Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 7: 7

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The apartment was fairly big, going around 50 square meters, there was a single bed on the left side of the room with 2 night stands on either side of it, there was also a desk with a chair and a closet next to it. on the right side of the room was a stove and a fridge and cabinet on either side with another cabin over the stove, there was also a big double window with white curtains and a white poster with the fire logo over the bed. It had a dark brown wooden floor with White walls going hallfway down from the roof and the rest had a wooden plating. There was a door leading to a bathroom on the right side next to the cabinet which was pretty good.

I was really satisfied with it. Hiruzen looked towards me, "You will be living here from now on, so make sure to take care of it, there will be some shinobi to come deliver all the neccesities you need with food to last you for a month, I will also make sure to get you a couple of clothes, here are the keys, I will be keeping a copy just incase, I will have to leave you now since I got work to do, take care of yourself", I kept nodding to everything he said and took the keys, he ruffled my hair and walked out.

I placed my stuff on the desk and started to think on what to do, first of all I should check if the handsigns for the basic academy jutsus work as well as shadow clones. I needed Henge and Shadow Clones mostly which will help me cut down on what I need to do and to disguise myself so people won't see me or my clones running around.

I took out a paper to write down all the jutsus I know the handsigns to that Naruto uses in the show.


Just realized all he has are shadow clones and rasengan variations with Senjutsu, 6 Path Sage cloak and Kuramas cloak with some Henge variations. Need to write everything I need to learn then




Trap make/dispel/find


Military tactics


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Information gathering


Guerilla Warfare


Survival skills



Communication signs and codes



Rope Escape Technique(Nawanuke)

Transformation (Henge)

Combination Transformation (Konbi Henge)

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Sexy Technique (Oiroke no jutsu)

Harem Technique (Haremu no jutsu)

Body Flicker Technique( Shunshin)

Body Replacement Technique (Kawarimi)

Cloak of Invincibility(Kakuremino)

Hiding Camouflage Technique (Mesaigakure)

Shadow clone (Kage Bunshin)

Multiple Shadow clones(Taju Kage Bunshin)

Great Clone Explosion (Bunshin Daibakuha)

Shuriken Shadow clone (Shuriken Kage Bunshin)

Shuriken from all direction (Shihohappo shuriken)

Uzumaki Naruto Combo(Rendan)

Uzumaki Naruto 2000 Combo(Nisen Rendan)

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Temporary Paralysis Technique(Kanashibari)


Summoning Technique(Kuchiyose)

Chakra control exercises:

Leaf sticking Practice

Tree Climbing Practice

Water Walking Practice

Waterfall Walking Practice

Taijutsu: Self created Elemental Arts, need to develop the Lightning stance and evolve it into a Nintaijutsu

Shurikenjustu: accuracy training with throwing shuriken, kunai, senbon

Bukijutsu: Use of weapons in combat. + Chakra Flow

Fujinjutsu: Must learn, too useful not to, need to figure out how Uzumakis used it without ink in battle.

Kenjutsu: Niten Ichi-ryu, need a Kodachi and a Odachi

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Genjutsu: Learn to dispel

Iryou ninjutsu: Won't have the opportunity until I seperate Kuramas Chakra or else will corrode instead of heal.

Senjutsu: Need a summons first.

I heard a knocking and went over to open the door, once I did I found a shinobi carrying 3 scrolls.

"Delivery to Naruto Uzumaki from the Hokage, is that you? Here are 3 storage scrolls with everything inside, Have a good night" When I nodded he gave me the scrolls and jumped away, I closed the door and locked outside the window, I didn't even notice it getting dark, I'll unpack and then go to sleep.

I placed the scrolls on the floor and opened up each one, I channeled chakra into the scroll with the "Clothes" tag and willed the items to come out, with a puff of smoke clothes showed up on top neatly foolded, most were white shirts and black cargo pants and shorts, rest were underwear and socks as well as a couple of facemasks. I started sorting them inside the closet and placed the scroll on the side of the desk, can be used later.

The second scroll had a "Neccesities" tag, I did the same with the previous scroll and out came a variety of items from toiletries to extra futons and a Black carpet with the Uzumaki swirl. I started sorting out everything, it made the apartment look more homely. I did the same with the "Food" scroll. I placed down the scrolls on the desk and went to the mirror to try the Henge and see if it works.

I made a mental image of the Hokage and used the

Dog → Boar → Ram handsigns and willed my self to change, It started with a big cloud of smoke and when it dispersed it showed Hiruzen standing infront of the mirror with his Hokage attire and pipe, I recalled his mannerisms to start emulating him, that was easy since I already memorized all of it, though I won't be able to know habits if I don't observe them in their natural environment. I tried to speak but it didn't work, it felt like something blocked my throat when I'm trying, I know it cant be a physical problem since Kuramas chakra automatically fixes it and its not spiritual either. 'Hmm it might be a psychological problem, need to check it out'.

Next came the Kage Bunshin, I put my hands in the clone seal and willed 1 clone to be made,


The whole room got covered in smoke for a while, when it dispersed you could see a room packed tightly with clones. I didn't think it through and forgot how shit my control was and how much chakra it took, I had just unlocked chakra, I shouldn't be using such a taxing technique, my coils are feeling overtaxed and I'm physically tired already, I willed all of the clones to dispel through my connection and watched as all of them popped out, I instantly regretted it when I got hit with the mother of headaches and almost lost consciousness. I felt tired both physically and mentally, so I went into the bathroom, took a warm shower and changed into my pyjamas, I went to the bed and tucked in, instantly falling asleep with the last thought being 'Atleast I know how the techniques work.'

Timeline date: February Yeat 54

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