Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 17

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"How was your day?" I patted my lap for her to sit, she blushed but sat there and leaned her back against me.

"We had some kind of test to see our tracking abilities with Kurenai sensei, she had to hide and wait for us to find her, sigh she forbade me from using the Byakugan and I had to rely on my other senses"

"Hmmm are you going to show your strength to the team" I lightly blew in air in her right ear making her flustered.

"A-ano don't do that N-Naruto-kun, and no I d-don't w-want them relying on me, I'll just stay content as back up and help out Kurenai sensei if there are problems"

"Good, lets go shower and sleep, you smell li- OOFF" before I could finish she elbowed my stomach, time for revenge, "Baka baka baka, you can't say- Iyaaah Let me down!" I didn't let her finish and carried her princess style. "Muahahaha NEVER, you're mine" I couldn't even move 5 steps before she hit my Tenketsu points in the arms making me drop her down. I saw her bangs shadowing her eyes while a menacing purple aura surrounded her "-upid naruto...not married" I could barely hear her while she was muttering. I started sweating buckets, damn scaryyy


"yes? *wipes sweat*"

"You're in the range of my divination... Gentle Step: Eight Trigrams Sixtyfour Palms"

I started to slowly back up before she finished her sentence but it was too late.

"2 palms, 4 palms, 8 palms, 16 palms, 32 palms, EIGHT TRIGRAMS SIXTYFOUR PALMS,"

I was dropped like a sack of potatoes and she just walked away!.

"Hey you can't just leave me here, open my Tenketsu!" I shouted out. I heard a muffled "Open them yourself hmph" before a door was closed with a bang.

Sigh, I saturated my body with chakra and gently tried to flood the points. "atatatatah freaking hurts, what a scary woman"

I didn't see her when I woke up the next morning, I made and packed 3 bentos, knowing those self centred kids they wouldn't have listened to what I said. I arrived at the training ground early and started trapping the area with seals using clones while I took a nap in a tree. It didn't take much longer for the other 2 to come, I spread my perception and felt Kakashi on the other side of the training ground next to the memorial stone. I left behind a shadow clone and went towards the Hokage tower.

"Yo old man" I stood on the window looking inside seeing Hiruzen drinking tea. He turned towards me and seemed surprised.

"Oh Naruto, why are you here, don't you have training with Kakashi?"

I snorted "That lazy bum won't be coming until 10, even after I told him not to yesterday, he probably wants to test our patience, lets play Shogi" I unsealed a gameboard from a storage seal on my wrist and placed it between us.

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"Haha, it's a good start, shinobi need a lot of patience to succeed"

"Yeah true, but hopefully he doesn't make it a habit, I don't like wasting time"

After that we kept quiet and played.

"You know he went to your apartment yesterday to check it out, he wanted to know more about you, you should atleast keep it clean, even the food was spoiled, he also asked questions about the validity of the information he had on you"

"You're late old man, I already sold it 2 days ago and I knew he was going to go there so I kept it like that, don't want him to suspect anything too early even if he's already snooping around"

He started rubbing his temple before letting out a heavy sigh "You know you should let him on to some stuff, he was your fathers student after all"

I sneered "Old man don't play those emotional games with me, you know how he abandoned me, drowning in self pity and joined ANBU instead of looking after his senseis only son, my dad was a fool when he asked him to take care of me."

"He was just a young man, you can't expect him to shoulder all that responsibility after losing all those close to him"

"and I was just a newborn, what can you expect from me, both he and Jiraya ran away and had me dumped in a shit hole for half my life, if I didn't start relying on myself and training I would be dead under the villagers attacks, even some shinobi tried to hurt me when it was my birthday, I wasn't even surprised when ANBU didn't appear to stop them. I would write my name backwards if the civilian council didn't tamper with the ANBU protection detail."

"You still can't pu-"

"I said drop it old man, we all lose people close to us, even you are still feeling grief over your wife and son, I can feel it. If he can't handle grief then he shouldn't become a shinobi, this fucked up profession is all about kill or be killed, he even stopped training and his skills started deteriorating, a jonin at 12 and still the same level. He's a disgrace to my fathers legacy"

Hiruzen kept quiet when he heard what I said, I could also feel sadness radiating off him.

"Atleast try to open up for this old fools sake"

I didn't answer him and just kept playing. He didn't say anything either, meanwhile the ANBU started fidgeting from what they heard, I knew all of them, some of them had watched over me when I was small, especially Neko, I could feel her sadness since she hadn't realized most of what had happened to me. My clone soon dispelled telling me Kakashi was on his way.

