Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 20

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Sakura did not know what happened, everything went on too quickly for her to catch up on. They were walking when she heard Naruto clap and signal, she discretely went closer to Tazuna to wait for the enemies, when they passed the puddle she heard them attack and instantly jumped infront of Tazuna, she saw Kakashi being ripped apart and was instantly terrified of them if they could do that to him.



She heard Naruto and focused back to see Sasuke pin the chain into the tree and take down one of them.


She then saw the 2nd shinobi throw one end of the chain towards her and send his claw flying towards Sasukes back. A kunai appeared and sent the chain flying off course. She ignored it and shouted to warn Sasuke


She was petrified to see the enemy shinobis head sent flying, creating a fountain of red. Kakashi and Naruto appeared infront of Sasuke at the same time to block the claw but Naruto managed to stop it with a red sheathed tanto though not before it penetrated his hand. She saw Naruto take out the claw and hide his hand in his sleeve and the tanto disappeared before her brain processed what happened. She instantly started reeching and vomited.

"Ughh" Hurts like a bitch, god damn it, this egoistical kid will get me killed one day, I managed to send a Wind blade towards the enemy but it was too late to stop the claw, I didn't know if Kakashi can make it to Sasuke in time. I was too arrogant to think I could still have the Gravity seal on. I wouldn't be fast enough so I shunshined and took out my tanto at the same time, I managed to stop its momentum with my right hand, piercing it in the process and stopped it completely with my tanto on the other hand, I felt Kakashi behind me, so he would've made it in time. God damn it. I hurriedly hid my hand while my Senjutsu and Kuramas chakra healed the damage and purged the poison. The damn blood of the headless corpse was drenching us.

"Naruto!! are you alright," Kakashi was terrified when he saw what happened, he thought they would be able to handle it alone but then he saw Sasuke run off into the enemies and take one down, he saw the chain go towards Sakura so he threw a kunai to shoot it off course before he saw the claw flying, he instantly appeared infront of Sasuke to see the enemies head sent flying with a thin blade and Naruto appearing infront him to block the claw, when he heard Narutos grunt he thought he was injured. He also saw Sakura vomiting at the side.

"I'm fine sensei, just the inertia from pushing speed past my limit, nothing to worry about"

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Sakura soon recovered but still had a pale face. "Naruto baka is your hand alright!"

"There is nothing wrong with my hand Sakura"

"But I saw the cl-"

I took out my hand before showing it to her, it was covered in blood but you couldn't see a visible injury. "See it's fine, don't worry about me" She looked unsure but nodded.

Kakashi let out a sigh of relief before turning around, seeing Sasuke frozen with blood on his face he couldn't help but get angry, this is exactly situations that he wanted to avoid, all this training and he's still reckless. He wanted to berrate him but he saw Naruto walk up to him.

He punched Sasuke in the face sending him crashing into a tree. Sasuke hadn't recovered from his shock from seeing Kakashi stand infront of him and the blood before he was sent flying by a punch from Naruto.

"SASUKE!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING NARUTO BAKA" Kakashi stopped Sakura and with a hard voice said "Be quiet".

I walked up to him and carried him up by his shirt and slamming him into the tree again. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT KID!!, We had a plan and you go fuck it up, WHY DID YOU IGNORE AN ORDER!"

"I had it handled dobe, I didn't need your help"

"Are you stupid?, if it wasn't for me and Kakashi you would be a dead man walking"

He smirked and answered "What do you mean dobe, I already took down one of them and was going to take down the second, you're just jealous "

I was dumbfounded from his answer, this kid really makes one speechless. I dragged him to show him the body and claw. He had a green face when he saw such a scene. " You see that?, because of you we had to eliminate one of them when we could have taken him down normally and interrogate them for their objective. You put the safety of the whole team in jeopardy, with Kakashi assumed dead I got command over the team like we fought over before. We're only 3 protecting the client, and that would have made it one because you went and attacked without assessing the situation making me save you and leave Sakura, what if another appeared next to Sakura and killed her and the client. What would your stupid pride go when we go back and report we failed a mission and a teammate, they would haul your ass to a T&I cell for insubordination. Next time I won't even save you and let you die if you ignore us like that again, atleast Sakura listened and I could work with her, lets see where your elite Uchiha status gets you in the underworld kid."

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I threw him down Sasuke. Kakashi was silent throughout the exchange and didn't comment about anything, I could feel Sakuras distress from what she heard, she was probably deciding if she would back up Sasuke but she had no valid reason for why. I ignored then and walked towards the unconcious fellow, carried him and walked into the forest.

"Where are you going Naruto"

"Blowing off steam and finding out why we have 2 Chunin after us, be a dear and see if Tazuna knows anything, we can proceed after we get the information we need."

"Will you be alright?" Kakashi asked concerned.

I knew what he meant "Haha, don't worry Kakashi, this isn't my first kill" I found it amusing but I could feel he was disturbed from my comment.

