Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 9

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I appeared infront of the tower and started walking inside towards the reception.

"How may I help you?"

I looked towards the middleaged lady behind the desk and gave her a piece of paper, she looked at it and then at me, before standing up and climbing the stairs to the office.

I waited for around 5 minutes before she came back, looked at me with a cold look and said "Hokage-sama will see you".

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I climbed up the stairs and knocked on the door to Hiruzens office, I heard a muffled "come in" and opened the door. I walked in and found Hiruzen behind a red semi circled desk with piles of paper on it reading through them, he looked up towards me and had a smile on his face, though he looked really tired, probably half of that pile came from my pranks.

"Naruto-kun, what are you doing here?", I didn't answer and instead took out a scroll from my jacket, opened it up, I bit my finger and dropped a bit of blood on it and indicated for Hiruzen to do the same with a serious look.

Hiruzen was shocked when he saw that, he didn't know who gave Naruto that scroll, he was worried, so he took the scroll and bit his thumb and did the same to see what it contained. When the blood landed, a complicated seal started appearing over the whole thing before compressing itself in the corner of the scroll as a Uzumaki swirl, He was yet again shocked and started coming up with tens of ideas on how a Uzumaki sealing scroll came in the hands of Naruto.

He looked back on the scroll and saw a message, "Hokage-jiji don't worry about the blood seal, I made this seal so that only us 2 can read from this scroll, I want to keep this conversation a secret so start writing in the scroll instead of of talking out loud, you may never know who's listening" I locked up to Naruto to see that he kept indicating to keep reading, I calmed down and continued. The more I read the more complex my emotions became. "I know all about my parents and the nine tails attack as well as what my dad did, he took me inside the seal 2 years ago and explained it all, he had kept some of his chakra inside the seal as a failsafe incase the kyuubi managed to trick me to open the seal or if anything went wrong with it, he said my mom did the same thing but she kept her chakra as a last line of defence to help me use the kyuubi chakra when I'm ready, my dad was forced to activate his chakra when he saw how the villagers started attacking me and vandalising my home, so he decided to train me and teach me useful jutsus and a training plan to use to protect myself, his chakra only lasted for 2 days before he dissappeared. Using Henge and Kage Bunshin I started to train and read everything I could in the library and followed his plan for 2 years. He told me to come talk to you about joining ANBU in secret to train basic shinobi skills before I start the academy since he had many enemies and wanted me strong enough to protect myself and my precious people"

Hiruzen placed down the scroll and started massaging his temple, from the constant shock and the headache Minato brought upon him, 'Even in death you can't rest easy and let this old man free, you're really a genius'. Looking back at Naruto, he could see his serious and hopeful look, He picked up a brush and they started writing to eachother, it was most of the time Hiruzen asking questions and Naruto answering.

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"Naruto, are you sure about joining ANBU, its really hard work and it won't be easy"

"Absolutely jiji, I want to be strong like my dad and protect my important people, even if its hard I can do it"

"Have you seen the kyuubi?"

"No, dad said it was to early for me"

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"What happened to your hair and why are we using this scroll"

"I dyed it to remember my mom, It feels comforting, and dad said that even your office isn't safe and he wanted my participation in ANBU a secret only you know, he said that I could cover myself up in the academy with shadow clones and skip taijutsu spars, that will make it so I can stay in ANBU for 6 years before I graduate with my age group, since dad said something about clan heirs all joining together and as the last heir to the Royal Uzumaki and Namikaze line I should build friendships with them"

"Alright Naruto, what about your strength"

"Im a specialised Jonin when it comes to tracking, information gathering and Ninjutsu because I can use a lot of shadow clones and my sensing range has gone up, I know the basic jutsus for ANBU and mastered them using one hand seal, I learned the Rasengan and also some shadow clone variants, my taijutsu is weak since I didn't have anyone to train with, same goes with genjutsu and kenjutsu, my shurikenjustu is accurate up to 40m on moving targets and I'm a Level 2 Fujinjutsu user, my physical attributes are around high-Genin."

"Alright Naruto, we'll do a thorough examination now, let me disperse the ANBU and create a shadow clone to go back to your apartment so we can hide your presence"

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Hiruzen became numb from all that he learned, though he recollected himself and started making up plans, it was good if he became a solo operative if his strength was like that, he didn't need to worry about him much more if he could fill the gaps in his skillset, he'll be a big asset for intelligence gathering and can join different squads when needed, he also won't be ordered around by anyone else to use him and the civilian council can't interfere with him in ANBU. He could start grooming him as an apprentice after he got to know him more, satisfied with his plans he got up and started preparing. "ANBU disperse", seeing all his ANBU leave he was ready to start but he stopped when Naruto started signalling to him towards the upper right corner, focusing his senses he could feel a faint presence there that he almost missed, before the person could realize he was discovered, he appeared behind him and knocked him out. Looking at the blank mask he was furious, Danzo dares to place his ROOT here. "ANBU, take this guy to a T&I Cell"

I almost couldn't catch his movement there, Kage level shinobi are really in a different league, he looked at me and told me to wait here then he disappeared, I started thinking back on the conversation we had, I decided to join ANBU instead after I thought it through more, especially since the cleansing to my mentality since opening the chakra points, I had to seriously underplay my strength but he didn't need to know my actual strength now that I'm close to a Elite Jonin, I had to also tell half truths about where I learned everything, but using dads name should be good and ease his worries as well, if I didn't tell him I knew the secrets then he wouldn't take me into ANBU, I don't want to be noticed by anyone since I don't want to derail any of the future knowledge that I can use to my advantage, interacting with lead characters like Itachi and Kakashi and making them aware of who I am might make them go down different paths, I won't interfere with the Uchiha since its either a civil war or a blood bath, even if I do save some of them, It won't escape Zetsus notice which means he can just go back and finish the job, I can't fight against their mobility until I learn Sage Mode to boost my sensing calabilities.

Hiruzen returned 20 minutes later and threw a small storage scroll towards me, I opened it and took out what's inside, it was the standard anbu attire with some ninja wire, kunai and shuriken pouch and a tanto, on top of it all was a ANBU mask with the picture of a Fox , I created a shadow clone to send it home and started changing into the clothes, before I could put on the shirt I felt something touch my shoulder, when I looked I saw Hiruzen had printed the signature spiral tattoo that all ANBU have on my shoulder, I grinned at him and finished dressing, strapping on the 3 pouches, the tanto on my lower back and put on the mask, I finished it off with activating a seal on my scalp that changed my hair colour to all black.

I looked at Hiruzen and he looked back with raised eyebrows, "Impressive, come on lets go", he took the lead and leapt out the window towards ANBU Headquarters with me behind him.

Timeline: March Year 56 ME

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