"I'll be leaving for that stupid bell test old man, see you later"

He chuckled, "Take is easy on them will you" I waved and shunshined there before settling down on the tree over the 2 brats, I could see they haven't eaten anything. Kakashi came soon after.


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He waved his hands infront of his face with a sheepish look "Sorry sorry I got lost on the road of life, why don't you come down Naruto so we can start."

I jumped down next to Sasuke, he turned towards me "Hn dobe where were you" I ignored him and looked towards Kakashi.

"Alright now that you're all here, before we can start our Shinobi duties we need to have survival training" When they heard that both turned to look at me with surprise before Sakura asked.

"But sensei we already had training in the academy"

"This is different, your opponent in this will be me. Don't freak out but this training is a very difficult exam that all Jonins do with a failure rate of 66%. Which means of you 27 graduates only 9 will be chosen to stay as Genin, the rest will be sent back to the academy."

Sakura and Sasuke started feeling flustered though the later didn't show it. "Hn whats the point of the academy graduation then"

"That was just to see and weed out those who don't have a chance to become Genin. I hope you came prepared, the reason I didn't tell you is so that you know to always expect the unexpected, to be always prepared and see the underneath the underneath"

I looked on in amusement on the psychological game he was playing with us and tried not to laugh and show it on my face. He took out a clock and held out 2 bells.

"Alright, your task in this exercise is to get one of these bells from me before noon to pass the test, if you didn't get a bell by noon you'll be tied to a stump while watching me eat infront you. There are only 2 bells so one of you will be tied to the stump and if you don't get a bell then you'll be sent back to the academy which means atleast one you will have to go. Come at me with the intent to kill"

They listened to what he said and prepared temselves. "Hn you two don't get in my way"

Kakashi took out a book before he said "You can start when I say go. Ready, set, go"

Both Sasuke and Sakura jumped into the forest while I just stood there, Kakashi opened his book and started reading before addressing me "aren't you going to hide Naruto-kun"

"No point, I'll wait until they want to work together, this dumb exercise is just to show you how we react in situations where we are put up against eachother and if we are prepared to ignore our personal interest in favour of working together, isn't that right Kakashi, or should I call you Inu."

Kakashi was shocked to see his sensei son figure it out so quickly before his eyes sharpened and looked at Naruto after he heard him call his ANBU code name. "You shouldn't be knowing that"

I shrugged "I'm a sensor and have memorized your signature, it wasn't hard to deduce Inu-san"

He didn't get to answer before Shuriken came hurling towards him impaling his body, I saw Sasuke jump out with a shocked expression before it it turned into a victorious smirk as he looked at me. "Is that all he had, after all that talk, what a disappointment, it just gets to show how elite us Uchiha are"

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I rolled my eyes before pointing towards where Kakashi was, Sasuke turned and looked before he was shocked to see a log with shuriken impaled on it instead of their sensei.

"That wasn't very nice, You shouldn't let your guard down before confirming that the enemy is really down" Sasuke was shocked to hear Kakashis voice behind him, he quickly turned around and sent out a punch before it was caught but he followed up with a kick which Kakashi caught with his other hand, locking him in place.

"Feisty one aren't you Mr.Uchih-" before he could continue Sasuke twisted his whole body before sending a overhead kick towards Kakashi making him throw Sasuke away.

"Oh you're good, can't even get a chance to read my book" He started pouting before looking at Sasuke. I sent out Shuriken casually to distract him for a bit, he looked towards me with raised eyebrows before I shrugged though he ignored me when he heard Sasuke.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu " A big fireball was sent out towards Kakashi creating a big explosion around him when it landed, when the smoke cleared there wasn't anyone there. Sasuke was startled before he started looking around. He was suddenly grabbed in the ankle before being dragged down into the ground leaving only his head visible.

"Earth Style: Inner Decapitation. Shinobi fighting lesson #1 Ninjutsu, always be alert of the enemies techniques, you're already ahead in this than the others, but you know what they say, an exposed nail should be hammered in"

Kakashi dissappeared, Sasuke looked towards me. "Dobe, help me out so I can get him again." I ignored him before jumping in a tree to wait. I soon heard Sakura scream before Kakashis voice was projected in the forest.

"Shinobi skill #2 Genjutsu, Sakura easy fell for that one, though it might've been a bit too much"

I let out a shadow clones presence to lure him towards it for a game of hide and seek while I carried Sakura to regroup. Sakura woke up when I dropped her but she fainted when she just saw Sasukes head, I facepalmed before dragging Sasuke out and slapping Sakura awake. "You know, for you two to be apparently the smartest in the academy, you're really stupid for not figuring out the objective yet."