Kakashi didn't follow up and let Naruto go, he turned towards Sasuke, "I'm disappointed in you Sasuke, I thought I taught you not to let your pride cloud your judgement and thought you learned that lesson, Naruto was right about the situation being worse if it wasn't just 2 enemies, never assume anything when going into a fight and always be prepared, I'm talking to you too Sakura, you did a great job protecting the client but make sure not to lose focus next time, that chain was coming towards you but you ignored it, If I didn't send it off course you would have been seriously hurt or even worse, killed, also try to re-evaluate a situation after a fight before you go up against your teammate. Personal feelings have no place in a mission, they'll cloud your judgement."

When he saw her tremble and nod he turned towards Tazuna who had a terrified expression from what he saw.

"Naruto might not have seen it, but I could see the chain was aimed at you, this was supposed to be a simple C rank mission to protect you from thieves and gangs, not shinobi. What is it you're not telling us. This mission should be a expensive B rank atleast from those two alone, I'm sure you have a reason but you lied in the mission detail which means we're operating outside our duties."

Tazuna started sweating, he soon caved in and told them everything about the situation.

"Hmm so this Gato controls the whole country and wants to kill you because he fears the completion of the bridge"

"We should quit Kakashi sensei, if its true what he said then we won't know how many shinobi he hired"

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"You're right we should, this has reached outside our capabilities"

"No need, lets continue this mission, I don't want to see people needlessly suffer if I can help it. I finished with this one Kakashi, he's a subordinate of The Demon of The Mist Zabuza Momochi, A rank missing nin, they were hired by Gato Corporations to assassinate the bridge builder to stop the construction and crush the countrys hope. According to him there are 2 more shinobi, one being Zabuza himself and another Chunin level Ice user. We should be able to handle it and work out a payment agreement after the bridge is finished."

They turned around to find Naruto there dragging the unconcious and now bloody shinobi.

"Hmmm, alright, but I'll send for an extraction unit for these 2 and ask for further orders from HQ before we continue. Can you find us a place to rest Naruto, preferably close to a body of water."

I nodded before dropping the shinobi next to the other while slapping a Paralysis seal on him. "There is a open field next to a stream 3 KM from here. We can rest out there."

He nodded before we started walking quietly, we reached the stream and took turns to freshen up while eating a bit of rations. Kakashi summoned a dog and sent it out with a scroll before turning to us.

"Alright this mission has atleast exceeded B rank and assume we might be attacked any time, so stay alert of your surroundings, our new parameter is to protect Tazuna to his home and wait further orders. Am I clear?!"


We resumed the journey in the same formation. Sasuke was silent throughout the rest of the journey. It was 3 hours later when we reached a big river covered in mist, Tazuna guided us towards shore and we found a boat waiting for us with a young man there.

"Phew Tazuna-san you made it! Quickly get on!"

We quietly boarded the boat and he started steering it quietly towards the other side.

"Wow what a thick mist" Sakura started to curiously look around not being able to see far due to the mist.

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Fisherman "We should be arriving in Wave country soon, it's at the base of the bridge so be quiet, why do you think we're quietly crossing instead of using the engine, we don't want to be noticed by Gatos goons"

I snorted, I could already feel a high Jonin chakra level on the other side. We soon saw a huge bridge reveal itself infront us. It was still under construction, we could see machinery working at the edge. The fisherman steered the boat through a tunnel with vegetation and we came out on the other side, trees were sprouting out of the water with a wooden harbor on the side. It looked amazing with the mist surrounding it creating a breathtakingly mysterious scenery. We got to the harbor and disembarked from the boat.

"Tazuna-san it seems that we managed to avoid detection but this is as far as I can take you, good luck"

"Thank you"

We walked out of the harbor and quietly kept going, Sasuke suddenly moved and threw out a Shuriken towards the right bush.

"What was that for Sasuke-kun?"

"Hn, I thought I felt someone there"

Kakashi walked out and moved the bush, he saw it was a snow white rabbit. Kakashi paused and started thinking furiously on why there was such a rabbit here, he soon tensed when he realized it was raised to be used for Substitution. He felt something coming towards them, but before he could warn them he saw Naruto tackle everyone down just as a huge cleaver flew past them and into a tree.

Naruto had already felt Zabuzas presence so before the sword came he held all 3 and threw them down. Zabuza appeared on the sword and looked towards us. I instantly signaled for a triangle formation before getting up front. I'll only intervene if it's necessary, hopefully Kakashis training paid off and he won't get caught.

"Well well, no wonder the demon brothers failed, if it isn't The Copy Ninja Kakashi no Sharingan, the shinobi who copied over a thousand techniques, what brought you all the way here to this neighbourhood hehehe, if you don't mind I just want to have a personal talk with the old man there"

"Well this is troublesome Zabuza Momochi-kun, I'll have to decline your offer since the bridge builders time is already taken up by us, try next month" I snorted in amusement when I heard that.

Kakashi turned to us, "You guys stay put and protect Tazuna, he's out of your league" he pulled up his protector to show the Sharingan.

"Sadly I can't wait and I already get to see the famous Sharingan, I didn't know it was christmas today. A eye that can copy anything it sees, lets stop talking and test that out shall we"

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