Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 18

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It's been a week since we became a team and started doing missions, we are currently only doing training and D ranks to build up our teamwork, it's really started getting on my nerves how Kakashi doesn't actually train us, even if I don't care about them they're still my teammates and I don't want dead weight out in the open, they'll just be a burden when we do harder missions so I had to take drastic measures to make sure Kakashi does his job properly

We were currently in the training ground learning all the formations for a Genin cell while Kakashi was on the side reading his book and occasionally giving us directions. I stopped and looked at him.

"Alright Kalashi thats it, you're too much!"

"Whats wrong?"

"You dare ask me what's wrong, you're a fucking Jonin sensei, start acting like one, you're pathetic. We have been at this for a week and I've waited for you to take your role seriously"

"Hn what do you mean dobe?"

I looked at Sasuke "Are you really stupid, you didn't notice how he hasn't taught us anything? it's like he's expecting us to be like him and learn stuff out of our ass, his role is to strengthen our foundation and teach us the basics of a Shinobi to prepare us for the world, instead he's being a lazy retard teaching us formations when we don't even have the basic skills needed to effectively use it"

"Hn I dont need anyone to train me, I'm strong alone"

I snorted "Oh yeah and how is that working out for you Mr.Genius, why aren't you a Jonin yet, Our lazy sensei managed to become Genin at 5, Chunin at 6 and Jonin at 12 and he didn't do much, it was thanks to his dead father and the teachings of the Yondaime. You can't be strong without help from a instructor to point out your flaws and make sure you learn correctly, all you do is probably train until you drop while reading your "Elite" Library everyday which will only hurt your own body. You're not even close to reaching your brothers level and you will never be at this rate"


I looked at him with disdain, Kakashi still had his head in the book but I could feel distress, "Ma ma calm down both of you, Narut-"

"No Kakashi, you need to start teaching us, we don't have anyone else to go to, Sasukes is alone, Sakura is a civilian and I'm an orphan, we aren't blessed like you to have support."

He closed his book and returned it to his pouch, "That really hurts Naruto kun, I am training you"

I snorted "You made me do this then, you can say bye bye to Icha Icha, I've bought the book store, burned the copies and removed the ones in the library, Oh and your apartment really has good security too bad it didn't sto-"

He stared at me with horror and disappeared before I could finish.

"Stop being disrespectful! What did you do to sensei Naruto"

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"I confiscated his most precious collection, wait for it. 5....4.....3.....2....1"


We heard a loud shriek from a distance, I think everyone heard it. I looked at them both and smirked

"That should give him motivation to train us"

He soon came back to us and looked at me with bloodshot eyes, before he could do anything I warned him "Try anything funny and a shadow clone will burn you whole collection down" He stared at me before he slumped and squatted with dark raindclouds over his head, it didn't stay long before his eyes lit up and it was like the sun bloomed. He took out the book he had on his pouch.

"Oh your forgot this one, my baby I'll protect you with my lif-"

I placed my hand in a sign "KAI" and the book went up in flames.

"MY PRECIOUSS!!!!" He looked listless, like someone took his soul.

"If you don't want your other stuff to share the same fate then do your duty"

"How can you do this! I'll report you to the Hokage?"

With a evil smirk I looked down at him "I already took care of Hokage-jiji, he won't interfere unless he wants his own collection to end up the same"

He pointed at me with terror"Y-you're evil, what do you want"

"You need to train us, you have to make a training plan to each of us specialised to cater all our needs which you should know since you've observed us for a week, you also need to make pinky drop her fangirl tendencies and diet, also broody needs counselling. You have to take us to ramen once a week too. When you finish that I'll give you a book a week depending if you keep up with your duties or not. I'll also provide any Fuinjutsu seals needed for training so you don't have to waste money on us"

He got up with an evil glint in his eyes making the other 2 shiver "Fine, if you want training I'll give it to you, don't come complaining then"

Far away in a forest Anko shivered before letting out a sadistic smirk "There is a disturbance in the force, fufufufu"

It's been two months since then and I could honestly say it went well, Sasuke got sent to a Yamanaka four times a week under Kakashis recommendation and Hiruzens orders, the reason he didn't have that before is because he was young and it was dangerous to dive into a young mind. They found out that some of his memories were fractured from a strong Genjutsu creating a trauma that makes him re-live that memory everyday, they were instantly alert and took him in for 3 days to fix the damage, they found out about Tsukuyomi and decided to lock the memory of that fixing his mind in the process. When he came out he looked refreshed and almost peaceful, looked really weird, he also managed to get a 2 tomoe Sharingan since he already unlocked it at the night of the massacre but it was locked due to the trauma and fear from the Mangekyo.