"Hn, what do you mean dobe."

Before I could explain Kakashi appeared after my clone dispelled. "Oh isn't this a nice little reunion, nice distraction Naruto, but lets move on to Shinobi fighting lesson #3 Taijutsu."

I could feel him appear behind me. "Hidden Leaf Ancient Taijutsu Supreme Technique: A Thousand Years of Pain" I looked back at him to see him squatted down frozen in a tiger seal. I had triggered a Paralysis seal that I had my shadow clones place earlier.

"You know, I wouldn't have done anything of you didn't want to use that move, but since you want to play I'll entertain you" 4 clones appeared around him before one kicked him in the face making him bend his back, the other clones followed up with a kick each to the sides and back sending him flying up. They each shouted out "UZU" "MA" "KI" "NARUTO RENDAN" I appeared above him with a somersaulting heel drop towards his head sending him crashing on the ground creating a smokescreen. I landed back down before looking up on the left tree. Kakashi was standing there wiping sweat off his forehead.

"Hooh they don't call you Kakashi no Sharingan for nothing, a perfect substitution, but how long can you keep up"

Sakura and Sasuke were surprised to see and hear what I did. Before Sasuke could ask me what I meant about the Sharingan he was dumbfounded when he saw Kakashi move up his forehead protector to show off a mature Sharingan with 3 tomoes.

"Huh, that must be the eye you gained from your teammate when he supposedly died. I heard it's really taxing to use"

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"You seem to know alot about me Naruto-kun, how about we kick it up a notch"

I shrugged "Meh, but it's already time out" As soon as I said that the clock went off and sent out an alarm. Kakashi dropped down the tree looking dissappointed and went back to his relaxed posture before lowering his protector. He clapped once.

"A pity, none of you managed to get a bell which means that you all fai-" Before he ended his sentence I revealed 2 bells and threw them towards Sakura and Sasuke, they caught it out of relflex and froze. Kakashi looked down at his belt and still saw 2 bells there, before he could say anything they disappeared with a puff of smoke. He looked at me with raised eyebrows "When?"

"When you were frozen behind me, I transformed 2 clones before substituting them with the real ones"

"EH, sensei didn't you say the one who doesn't have a bell goes back to the academy, doesn't it mean that Naruto will have to go now that he gave us the bells."

I looked at Sakura with pity, that's why I called her an idiot. I could see Kakashis eyebrows twitching, "Naruto figured out the objective and managed to help you two out while you didn't notice"

"Hn when did the dobe do anything for- Ugh" He got pinned down and stepped on by Kakashi before he could finish. He looked down at Sasuke and released a bit of pressure.

"You're one mean punk huh kid, are you underestimating what a Shinobi is, why do you think you were divided into teams and are doing this training. Shinobi duties are done by a team, personal ability is important but what's even more important is teamwork."

"Get your foot of my Sasuke!"

He took out a Kunai and held it at Sasuke throat "Let me give you an example then. Sakura kill Naruto or I'll end Sasukes life" Both of them froze when they heard that.

"You see, you'll have to make tough decisions in some duties that may risk your life, you 2 didn't understand the answer to this test. This exercise was to see if you could ignore personal interest and work together in a task, which means TEAMWORK. Naruto managed to understand that and had to work around your incompetence to help you out, he distracted me with shuriken while Sasuke was taking his time creating a fireball and he lured me around to help you both regroup not to mention he gave up the bells"

"But that's his fault, he could've just have told us Kakashi sensei" Kakashi got up and released Sasuke before I looked at them, "Oh and with your attitudes do you think that you would listen, didn't I tell you about it already, but here you are today without heeding my advice about both eating and the training."

Kakashi walked up to the memorial stone "Look at this, the numerous names carved on this stone are all heroes of the Leaf recognized by everyone, they died on duty protecting the village from outside threats, even my best friends name is carved on it, you have to remember an important piece of information which is always to see underneathe the underneath, a Shinobi that breaks the rules and codes are trash but those who don't take care of their comrades are worse than trash"

He looked back at us "Today you manged to pass because of Naruto so reflect on that, we will meet here tommorow at the same time for missions, ja ne"

After Kakashi left Sasuke came up and blocked my path "Dobe fight me"

"No time to waste on you, see ya" I threw the 2 bentos I made and shunshined away, I can't be bothered with entertaining him, we'll start The D tommorow, hopefully I can trick them and use shadow clones.

Timeline: 23rd January Year 63 ME - The bell test

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