Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 8

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It was a fresh morning in Konoha and people started waking up, neighbours greeting each other and stalls being set up for the hecklers to sell their wares, shops preparing to open for business and children going to school or train. It was on such a day when the peace was disturbed.


Everyone turned towards the direction of the explosion only to see pink smoke rising from the left side of the Hokage Mountain, none of the villagers seemed fearful or panicky, instead they had a expression of pity.

A shopkeeper started to talk "That fellow is up to it again ey, didn't they catch the culprit yet, they don't even have face anymore, poor fools" , everyone around him started to nod with amused smiles on their faces.

At the explosion site you could see ANBU running out of a building shouting and screaming, it looked like a beehive that had its honey stolen. The strange thing is that their masks were replaced with clown faces and their clothes were a variety of colours with a pink tutu over their shinobi gear.

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"DAMN SHADOW, ONE DAY I'LL CATCH YOU AND SKIN YOU ALIVE YOU FUCK, FAN OUT AND TRY FIND THE BASTARD" The rest of the ANBU complied with the furious voice that came from inside the building and spread out in the surrounding to try and find the culprit, some tried to take off their masks or tutu but were unsuccessful, others had a resigned feeling at that and chose to give up, obviously whoever did it made it so that it wouldn't come off.

Such an occasion wasn't new to the ANBU, it had started 6 months ago, with pranks on selective shops and merchants such as repainting their whole store different colours that wouldn't go off for days on end, or making some of their products stuck on the aisles or too heavy to carry, the only thing that was left behind was a painting resembling the shadow of the victim.

After that it escalated into the clans, especially for the Uchiha and Hyuuga compounds, they had it the worst. Inuzukas would find their compound sprayed with pepper making their noses itchy and sneezing could be heard constantly. The Aburame would find their compound laced with a chemical that made their colony agitated and created chaos, it would also be followed by words being strewn all over the place such as "We're silent but deadly" or "Baby, You can come inside me anytime you want, these flies aint going nowhere". The Nara would find their deers in different colours, and the Akamichi had their Food Warehouse locked for half a day, the Yamanakas would be the only one that haven't had a prank made on them, they just found a shadow painting of their clan head with a "You're Boring", they didn't know if they were relieved or insulted.

Uchihas would have it the worst, they got pranked weekly, it would go from stink bombs to having a picture of a crosseyed sharingan with a "Im Special" tag over their heads constantly following anyone that leaves the compound. Hyuugas only got pranked with having a pole tied to their backs, words such as "I got this pole because of fate" or "We're all pervets, we can see through your clothes" would be seen. Everyone agreed it was the worst for a conservative clan like them. However, no matter what happened they couldn't find the culprit which made most of them furious. Best prank of all was watching the Hokage drown in paperwork, making him scream bloody murder and staying overtime.

While the ANBU were searching for the culprit, one spotted a figure standing on top of the 4th Hokages head, he shunshined there to ask, when he arrived he saw a young kid with mixed blond and red hair, crystal clear blue eyes that made you feel like you would lose yourself in them if you stared too long, and fair skin that would even make a lady jealous, he wore standard shinobi sandals with black cargo pants and a blue jacket that is zipped up, he had a red scarf covering half his face and one end almost reaching the floor.

"Oh its you, have you seen anyone suspicious going through here?" seeing him shake his head he clicked his tongue and disappeared. The village had come to know of their demon being mute and some had tried to attack him, but all the people who tried would find their bones broken in different places the next day not knowing what happened. They had started calling him "Shizuka" or Silent Night.

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The boy standing there is Naruto, he turned back looking towards the whole village with amusement, its been 2 years since he started training with chakra and a lot happened since then, he trained everything he had on the list that he could, he mastered all the Ninjutsu on the list but the Rasengan variations and the Summoning techniques, He can make a Rasengan with a single hand thanks to his chakra control exercises and he mastered all his techniques to use them without handsigns, he learned how to mould chakra internally according to the technique, and he doesn't need to call out the name even though he couldn't because he already has control over his mental faculties so he doesn't need a name trigger to procure a mental image for the techniques.

He managed to commit his Taijutsu Elemental Art as muscle memory though he hadn't perfected the stances or created the Lightning stance, he didn't have anything to reference it with since he can't access any taijutsu style other than the academy one that he found in the Genin section of the library when he snuck in.

He couldn't work on Genjutsu with a lack of partner.