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Sakura was given an ultimatum to stop her degratory habits or quit as a Shinobi, after she accepted she was sent to the hospital to see how serious damage a kunoichi can receive, she was terrified not to say the least and almost quit but hardened her resolve when she saw that her Sasuke-kun was working hard. She was sent to Anko after training sessions, lets just say I prayed for her.

Kakashi really surprised me and managed to create a ANBU level training plan for each of us, I created and gave them Restriction and Gravity seals that change depending on how much chakra you feed it, he had Sakura mostly focus on being a field medic because of her chakra control, she had really low reserves so she didn't need long to get her chakra control to enough levels, meanwhile he gave Sasuke training in being a mid to close range fighter while teaching him Sharingan Genjutsu and I became the close range Nin-Taijutsu fighter because of my chakra and endless stamina. I removed my Restriction seal and started using Gravity seals since it wouldn't stop my growth anymore. I had around 350 KG in each limb and chest at the moment which restricted my strength to around mid Chunin. If I remember correctly Lee had 90 KG on his legs by the time of Chunin exams. Speaking of Lee, Kakashi sent us training with Team Gai for physical conditioning, lets just say after that disgusting Spring Time of Youth display I quit going and sent a clone instead while doing my own training.

I was currently sitting with Hiruzen without a disguise on while playing Shogi and drinking tea, Iruka was here too since he got recommended to help out in mission administration as well as a few others, when he saw me he was surprised but didn't recognize me so just kept working, Hiruzen had a clone working alongside the people.

"If I knew you could motivate Kakashi like that I would have asked you to do it earlier Lord Uzumaki" He calls me that to not blow my cover.

"He just needed a bit of persuasion and he really became a good sensei"

"How are things going?"

"Well we managed to fix up the little girl to bring her around Mid Genin in skill with some medic training, but she still has a long road ahead of her since her foundation is terrible, atleast she is smart and has a Eiditic Memory so she soaks up knowledge quickly. Broody is around Mid Chunin now, since he unlocked his eyes, his Clans Tai, Nin and Genjutsu are finally compatible with him so he's working at a fast pace. But he needs to try working with the team better and not be impulsive in some scenarios or else it might cost him. I also managed to tag the sensei with a gravity seal and he's training with them to return to his peak. His chakra reduces with his physical strength so he can barely go for 10 minutes with the eye before he collapses."

"Hooh, its heartening to see you help them like that"

I snorted while moving a general "Don't misunderstand, I just don't want them to be a burden. Check"

He started laughing while moving the king on the board "What are they doing now"

"They accepted Toras mission, they should be here soon, I sensed them catching her"

They soon came in with my clone following holding a black cat.

"Team 7 reporting in for a completed D rank"

A lady came in soon and took the cat hugging and choking it at the same time. I felt pity. I saw Kakashi observing me with curiosity.

"Good job Kakashi, What do you want next a ba- oh I see you saw Lord Uzumaki, Lord Uzumaki this is Kakashi Hatake, a student of the late 4th that I told you about" I was shocked and looked at Hiruzen to see his eyes twinkling with amusement, what a bastard, if he wants to play lets do it. I hid my whiskers and took down my scarf.

When Kakashi walked in to the room he saw the Hokage sitting down and playing shogi with a stranger he hasn't seen before, he was shocked because he didn't feel his presence at all, he couldn't see much of his face since it was covered mostly, but he had red/blonde hair with strange markings around his eyes like he hadn't slept in forever with the kanji "Fuin" in his blue eyes. He was wearing mostly black with a muscle shirt, cargo pants, sandals and fingerless gloves with a red scarf and a longsleeved white haori. He didn't pay much attention to him at first but when he heard what the Hokage said and when he took down his scarf for a bit he was dazed, he thought he saw his sensei wife for a second.

