they have Yamanakas, its the whiskers that gives it away, but that curiousty won't last long when the haters in the civilian council releases information on me, they would then all show their ugly side.

Its really a miracle how Naruto wanted to protect them after all they've done and made him go through, naivety and the academy preaching and drilling loyalty probably played a big part in it.

You could also see it as the Hokage brainwashing Naruto if you don't take his feelings into account, although he does consider Naruto as a surrogate grandson, he's also a Hokage and has to take into account the village before anything else, showing affection to a attention starved kid will make them fiercely loyal. He could make him loyal, protect him and take care of him at the same time by doing that, you can't have a jinchuuriki that isn't loyal, that's just a recipe for disaster.

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We soon reached the slums, and I could see Ichirakus on the other side of the road, its really close to the Hokage Tower, the smell coming out of it is heavenly. I started tugging on Hiruzens robe, when he turned to me I started to point towards it, I really want to see why it was so good in the show and if its true.

"Hmm? you want to go eat at Ichirakus?"

He seemed surprised and amused aswell. I nodded and started dragging him towards it, he started laughing and we entered the shop, he had to pull open the curtains to enter, we sat down and waited, it didn't take long for a young slender girl with long, dark brown hair and large black eyes with fair skin to come out, it was Ayame. She was wearing a white robe with the sleeves folded, a sort of dark blue apron with ribbon ties at the top and a bright white bandanna. She was in the process of tying her apron.

"Welcome to Ichirakus ramen, how may I serve you?" She had a really enthusiastic voice, when she looked up she was startled and started to look panicky. "H-Hokage-sama!, its an h-honour to have you here, how may I serve you" She composed herself fast and bowed almost 90 degrees while speaking.

Hiruzen was amused looking at her, he started waving his hand, "how have you been doing Ayame-chan, I'm just here with young Naruto to eat ramen, could you give me 1 miso ramen and see what Naruto wants" He looked towards Naruto and saw him take out his brush, he looked around before seeing him take a napkin close by and write something, seeing him not able to speak really made him sad, hopefully he can have a doctor take a look and see whats wrong with him.

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Ayame was curious about the little boy, she couldnt make out his face, just his blond hair and sky blue eyes, when she saw him take down his face mask and start writing made her curious on why he didn't talk but she soon forgot it when she saw how cute he looked when he concetrated, she just wanted to glomp him and pinch his cheeks.

I started shivering for no reason, I started looking around after I gave Ayame my order, I soon dismissed the feeling and went back to waiting. I wanted to try the Miso Chashu Pork ramen that I saw in the show.

Taking the napkin and reading it, she turned around and shouted into the kitchen, "1 Miso ramen and 1  Miso Chashu Pork ramen tou-san". I could hear a sound from inside, when she turned back towards us she started to intently stare at me, I started shivering again and when I looked up at her I could see her blushing and staring at me like I was a piece of meat, I wiped away the cold sweat and thanked god Hiruzen was here, I turned to him and implored him to make her stop with my eyes, fucker just stared at me with amusement in his eyes and a smile.

Fine since he isn't helping I might aswell take advantage, I slouched my shoulders, locked my hands together on my lap and stared at her with upturned eyes, playing it shy I forced a smile and waved at her. I swear I saw a explosion behind her, she stood there dazed for seconds before we saw her nose started bleeding, she hastily came back to it, her whole face become red as she turned around and ran into the kitchen.

I started giggling with Hiruzen laughing alongside as well. It didn't take long for a middle-aged man with brown short hair and tanned skin to come out with 2 bowls of ramen while laughing, he was wearing white garments while donning a chefs hat with the ichiraku logo.

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"Hohoho, its and honor to have Hokage-sama eat here, you shouldn't tease my daughter though Hokage-sama, she can't handle it, here are your orders"

"Hahaha, its nice to see you Teuchi-san, but you should blame it on young Naruto here, I haven't done anything yet"

"Oh?" I could see him look at me for a while, the recognition appeared in his eyes after a while and his eyes softened and he started being more enthusiastic. I think he might have reconized me from my whiskers, he was one of the few who treated Naruto well and seeing it for myself brought me a good feeling knowing not all of the people are bad.

"Well hello there Naruto-kun, I hope you like the ramen, I promise its the best you'll have, Enjoy!"

I stared at him and nodded, took the bowl, broke the chopsticks and started eating. I first started with the noodles and started to slurp it up, when the first noodle entered I felt my tongue explode in flavours, I almost wanted to moan, it tasted like heaven, the noodle soaked up the deep flavour of the broth with the vegetables and marinated egg as well as the aftertaste of pork, I kept slurping the noodles and started to drink the broth, it had a creamy texture to it that made the taste stick to your mouth and not leave, I didn't even care anymore and started inhaling the contents, it didn't take long for the bowl to finish, I felt sad, I wanted to ask for seconds.

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When I looked up I saw both Teuchi and Hiruzen staring at me with dumbfounded expressions, I stared at them with a pitiful expression and held out my bowl, they started to guffaw, Teuchi took my bowl and went into the kitchen while saying seconds are coming.

It took me 9 bowls to feel satisfied, Teuchi looked mortified and amused because he lost money on so much. He waved us off and said "I hope you come back Naruto-kun, I haven't seen seen anyone eat like that since K-", he stopped mid way and looked at me with a shocked expression before returning back to normal and waving us off again, I think he figured it out, and by Hiruzens look I guess he knew he figured it out, he will probably send someone to make him keep quiet about it.

He ruffled my hair and we went back to walking towards the apartment, It didn't take us long to pass the slums and reach a 2 floor apartment complex, it was on the same road as Ichirakus and was next to the hot springs, you could also see the Hokage tower down the road so it was really close, wants me here to keep an eye on me probably.

"Here we are", He took my hand and we started climbing the stairs to the 2nd floor, we walked up to a red door, he took out keys, put them inside the keyhole and opened the door.

Timline: February Year 54

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