His Shurkinjutsu is accurate on moving targets up to 40 meters (since more than that and it loses penetration, unless he uses elemental chakra flow such as wind, in which case the distance and speed depends on how much he puts into it).

He's proficient in Bukijutsu though he didn't know how much since he lacked a partner to train with.

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His Kenjutsu style Niten Ichi-ryu has become muslce memory though he hadn't used real swords and just wooden ones he made himself. He wants to incorporate his Kenjutsu into the Elemental Arts though he needed different references but that was blocked too.

He managed to become a Peak Level 3 Fujinjutsu user which is equivalent to mastering the basics in Uzumaki standards which has 12 Levels. He managed to do that by sneaking into the Genin section and finding a book about it, he couldn't go further since he didn't have access to the materials. It was really easy to learn the matrix and the jargon, it felt like programming an application, you just needed to learn the language, he even managed to create a Resistance seal that puts pressure on your body when you move, he couldn't use Gravity seals because it would stunt his growth. The Resistance seal has 10 levels corresponding to the pressure put on his body, he can currently handle 5.

Senjutsu came along fine, he could sit in meditation stance without moving and he could feel the natural energy in the air without aid thanks to opening up 4 chakra points, though he didn't dare take in any of it.

The chakra point openings came as a surprise for him, when he opened the first chakra point (Muladhara) he felt like he evolved, he had impurities cleansed from his body and felt emotionally and physically good, it cut his sleeping time to half as before, his senses were sharpened and it brought him stability emotionally, it also made him rethink all the decisions he'll be making. Physically it strenghtened his foundation and chakra density by 10%, but it didn't stop and kept increasing by 1% every month for 5 months. It also gave him a natural affinity with Earth, which proved that chakra points were connected to the elements. His hair changed too , he started of having red tips in some of his blond locks, which might mean that his blood impurities were expelled with the cleansing.

The second opening of the chakra point (Svadhisthana) helped him out in the mental department mostly, it sharpened the control over his mind and helped him recall faster, it also helped him think outside the box more and forego some of the rules he followed that made him rigid which also helped him become more adaptive, he gained a natural affinty for Water, there was another impurity cleansing as well. This time his physical foundation and chakra density got strenghtened by 15% followed by 1% each month for 5 months. His red tips became more pronounced now.

The third opening of the chakra point (Manipura) had helped him in the diet department for body training, he digested food better and got more energy from a meal than before, it also helped him reflect on his life experiences from both lives and helped him cut of any lingering attachements from his previous life, it had helped him start making sounds from his throat but he couldn't speak yet. It had also started hurting when the body cleansing began, it felt like a furnace was burning the impurities inside the bones and marrow making his body produce blood faster and strenghtened the bone density making his body sturdier. He gained a natural affiny for Fire. His physical foundation and chakra density also got strenghtened by 20% aswell as well as 1% each month for 5 months.

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The 4th chakra point (Anahata) was the easiest to open since he already had a natural affinity for Wind, it helped him come to terms with his positive emotions and made him more expressive and open, if before he was a hunter that targeted everyone around him then now he felt more welcoming and friendly, it felt like a burden was lifted of his heart and made everything look more beautiful in life (hence the pranking to relieve stress and enjoy life more), it made him feel free spirited. It also hardened his determination and strenghted his resolve in goals he set for himself. It was like cleansing his soul and body of impurities, though this time he started to sweat gray impurities instead of the usual sticky black which made him know that he was almost free of impurities, his chakra could flow easier and it didn't put any strain whatsoever, if his chakra was a swamp before now it was like a clear river going through his body, his chakra centre also compressed itself from the increased density, it went from the size of the sun to a football with a bright orange and gold hue. A third of his hair became red, he was wondering if his Uzumaki and Namikaze bloodline was being purified and if so, could he use chakra chains like his mother when he opened the 5th point. His physical foundation and chakra density also got strenghtend by 25% followed by 1% for 5 months.

He had tried to open the 5th point but everytime he tried his body would spasm and pain would erupt, he knew he couldn't open the 5th point before finding the representation for Lightning and open it.

Looking out the village up here made me feel really good, academy would start in a week, but it was time to convince Hiruzen about joining ANBU for training, I'll probably have to show off some of my skills.

I took a deep breath, had a last look and shunshined towards the Hokage office.

Timeline: March Year 56 ME (Modern Era)

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