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"Hn dobe I didn't know you were part of a clan"

"I'm not, no idea what this is about"

"But you have the same surname baka."

Kakashi quickly recovered when he heard his students talk. "Its nice to meet you for the first time Lord Uzumaki or do you prefer Kurai Ka-"

Before Kakashi could finish he appeared beside him with an arm around his shoulder, he tensed before starting to sweat, he didn't even feel him move, he still didn't sense anything from him but his instict was screaming death.

"Ne ne come on Kakashi-san, don't be so constipated, just call me Aiko, we're close to family anyway since Kushina accepted you, right?"

Kakashi couldn't answer him, he was trying not to tremble from the psychological pressure he was feeling, the guy didn't give off a presence but his instict was haywired. It was like looking up at a mountain crushing down on him.

"Ne Hiruzen I might've broken him" I patted his shoulder before returning to my seat.

Meanwhile the other 2 were shocked when they saw what happened, they knew this guy was strong but they couldn't tell how much, even their sensei was frozen.

Kakashi swallowed to hydrate his dry throat before asking "How do you know senseis wife"

"Oh we're related by blood, and I decided to come here to see her, but when I found out she passed away I decided to stay"

"She never mentioned you"

When I heard Kakashi say that I wanted laugh really hard and I could see Hiruzen holding it in too "She wouldn't would she, she did mention you though in a letter, I hope you took care of her legacy or else she would be really dissappointed" He started fidgeting and I could see his awkwardness I couldn't hold it anymore and started to guwaffing holding my stomach. Hiruze joined in after.

"Don't worry about him Kakashi, he's just joking around with you, now what mission would you like to take today"

I answered before he could "Didn't that builder come in before, why don't you give them that C rank it would be good as experience"

Hiruzen looked at me with a inquisitive look and I signalled to tell him later. I could see both Sasukes and Sakuras enthusiasm when they heard they can stop doing D ranks,

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"Hmm, is your team ready for C rank Kakashi, you're their sensei" He looked towards his students but before he could answer a loud voice cut in.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT, I'm sorry Hokage-sama but they can't be ready, they are just graduated rookies and need more time" All of us turned to see Iruka. This should be interesting.

Kakashi had a stern look as he faced Iruka "They are my students not yours anymore and they are ready when I say they are, So stand down Chunin. Hokage-sama Team 7 is ready for a C rank."


"Enough Iruka, Kakashi is right, this mission is a C Rank protection detail for a certain person. Send in the client"

"Hai Hokage-sama"

He left and came back with a drunk man, the heavy alcoholic smell made me frown, my nose was too sensitive.

"What's this, are these my protection? they are just a bunch of super brats especially the shortest with the super stupid looking face, are they even shinobi."

I've seen this before but he really pisses me off. Hiruzen seeing Naruto twitching hurriedly interjected before he would beat up the client.

"I assure you of the quality of our shinobi Tazuna-san, why don't you introduce yourself."

"Alright listen here brats, I am the super expert bridge builder Tazuna, I expect you to provide me super protection until I reach my country and finish my super bridge."

Kakashi intructed us to go pack and meet him at the gate in 30 minutes. When they all left Hiruzen turned towards me with raised eyebrows,

"He's lying about the mission, it's not as simple as he says it is, he was restless and I could feel anxiety and fear. If it's wave it might have something to do with the Gato we recieved intelligence about a while back, I decided to take it so no other team goes, it might be a good experience and if anything goes wrong I'm there so it should be fine. If its higher than the intended parameter then we'll take a comission when the bridge is finished to open a trade route agreement, will be benefical."

"Hmm, that's a good idea, I'll leave it to your discretion but I want a detailed report after you come back"

"I'll be seeing you later then." I shunshined out to prepare.

Timeline: 15th of March Year 63 ME - Wave Arc

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