Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 19

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We were currently on our way to the Wave country escorting Tazuna, we left an hour ago and were going in a civilian pace so it should be 5 hours before we reach Tazunas home.

We were walking in a formation with Kakashi at the back, Sasuke and Sakura at the sides with me leading the way at the front, it was a relatively quiet and peaceful walk but I had spread my perception earlier and noticed 2 Chunin level Shinobi behind us, they were trailing behind us for a while before they sped ahead.

"Umm Tazuna-san you're from the Wave country right?"

"Yeah what about it?"

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"Then don't you have shinobi? why come to Konoha?"

"They don't have shinobi Sakura. There are hidden villages in most other countries, which means they have shinobi. You have to understand that to most countries a hidden village equals to military power, thats how they hold and maintain advantages over other countries, the villages don't rule a country but they stand on equal grounds with the government, most of them recieve their funds from their daimyo by requests and missions that come in for them to complete. So for a small country like Wave that doesn't get attention and interference from other countries won't need a hidden village. There are 5 countries that stand at the top thanks to their hidden village, these 5 are the only countries that the military leader gets the title of "Kage" which are respectively Lightning Country in the Nort East with their Hidden Cloud Village ruled by the Raikage, The Water Country in the East with their Hidden Mist Village ruled by the Mizukage, The Rock Country in the North West with their Hidden Rock Village ruled by the Tsuchikage, The Fire Country in the middle led by us The Hidden Leaf Village which is ruled by our Hokage and The Wind Country in the West with our ally The Hidden Sand Village ruled by the Kazekage."

"Oh so the Hokage is amazing isn't he Kakashi sensei"

"Don't doubt the Hokage Sakura, he may be old but he's the strongest shinobi in the village, and this is a C rank mission so we wont be fighting shinobi, only some bandits and strays."

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"Hn, How strong can they be"

"You can't rank a Kage in the shinobi ranking since he has a whole village under his command, no one dares to mess with them. The global ranking goes from Genin -> Chunin -> Jonin -> Elite Jonin -> S-Rank -> SS-Rank -> SSS-Rank. A Kage can go between Elite Jonin to SS depending on his personal ranking but they rarely fight because of the collateral damage they can cause, There had been a couple of Kages reaching over S rank but it was rare, all our Kages were atleast S in their prime, the 4th was even recorded in the Bingo Book as a SS Flee-on-Sight because of his Hiraishin giving him the moniker Yellow Flash.

"What about SSS rank Kakashi sensei"

"That rank was only made in the honor of 2 people, the only recognized SSS Shinobi recorded would be Madara Uchiha and our First Hokage Hashirama Senju back in when they founded the village. They even had a dispute with eachother and started a fight"

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"Hn who won"

"It was said that Madara died in that battle and the whole earth recieved scar in the process of their fight. People later created 2 monuments of them in that scar placing Hashirama on the Land of Fire's side of the waterfall and Madara on the opposite side to symbolise his defection from the village. The statues are posed to make the traditional shinobi sparring seal of confrontation, which is protocol before a duel and named it The Valley Of The End"

"That's sooo cool, I wish I could go see it"

Before they could continue I clapped and placed a hand behind my back. /2 Chunin, Front, Prepare to Engage, Set formation C, Check Objective, /.

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Sasuke started smirking, It was finally time for him to show them how a elite Uchiha fights, screw the formation I'll take them down quickly. He soon saw the puddle infront and knew it was there, his hands started trembling with excitement. They passed the puddle before the 2 attacked chaining Kakashi and tearing him apart, I froze for a second before running towards them to engage.


"DAMN SASUKE" He heard the Sakura and the dobe behind him shouting, snort, I'm not giving this up to him, I'll show him. He took out a Shuriken and threw it at the chain pinning it against a tree, he jumped over the first and appeared infront of the 2nd enemy, dodging his claw from the left he held his hand before twisting it, slamming him down the ground and hitting him in the back of the head making him faint. He let out a victorious smirk before turning around, it was time for the second, no need for stupid teamwork. He didn't get to turn completely before he heard Sakura scream his name and he got splashed with blood.

*Woosh* *Slash* *PSSHHH* *Puchi* *Drip, Drip*

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